a penny for YOUR thoughts..

on 1/22/07 5:11 am - Seattle area, WA
Thanks Christine ... that was very sweet! I work in marketing ... My company does a professional photo/headshot for our evaluation process at work ... it is the first time I have ever had my picture airbrushed.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could airbrush before work every day ; )
on 1/22/07 4:32 am - Western, CO
I am thinking.. Thank God, my son is asleep with his nap I love my new elipital machine, I did 10 min on it this morning I should have eaten a healthier lunch Days of our Lives is kind of boring I need clean the house instead of being online and watching t.v. I will call my pcp tomorrow and see if my letter is ready to send in to appeal my denial. Chrissy
(deactivated member)
on 1/22/07 4:35 am - Conway, AR
Lap Band on 03/27/06 with
I'm thinking I'm headed home.  I have to make the meatloaf for dinner BEFORE we go to the gym or it'll NEVER get done!  lol  Also I'm thinking I should leave because I have to go to Office Depot for school stuff.  And I'm thinking that I am sick and tired of having periods...lol!
Chastity M.
on 1/22/07 4:40 am - Kingston

I am thinking:

About what to have with the chicken I put in the crockpot this morning..

About when I should do some more walking today for exercise..

About how to be more motivated about exercise..

Boy would I like to take a nap....

Good Post Christine!

“Nobody trips over mountains.  It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble.  Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.” 

Baby Blues
on 1/22/07 4:48 am - Roy, UT
I'm thinking.....I'm pretty lucky today. I have 4 sick little boys and it's so peaceful and quiet right now.  They are all sleeping right now and I LOVE IT! I'm thinking.....about what to make for dinner.  I have 4 sick little boys.  Chili isn't going to go over well tonight.  LOL. I'm thinking.....about taking a nap myself right now.  Nighty-night! Tammy
I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes. I am out of control and at times hard to handle, but if you can't handle me at my worst...then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.     ---Marilyn Monroe
on 1/22/07 4:49 am - Houston, TX
I am thinking or rather wishing that the aide that works in my room would retire. She can't do anything and talks to everyone in the school and everyone can't stand her. I work with special ed kids and she shouldn't be talking about them at all. She tells lies to everyone and I just wish she would vanish. Hopefully, she won't want to go to a new school next year because my unit is moving. Please God answer mine and many more peoples prayers.
(deactivated member)
on 1/22/07 5:06 am - Aberdeen, WA
My thoughts as of right now: 1. I wonder why everyone doesn't at least try protein shakes to see if they kill their appetites as much as they kill mine. 2. I am wondering how long my home-made ring-sizer will hold my wedding ring on. It's a thrill to be able to wear it again, and my wife LOVES seeing my ring on my hand again. 3. When in the heck is Rick going to get home so we can replace that faucet? I even found my faucet wrench, and I am BORED! 4. I wonder how long it's going to take me to finish setting up my gym again? 5. I wonder when SPRING is coming? I HATE this cold weather! 6. I wonder if today is going to be like day-before-yesterday, and I am going to suddenly realize at 9PM that I didn't eat today. 7. I wonder how many people are really aware of how GREAT their spouse is? That's about it...
Jean B.
on 1/22/07 5:27 am, edited 1/22/07 5:37 am - St. Paul, MN

I'm sitting here at work with not much to do and thinking....  Hope the fill I'm getting this week (#2) will give me some restriction and I'll start losing some pounds.  Wish my TOM would get here, 'cuz its late and I'm bloated.  Should I pay to get my car fixed (electrical problems) or just trade the darn thing in and start over again - and should I buy new or used, or should I try to lease?  I'm tired of winter and spring is at least 2 months away.   I'm thinking I should get a picture taken and posted, so I don't feel like such a nobody when I post. I'm glad you started this post.  Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

on 1/22/07 6:08 am - Altoona, PA
I'm thinking... What is happening to my life.... how long will my marriage last...  what will happen with my kids... how will they handle it why is life so tricky and hard sometimes why do the kids have to suffer... I think I need to call my therapist and get some anxiety meds... I think you get the idea...
Linda T.
on 1/22/07 7:12 am - Mt. Juliet, TN
I am thinking I am seriously addicted to coffee! I think Wendell is right about protein shakes. I think I am going to veg out tonight and watch TV I think I have too much to do around the house. I think my dogs need baths and grooming but I love'm anyway.
Life is a string of problems, held together by moments of pure bliss.  Enjoy the moment it may be your BLISS!
Linda Tidwell    
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