
on 1/21/07 12:15 pm - Cedar Hill, TX
I wanted to know have anyone tried Curves cause I was thinking about joining.  I have an exercise bike at home but I want to do other exercises too.
Robbie G.
on 1/21/07 12:21 pm - Tulsa, OK
I rejoined on Jan 3rd and was going 4 times a week when the ice storm hit.  So.......I have been aways from it for a week.  Back at it tomorrow.  I go to one on the way home from work.  I like the fact that it constantly changes..the amount of time on each machine is small.............and the fact that it is over in around 30 minutes and then I am gone.  Try it out and it is all women.  Robbie
on 1/21/07 1:04 pm - Hollis, NY
Tried it last year, I lasted about 3 months and then got bored and left.  If you are committed its fun! there are different circuits at different establishments.  Some have more machines and some have less. the whole thing lasts about 30 minutes.


on 1/21/07 1:13 pm - Oahu, HI
I like Curves...and its probably the only way I'll get the strength training in that is so important to build muscles which in turn, speeds up metabolism.  So its well worth the 30 min 3x per week. I think you can get a guest pass to see what its like. Good luck! Judy
on 1/21/07 1:23 pm - Sayville, NY
I go to Curves 3x a week.  I use my exercise bike on the other days that I don't do Curves.
Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

on 1/21/07 1:25 pm - Ypsilanti, MI
I really like Curves and the people that work there.  I go at least  3 times a week and have lost several inches as well as pounds.  I am working really hard on  my arms, legs, and stomach.  The doctor told me that my arms looked good and that I probably won't have a lot of hanging skin because I am doing a lot of extra weight lifting.  Sometimes I take my ipod in with my DDR music playing and have myself  a good time.  Ana
Pattie K.
on 1/21/07 9:48 pm
I have tried two different Curves and did not like it. At each "Curve" I found rude people including the workers. They had their little work out "click". It made it VERY hard for a person to go in and exercise, have fun, and make freinds. (And no I do not have a hard time making friend) At the first one the worker was getting a divorce and talked about that instead of helping with heart rates and instrucations. One week I lost 5 pounds, her response to me "you knows it is jus****er weight you lost"!!! (I will never forget those words!!) I knew that I had been on every diet and exercise program up to that point. I was very happy to get the 5 pounds off, but after her comment and tone I soon found myself with no pride or fight. We moved and and again I tried Curves, thinking I was going to give everything I had with nothing bothering me. Due to my schedule and theirs I found myself there many nights with just enough time to get 30 minutes in before they closed. (Time seems to be an issue at many of the Curves if you work a 8 to 5 job with 45 minutes of travel each way. Each curve I I was at opened at 6:30am and closed at 6:30pm. Not a lot of time to pick up kids.) What did the workers do? They kept pushing me out the door. "Are you almost done" was the most common question. As I used a machine they would clean it, so they could get out faster. One day the lady asked me if I was going to cool down before I left.  Like any business, I know you get bad workers. However it has left me with a bod taste in my mouth for Curves. My sister in-law had close to the same experience in her town, over 120 miles away. I have joined a different gym, with hours until 10 at night.


Jean B.
on 1/21/07 10:59 pm - St. Paul, MN
I just joined Curves last week - so far, so good.  I drive right by it on my way to work and thought about joining quite awhile, before I actually went in.  I do walk almost every night, but knew I wanted to do some strenght training and tighten some areas.  I go on my way to work - it's never crowded and everyone is really friendly.  The staff has been very helpful and has watched carefully to make sure I'm doing each machine correctly.  I'll give it a few months to see what kind of results I get.  I signed a year's contract, but can cancel it with a 30-day written notice.  It feels good so far!  Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

on 1/21/07 11:12 pm - Baltimore, MD
I thought Curves would be great at first.  Just work out 30 minutes per day 3x per week and lose weight\. NOT!  At least in my case.  I had to go at least 4x per week and work out 45 minutes for at least 2 of those days to show any significant weight loss.  I prefer to work out harder and sweat a little more so I quit after 10 months and joined Gold's gym.  Plus it does get boring!
Maria M.
on 1/21/07 11:17 pm - East Boston, MA
Curves was great for me to start with, but after a while I got bored.  I didn't like that I couldn't listen to my own music, too.  If you have a Planet Fitness in your area--they have a very similar express 30 minute circuit, but you get the added benefit of having the rest of the gym if you get bored or outgrow the circuit or just want to do something different.  Their moto is that they are a "judgement free zone" which I think is very cool.  Also, in my area at least, they are cheaper monthly than Curves.  And I believe you get free personal training. (I haven't actually used it yet, so I'm not 100% sure.) If you think Curves will work for you, go for it.  I have nothing bad to say about the actual workout or the environment, etc.--only like I said, that I got bored after a while.  As they say the best excercise is the one that you will do. Good luck, Maria
"Life expands or contracts in direct proportion to one's courage" --Anais Nin

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