What do you do for fiber?

on 1/20/07 2:39 am - Boston and Cape Cod, MA
Tina,If you are going to do flax seeds buy a small amount and keep in the freezer. They go rancid fast. Also it's best if you get the whole seeds and grind a couple of tablespoons as you use them. I used to add these to a shake every morning but they do swell up and get gummy so I am wondering if they would clog my stoma when I get restriction. I guess others are using them without a problem so maybe I'll go back to them! Susan
Jean B.
on 1/20/07 3:57 am - St. Paul, MN
I drink 4 oz. of prune juice every morning. I do actually like the stuff and seems to keep things moving..... Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

Denise O.
on 1/20/07 6:49 am - Castle Rock, WA
I had been using ground flax seed on my Kashi Go Lean CRUNCH in the morning, but got tired of the sawdust texture in my cereal. We buy the dried plums (prunes) from Costso. A serving is three plums, and makes a nice natural sweet as well. My Dr. told me not to use juices, as they add too many calories, but I saw try some suggestions and do what works for you. Denise
 367/287.5/150ish <---79.5 lbs gone in about 1 year
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5&6
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