Metamucil must be a no no?:nono:
Have been lurking here for some time,but everyone seems to answer questions so much better than I can, so this is my first. My surgeon said Metamucil is a definite no-no-too much bulk for the band. He recommends prune juice. It ain't great, but it Hope this helps.
Scarborough,ON,Dr. Joffe
Thanks Glen & Nancy,
It's pretty cool to be able to have the privilage to ask simple little questions that you need to know to people with experiance.
I am so motivated by your victory's you both have being banded. I hope soon I'll be writing yall, letting you know my surgery date. I am being patient but I really need to put an end to this crazy eating i've been doing. I have parties Friday, Sat.& Sunday.
I'll get back on track soon, thanks again for your reply.
LOL , roz
I was told after having a colonoscopy and telling the doc that i take too much immodium for the Diarrhea I have because of Diverticulos. He said take medimucil which has really helped. But i have been having a little problems with Reglux and esophagus is mildely extended. I was told the last time this happen that it was the meds I was taking were too acidic so I chew them now.i was wondering if the Medimucil was causing this. I hope not because it really has stopped the Diareaha