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Topic: Abuse?
As I shrink, so many things are happening in my most of you know. I was raised in an alcoholic home.....My mother was sober for 14 years before she died in 2003 my father died drunk in 1999. Much of my childhood is a blurr with some vivid memories (good and bad) standing out at times. There was a LOT of abuse throughout my childhood. Some physical, some sexual (not by my parents), definately verbal and emotional. Through much therapy and support groups through the years, I've overcome and continue to overcome much of the emotional baggage associated with being raised in an abusive home. I just heard from a former coworker who's 10 year old child through her counselor at school revealed that her father has been sexually abusing her for at least 4 years. This takes me back to being 10 years old. I remember so well the pain of having to be the grown up to my drunk parents and being so confused when someone would touch me and I thought it was ok. I'm hurting soo bad for this child that it is heartbreaking. Would ya'll send some good thoughts out for this little girl who has been robbed of her childhood.
Topic: RE: Sinus Infection (YUK) and ORLANDO BOUND!!!
Dang sinus infections. I would like one day where I could breathe. I hate it, hate it, hate it. Decongestants help, but they have that danged law where you can only get two boxes of them a month now. They put your drivers license in their computer and if you attempt to buy a third box, you are reported to the local authorities so they can check you out and see if you have a meth lab. Never knew it was going to come to where having allergies and sinus infections was a federal crime.
I envy you getting to go to my Florida. Have a super time. Hope the weather is good. And drive safely!
Topic: RE: finally working out
Bravo for you!
"Sitting on the dock of the bay," huh? It could be worse, I guess. I hate most other people's choice in music anyway. When I used to go to the aquatic center to swim, they would have the most obnoxious music and it made me crazy. ONE DAY they had some good, serene, tranquil music playing and it was so peaceful, but that was only one danged day. I can't wait to get my mobility to where I can go again. I miss swimming so badly.
Hey, if you go to the Dothan meeting, tell Michael Cappelone that "Joni Just Joni" said hello. I just love him. He's such a sweetheart. He doesn't know about our board here, but just say we email each other, okay? Oh, and tell Becky (Bulldog Lady) hello too! She and I share a common love interest....Trace Adkins!
Love you,
Topic: RE: finally working out
I'm SOOO proud of you
You will be GI JANE in no time! I wish I could get motivated to work out. I JUST HATE IT SO MUCH.
Hugs to you,
Topic: RE: 24.9
It feels great! I was hoping I would make it here by my one year anniversary, and I did! I still got 7 more days to lose more by then!
Topic: finally working out
Hi Everybody,
Well, I started working out yesterday. This is day #2 and I'm sooooooooo sore! Ah, but it's a good feeling. My workout partner has made me a list of things to do every day and he's been a great coach. He shows me how to do the exercise and if I'm not doing it right immediately stops me and I have to start over again. Oh, lord, I don't know how to say it right, but he's not afraid to touch me. Like yesterday, I was doing some damn excercise and I was just doing it wrong. So he says I'll hurt my back that way....grabs my hips, positions them right, pushes down on my lower back and pulls up my shoulders, then stands behind me and pulls up on the weights with me so I know exactly how to do it. He's always checking to make sure I'm not hurt and that I'm not cheating. And he's fun and teases. It's great working out with a friend who knows what they're doing. I'm not just a face or a membership dues. Of course, I'm gonna have to help him change his taste in music. The boy is 25 and he wants to work out to "Sitting on the dock of the bay"???? Anyway. Also started at curves and that's kinda boring and goes way to quickly, but I have a year contract so I guess I'll be going there regularly. Might as well not waste my money.
Oh, and I didn't ask permission. I just told my dh that I was doing it. He didn't even react...which is another story for another time. I wish he'd pay more attention to me.
Hope ya'll have a great Thursday. Not sure what I'm gonna do tonight. Might head over to Dothan for that dinner meeting.
Missing ya'll
Topic: RE: 24.9
Congratulations Gail! Isn't it great to be normal! I thought I'd never get there myself, but I finally made it, too!
Topic: RE: Sinus Infection (YUK) and ORLANDO BOUND!!!
Have a fun and safe trip Becky! I hope ya'll are feeling better soon.
Kim - tell Mickey and Minnie that I said