What's on your plate today?

Kimberly *******
on 1/19/07 4:22 am - The Boonies of...., ME
Hi Jean: I would love to find a good book. I haven't read a really good bookin I don't know how long.  Any suggestions?   I really don't think what you've eaten today is all that bad. If you do your calories on Sparkspeople I think you'd find you haven't really consumed that mu*****alories today.  Have a great day sweetie!

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/07 4:26 am - Big Sky Country, ID
I wish I had the right answer, but unfortunately I'm still figuring this out myself.  I've had great restriction since my last fill, but that doesn't mean it isn't going to disappear by next week.  I got wonderful news today that a good lapbanding dr. right here in Boise is going to do my followup care and fills for my wonderful Dr. Melvin....who wrote me the most wonderful letter and took the time to call this dr. personally.  I now have really close by access to great fills where Medicare is going to be accepted.  Let's here it for awesome doctors!! Back to the fill...I don't have a clue like I said.  I'm just hoping mine lasts although I have an appt. set up in Feb. to meet this new dr. and see if I need a fill by that time. The band is fickle.... Dee
Kimberly *******
on 1/19/07 4:33 am - The Boonies of...., ME
I am so happy for you Dee!  I can't imagine having to leave a trusted doctor.  What a great guy to go to all that trouble for ome of his patients..you must be a favorite of his. Yes maam....it is a fickle *****  Hopefully tomorrow we'll be in love with each other again. lol

on 1/19/07 4:30 am - Sidney, ME
Yes, Dr. McKee is conservative and I appreciate that.  Like you, I have seen too many problems on this board.  I have never had any problems and don't want any either!  I went back to school two yrs ago (UMA), going part time while working full time. I am taking Mental Health and Human Services....(to better understand my family, LOL.)   Mary Ellen 
Kimberly *******
on 1/19/07 4:34 am - The Boonies of...., ME
I would really like to start on a nursing degree, but I am 44 years old and I've been out of school for so long, it scares the daylights out of me. When you understand your family, you can start working on mine.

on 1/19/07 5:19 am - UK
44...... never, I'm 46 and I thought you were years younger than me!! My cousin has just retrained (he went from computers to become an audiologist) and he is 50. He says it was harder and slower than training when he was younger but the rewards were greater too.   He says it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Go for it. We had gale force winds yesterday so I have been in the garden clearing up the debris and trying to put a temporary barrier up to stop the dogs escaping (Houdinis extraordinaire) as the fence has blown down. Still we were lucky, no structural damage and all safe. Also studying for a computer exam next week . Exam & hospital visit next week no wonder I want to eat. Though I have been quite good today. 
   Bizzie Bea xx
Greetings from the UK
Kimberly *******
on 1/19/07 5:30 am - The Boonies of...., ME
Hi Bea: We are supposed to have gale force winds here tonight.  Maybe they are you left overs? All of you students out there!  I am going to have to seriously look into this going back to school business. Dh is retiring in 2 years and I'm going to NEED to get out of the house! LOL (He's 8.9 years older than I am) Have a great weekend hon...and don't get blown away.

robyn J.
on 1/19/07 8:41 am - Canada
Kimberly  I cant resist replying to this-  There is NO way I would have pegged you for 44!!!! Geshhh I thought 36ish- But you do look awsome for 44.  hey my mom went back to University at 40 took librarian tech course- that was 18yrs ago.  Go for it and take your nursing. I think you would succeed at it.  You seem to have the bed side manner people need. Robyn



on 1/19/07 4:59 am - Sidney, ME
I am 44 yrs old too and yes, I was very scared to go to school in my forties.  It isn't so bad though.  Not nearly as hard as I had imagined it would be. However, I can understand your concerns.  Sometimes I am absolutely exhausted from the hustle and bustle of home, work and school....but, I am about half way there, must trudge along and get-er-done! MEM
Kimberly *******
on 1/19/07 5:02 am - The Boonies of...., ME
My hat's off to your girl. Maybe you'll inspire me.

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