I CHEATED and ate some BAD FOOD!

Robbie G.
on 1/23/07 6:49 am - Tulsa, OK
Wendell, you bad boy........I knew you were fooling us.  I went to luch with colleges today after a book conference. They ordered this really BIG layered cheese fries.  They looked so good and i felt compelled to try it.  I just put about and 1/4 of a cup on my plate and enjoyed it while they only ate half of the mountain of fries.  I knew I had my lunch coming, a taco wrap that i unfolded and ate the contents.  Life is good.  Now I eat like my skinny friends always did.  Cool dude. 
Meghan G.
on 1/23/07 6:52 am - St. Michael, MN
Thanks for this post Wendell. As I near my surgery date I learn more and more from people on this board. I am starting to keep some of the posts in a Word document so that I can go back to them when I need them. I hope you don't mind that I will be adding this one to the file. I love your perspective on eating and I can't wait to free myself from the power that food has over me!
Meghan       "Never eat more than you can lift." ~Miss Piggy
260/249/220/130 (Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal)
Phyllis C.
on 1/23/07 6:53 am
This whole issue is way to complex for me to say that food has no hold on me anymore.  For one thing I never suffered any guilt over food, ever.  I felt disgusted with myself for being fat and for not being able to control my appetite, but that is not guilt. I do believe that some foods are better to eat than others.  But I want what I want when I want it.  The thing about the lap band is that some of the foods that are not so good go down with ease.  I have noticed that I am not as obsessed with food as I used to be.  However, let some stressful situation arise and I think choclolate fudge brownie, where are you???????  Hunger never had much to do with why I ate. The band helps me with portion control....period end of sentance.  It doesn't stop me from getting hungry.  I doesn't stop me from craving certain foods.  I doesn't help me make healthier choices.  It doesn't stop me from wanting to self medicate with food.  It will make me think twice, because food requires more thought now.  I can't just drop everything and eat, eat, eat! I wi**** were more simple for me.  I am slowly learning to work with this band and I hope that the punishment it deals out when I try to have it my way will teach me to give up my food addiction, if that is possible. You are very fortunate that your band works with your psychie the way that it does.  Much continued success to you.

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

honeybadger 11
on 1/23/07 8:55 am - FL
Wendell-  You are AWESOME....so how much do I owe you for the psych appointment . You really give the best advise on food and being recently banded I plan to have the same outlook on food. I just hope I can do it as well as you have!!  I think you just love getting the hate mail from the "FOOD POLICE" Jennifer

Revision to DS 11/9/11                                  LapBand 12/2006
SW  321/ CW 248/ GW 185                           SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
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