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Topic: RE: It's Me! I'm Back!
WELCOME BACK! Youve been MISSED . Sorry about the accident but happy to know you werent swept out of the watchtower by Dennis!
Topic: RE: PICS!!!
Morning Kim!
Its getting there, almost finished and ran out of paint. It is still a work in progress
Topic: RE: It's Me! I'm Back!
PS - No, i don't work at the same place Becky does. Same system, different prison. We're probably an hour away from each other.
Topic: RE: It's Me! I'm Back!
Hey Joni,
I know you were worried, but really had no way of letting you know I was ok, except through Dixie and we keep missing each other. I survived the hurricane, only to get in a wreck on my way home from work. Some fool driver trying to outrun the hurricane crossed from his lane into my lane trying to get into a gas station. We were going in opposite directions. Now let me tell you, I took every evasive action I could...I've been trained thorougly in the art of driving by some really tough cops (part of the training down here) and there was nothing I could do. I t-boned him. It wasn't a direct hit, because I was trying to turn away, but I still hit him doing about 45mph and I totally messed up my little jeep. It's in the shop and I'm driving a rental KIA. Not impressed. Anyway, one good thing - it happened right in front of a city cop, so the guy got the ticket, no questions asked. Thank God!! I'm right in the middle of my screening for the FHP and a ticket would have cost me that possible job.
I'm ok, but sore. Thank goodness I have the best chiropractor in the world. He said nothing is seriously wrong, only pulled muscles. I was on liquid lortab for a few days after the wreck, which gets me back to my original point....why I didn't let you know I was ok after the hurricane.
Well, I'm on my way to bed. Have been dealing with the insurance co. for the past hour or so and it is way past my bed time. Love you and so glad I can talk to ya'll again.
Topic: RE: It's Me! I'm Back!
I'm so glad to be back. I was stressing. Since pulling my profile, I was unable to reply to any messages or send any email. And I don't have everyone's email address in my book. Yes, this includes you
Could you please drop me a line to let me know your email addy? I'd so appreciate it.
Topic: RE: It's Me! I'm Back!
Welcome back Bumble! I've missed you. How did you do during the hurricane? I was worried about you up on that tower!
Hey, I was you work at the same place that Becky (Bulldog Lady) works?
Hope you get some good sleep and hurry back and post some more.
We love you!
Topic: It's Me! I'm Back!
Hi Everyone! I asked OH to delete my profile so I could start all over again. I sure have missed everyone. I couldn't post until I registered all over again. It sure is hard trying to think of a new nickname. I thought of Scarlet O'Hara since I'm a southern girl born and raised...but..........
Anyway, my Oma has always called me her little bumblebee since I was born, so I figured I'd just use that name.
Glad to be back, but I'm on my way to bed now. Can't wait to start replying to ya'll!