I CHEATED and ate some BAD FOOD!

(deactivated member)
on 1/23/07 5:10 am - Aberdeen, WA
 OK, it's a trick to make people look at this post. I hear some people refer to cheating and bad food when referring to eating something. I know my viewpoint is unusual, but I don't believe that ANY food is "CHEATING" and I don't believe that any food is "BAD FOOD". To me, the phrase "Cheating" and the phrase "BAD FOOD" are leftovers from back in the bad old days when I was "Dieting" (Another bad word, in my opinion) Something that I came to realize during my journey was this: "FOOD IS JUST FOOD" Food, regardless of the food, no longer holds an emotional punishment for me. I don't beat myself up for eating a Butterfinger. I am no longer aghast that I want a piece of chocolate cake on my birthday, and the ice-cream to go along with that cake. That makes me a little different from a lot of folks, who still regard certain foods as "BAD", and eating those foods as "CHEATING". I realized that all of the emotional baggage that I attached to eating, or wanting to eat, certain foods gave those foods POWER OVER ME, and I didn't want to be a slave to food any more. So I began to look at food differently. I look at food and say: "Well, I can have a serving of that" rather than "Oh my God! If I taste that cake, I am going to be FAT FOREVER!" It's a more relaxed state of being. One where I feel free to choose reasonable amounts of food, based on my dietary requirements, rather than whether or not my old way of thinking believes a food item to be "GOOD" or "BAD". Food is just food, and nothing more. There is no such thing as "Cheating" since I allow myself to have whatever I want, within moderation. There is no such thing as "BAD FOOD" since I allow myself to enjoy all types of food, within moderation. I cannot eat the huge quantities of food that made me morbidly obese, because I wear a Lap-Band. And a small portion of ANY food will not make me regain the 200+ pounds that I have lost. Food is just food, and nothing more. Everything in moderation.
on 1/23/07 5:18 am - Beaumont, TX
Wendell, I appreciate your outlook.  I am still trying to change how I view food.  Thanks for the boost!
on 1/23/07 5:23 am - Clinton, MD
You are lucky to be able to work it like that because where I got into trouble is with the "moderation" part.  I am staying away from things that make me want to eat them in large quantities (chocolate, peanut butter, etc.) but I hope to be able to add them back "in moderation" when I have reached my goal weight.  However, I may never be able to do that since I am a food addict.    Would you be willing to tell me what your BMI is now?  Are you at your goal?  If not, do you think you will have to be more mindful of what you eat when you are nearer or at your goal?
Jean B.
on 1/23/07 5:24 am - St. Paul, MN
Wendell, that is such a healthy way to look at food and eating.  My goal is to be able to eat like my mom does - which is basically what you described. She's 83, healthy and has never had a weight problem.  She has preached moderation to me my whole life.  I'm hoping with the help of my band, that I can put moderation into practice.  Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

on 1/23/07 5:48 am - Southwest, MO

I want you to know how much I enjoy your posts.  AND how much it improves my outlook!   


Lap-Band 11/2006
Removal 10/2007
Sleeve scheduled!! 

on 1/23/07 5:56 am - Arlington, VA
Wendell, Thank you for the encouraging post!  People have already said "do you miss pizza?" , "do you miss chocolate?  They believe now that I am banded those are no more! Well temporarily they are because I am on pureed foods! haha However, if I can't have a slice of birthday cake for my upcoming 30th b-day then what is the point!  When I used to do that I felt less then others and I felt it was 'punishment'.  I am NOT ever doing that to myself AGAIN! My problem was eating obscene amounts of food when others ate 1/4 to 1/2 of what I ate!  That is why I am banded!   I gave up quantity NOT quality! 
Arlington, VA
"A life without struggle has no achievement."

Start | Current | Goal 
 408  |   311   | 225

*7.8cc fill as of 7/23/07  
*Profile/Picture updated 6/30/07
Sharon T.
on 1/23/07 6:01 am - Southern , WI
Wendell, I agree, basically! I never thought I would say this, but.....NOW, I eat to live, not live to eat! I can eat any food, and if it's what everyone calls "bad food," just a few bites, satisfies me! THAT to me, is a much more relaxed lifestyle!


At goal, 155 bs. Started at 290. 7 years out! WAHOO~ 

on 1/23/07 6:09 am
I suspect obese people have been "trained" that they cannot trust themselves. They will not stop eating when full, they will not stop eating something "bad" or sugary or fattening or whatever. In my opinion part of the band retraining is that we can make our own decisions and be left alone with a chocolate cake and not eat more than any other person in the room would have. And we actually can turn that same chocolate cake down...because yesterday we had a butterfinger crisp!


on 1/23/07 6:13 am - Fairfax, VA
Lap Band on 02/14/07 with
Hello Wendell, I've truly enjoyed reading your posts over the last week, but this one I had to respond to.  Your mentality towards food is remarkable and inspirational.  I've never seen it put quite that way, but your words made absolute sense.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts and inspiring so many of us. Take care of yourself and keep up the excellent job.
Toni M. Banded 2/14/07
Surgery / Now / Goal
268.4 / 234.5 / 155

Karen R.
on 1/23/07 6:35 am - Gering, NE
If I want it...I eat it.....maybe only one bite of a candy bar and not the super sized one.... Maybe 1/2 piece of birthday cake and not a huge one with an extra helping of cool whip.... If I tell myself I cant have it...I crave it and it becomes dangerous

On the road again....so glad to be on the road again.... 

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