What's on your plate today?

Kimberly *******
on 1/19/07 3:37 am - The Boonies of...., ME
Good afternoon everyone: Sorry to post so late, but I had a much needed haircut appointment this morning.  I feel so much better now. For any of you experienced bandsters....can you PLEASE tell me why I can have a fill, be at the perfect spot for 2+ weeks and then all of a sudden start getting hungry betweeen meals again.  I have changed nothing. I am still eating band friendly meals...why, oh why, oh why?  I've lost about 5 or 6 lbs since my fill two weeks ago, but that couldn't possibly make a difference already could it?  Sigh.......I hate this game so much! Nothing new to report here really. We had a snowstorm overnight and the kids are all home from school today.  I really dont' know why they canceled school, the storm was over by morning, and the temps are climbing into the 40's! Kids are happy anyway. Tell me something exciting that's happening to YOU, because my llife is a bore!

Sharon T.
on 1/19/07 3:50 am - Southern , WI
Awww, honey! I wish I had a good answer for you, with the fill, but I don't We ALL would like a logical answer to that! Maybe someone, will give us a clue?~  My "Sweet Spot ,"  fill, didn't kick in for 3 weeks, and stayed for over 2 years, so.........I'd also, like to know where it goes, when they see how much is in our bands. I've never heard a good answer to that! The wonders of the band! At least you lost good!  We are supposed to get 5 inches sunday night! Weird winter!  Not much here, laundry, and I finally posted my "Butt Shot," on my profile, and Laura(Granny), put it on my post! That's my exciting day!


At goal, 155 bs. Started at 290. 7 years out! WAHOO~ 

Kimberly *******
on 1/19/07 3:53 am - The Boonies of...., ME
HI Sharon: LOL..I saw your butt shot.  Not bad for an "old" lady, not bad at all!!!! 

Sharon T.
on 1/19/07 7:48 am - Southern , WI
Thanks, Kim, but let's see...........have we seen yours, yet?!?!


At goal, 155 bs. Started at 290. 7 years out! WAHOO~ 

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/07 3:55 am
Today I went to my classes; physics, economics, geology.. Fun, Fun, Fun.. I came home and small piece of thin crust chicken pizza (California Kitchen), soooo yummy.  Soon I will be going to get the kids from school. Our schools were closed Wednesday because of ice.  Tonight we will stay home and goof around and that's is for my plate today. Angie 
Kimberly *******
on 1/19/07 4:17 am - The Boonies of...., ME
Hi Angie: That's the second time I've heard about this Cal. Kitchen Pizza!  Is it a chain in your area, or a frozen pizza from the grocery store?  I'd like to try it. I love pizza! I think dh is taking us out to Longhorn Steakhouse tonight and then we are going to go visit his mother at the hospital (hip replacement surgery).  I'm feeling kinda tired today...I'd almost like to stay home and do nothing.

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/07 4:28 am - Big Sky Country, ID
Darn Angie, I had a piece of that pizza yesterday....same thing except not chicken..it is sicilian and it was good.  Very thin crust and went down easily.  Today I had 1/2 an egg salad sandwich on wheat bread....and yogurt for a snack and a glass of OJ before I can't afford it anymore. Nice to see you on the boards... Dee
on 1/19/07 4:03 am - Sidney, ME
Hi all, had a Dr.appt today. No fill.  That is OK, he said I was tight and I think I am am...just been making some wrong choices.  Anyway, since my last visit (3 months ago) I have lost 7 pounds.  Not bad since I haven't been good!  He was very nice and said he would hate to make me tighter and cause problems that would lead to an unfill, I agreed. Going over to a friends house (we all work together) to play Charades tonight.  Oughto be fun, my husband is usually the clown in the bunch. Other than that I will be plugging away at a ton of homework this weekend.  Mary Ellen
Kimberly *******
on 1/19/07 4:20 am - The Boonies of...., ME
Hi Mary Ellen: I am glad that Dr. McKee was on his best behaviour today.  I really think he is very cautious and doesn't want to just see "numbers"...he is concerned with the health and well being of his patients and that makes him conservative. With all the problems I've heard on here from being too tight, I think you made a great decision. Have fun tonight....and what are you talking about "homework"?  Are you going back to school?

Jean B.
on 1/19/07 4:14 am - St. Paul, MN

Well, it's a boring day here for me too.  I'm at work, but I have almost everything done and have 2 more hours to go.  All I want to do today is EAT.  I had CIB with protein for breakfast, went to Curves and an hour later was starving so I had a crave control yogurt AND a South Beach protein bar - usually have just one or the other.  Went home for lunch and had 2 oz. of turkey, 1 string cheese, 1/2 c. of broccoli, and a sf pudding.  And then I had a Zone protein bar.  Nothing bad in and of itself, but way too much when added together.  And I still would like to have something to eat.  This is by far the worst day I've had.  Hopefully, that fill next week will help.  I haven't lost anything in the last couple of weeks......Nothing much going on this weekend.   Think I'll go to the library and find something steamy to read and live vicariously though that.  Have a good one everyone!  Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

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