a penny for YOUR thoughts..

on 1/22/07 7:23 am, edited 1/22/07 7:32 am - socal, CA
i am thinking that it is so nice to have most of my pain gone...  this is what i want to do...oh i guess i will need to lose just a few more pounds....lol. hugs, sally

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".
Romans 8:28

on 1/22/07 8:00 am - Oahu, HI
Hi Christine! I'm thinking...Why am I feeling like I have the flu when all I have is a really hoarse throat and headache? I'm thinking...Maybe I should take my temperature. I'm thinking...I need to at least go to the office and do a few "must do" things. I'm thinking...I'm fortunate that I have has as smooth of a post of as I have (3 weeks out). I'm thinking...I'm wasting a beautiful day staying inside. I'm thinking...I'm outa here (at least to do the "must do's") I'm thinking...I love this board...and your threat, Christine!  It gave me some clarity!  Thanks! Judy
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