Karen D.
on 1/22/07 10:01 pm - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
Back to water aerobics class today for me...45 minutes worth!
Krista C.
on 1/22/07 10:26 pm - Quispamsis, Canada
Yup hitting the gym after work for a lower body workout - about 1/2 hour


Dean S.
on 1/22/07 11:46 pm - Edwardsburg, MI

My thumb is getting a work out with the remote.



Dean S.
Lap Band 4/11/06
297/ 204 / 195
on 1/22/07 11:49 pm - Western, CO
I did 10 min on my new eliptical.  I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to, cause that thing is kicking my butt.  Boy am I out of shape.  I jumped out of bed 1st thing this morning, but my shoes on and exercised in my pj's.  That is the only way I will be able to have time in my day. 
on 1/23/07 12:11 am - socal, CA
Jean B.
on 1/23/07 12:33 am - St. Paul, MN
Went to Curves on my way to work this morning.  Trying to get there everyday this week.  And I'll walk the dog tonight - at least 20 minutes.  Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

on 1/23/07 1:13 am - Omaha, NE
It's snow and ice here, but I am tired of the same number on the scale!  I work in a fairly large school, so when the school day is over I am going to walk the halls and stairs for half an hour.  I even brought my sweats, shoes, and IPod with me. Take that, stupid fat!
Holly O.
on 1/23/07 5:13 am - Bradenton, FL
Silly me!  I asked the question and then never told you what I was doing today for exercise...........well, I run after 5th graders all day.....play jumprope with the kids during recess....getting pretty good at it too!  Before dinner my hubby and I will walk our 3 mile route....takes us about 45 min.  -Holly 


on 1/23/07 5:16 am - Beaumont, TX
I was an offical "Mall Walker" this morning after I dropped my daughter off at Mother's Day Out.  We arose too late for me to visit with my old pal treadmill.
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