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Becky L.
on 8/8/05 3:22 am - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: Hey Ya'll
Kim, We need you too! Friday night I had a real heart to heart with Mike about housekeeping...he has asked me to just tell him when I need help. I know that its both our responsibilities...and I've had to learn to lighten up on myself. I'm the kind of person its hard for me to ask for help...a perfectionist with a need to I try to live life as superwoman. Saturday he went into work early, and I spent most of the morning working on a Time Management workshop that I've been asked to teach, doing some laundry, and doing some reading for school. Saturday afternoon we did some work around the house before loading up the car and heading towards Guntersville. My family was camping over the weekend and we went to meet them. It was quiet and relaxing...the place we normally go over there, Buck's Pocket, is a great place to unwind. I sat in a lounge chair and read most of the afternoon while watching squirrels run, listening to birds sing, and watching my neices ride their bicycles. Saturday night was spent around a campfire with my parents, 2 of my brothers and their families. When we go camping, most everybody except us has a its not roughing it...there is real food and hot showers. Mom brought out this big pot of homemade veggie soup and we had that and ham sandwiches. The girls made s'mores for dessert. I skipped the choc and graham crackers, and did the usual...setting the marshmallow on fire and watching it burn a bit before blowing it out and eating it We slept in the back of my dad's truck on an air mattress. He has a camper shell on the back and he had set up a fan in the back so we were pretty comfortable, except for having to get up every hour (it felt like) and having to go pee. Breakfast sunday morning consisted of biscuits (GO MOM!), grilled pork loin, scrambled eggs and fruit. Oh, and the mandatory Diet Mt. Dew! We visited until about 10:00 am when we headed back to Huntsville, despite the protests of my neices (8 and 12), where we could get Mike ready for his trip. We spent the afternoon finishing laundry and getting him packed for his trip to CA. I swear...having a husband who is colorblind is a pain in the ass. He has some pretty important meetings this week, so I spent about 30 minutes selecting wardrobe combos for him...saving the best for the big one on Thursday. The alarm went off bright and early this morning at 5:00. Both of us had showers and left at 5:45 to get him to the airport by 6:00. He called a bit ago and said that he'd been bumped to first class for the trip leg from Atlanta to San he's sitting in a comfy seat, about to have a glass of wine and enjoy his 4 hour flight. I've been piddling around (doing odds and ends of things) this morning and will probably do that all day. I'm going to slowly start taking stuff back to the school and putting it in my room. We have a Day Camp during the summer, and I thought I had to get everything I did. Did anyone else? No....and of course no one cared. So from now on I'll know...I won't go through all that crap again. Sorry, I got to rambling...I know that I went into much more detail than you probably cared for... You're in my thoughts and prayers...for everything: the doctors, and the stuff going on with Pam...hope things begin to resolve themselves soon and you feel more at peace with things. Love you, Becky
on 8/8/05 1:58 am - Springville, AL
Topic: Hey Ya'll
How's everybody doin??? Do we need to invite more people here to get this board moving again????? I know ya'll have a life, but I NEED you (in my whiniest voice possible ) What did you do this weekend? I took Ashlyn (2 years old) to the zoo on Saturday and had a BLAST. I love that child so very much and I am so afraid that I won't be able to love the new one as much. I know that LOVE will open my heart and I will love him (being optimistic that it's a boy ) just as much but it's hard to imagine at this point. I've NEVER ever had the total and complete unconditional love that only children are capable of giving and I am so lucky and fortunate to have my family. Speaking of the new baby, would ya'll keep Daphne in your prayers? She's been having low cramps all weekend and is under a lot of stress right now. She keeps saying that this pregnancy doesn't feel like it did with Ashlyn and she's scared that she's going to miscarry. Also, could ya'll keep me and Pam in your thoughts and prayers? We are having a really tough time right now. I know we will get through it, but I'm really hurting over it right now. I'm not going to bore you with the details but please remember us. Also keep your fingers crossed for me this week as I am trying to get to the bottom of some neurological problems that I've been having.....memory problems/confusion, etc. I had a really bad 'episode' this weekend and will be having cat scans/mri's this week to rule out any brain abnormalities. I'm very scared but trying to think positive thoughts and know that everything will be ok. I also see my WLS Surgeon on Thursday for my Gallbladder follow up. Sorry to be so needy and I hope I haven't depressed everybody! Love ya'll Kim
Becky L.
on 8/7/05 10:11 pm - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: What's Up with this Board?
I know! Sometimes its really quiet for a few days...its good to see you around again! I think everybody is either working or getting ready for school to start. I'm working on lesson plans for school but am in and out! I haven't heard anything from Lindy or Dixie for a while...I've been wondering about her too! Becky
Becky L.
on 8/7/05 9:57 pm - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: OT: Need some advice
Linda, I know I'm coming in late on this...but I wanted to do some thinking for a couple of days before I responded. There are a lot of options out there. The thing that I have found with online or distance learning courses is that they end up being independent study courses. You will have a LOT of reading and assignments to do on your own, and then you might occasionally meet with classmates for presentations or tests. That's how it was in education courses anyway. Renee's idea about schools is a good one. Not only do they need help in the office, but most every teacher I know that teaches public school has trouble maintaining a pool of GOOD substitute teachers. I'm not sure what the requirements are to do substitute teaching here in the Madison Co. or Madison City Schools, but it might be something you want to look into. When I did substitute teaching, I had more work than I could do and actually had to turn people away just because I needed some down time. On the flip side, it can be a draining thing to do because each age is different. If you're proactive in the way you approach things or discipline the kids, then you will do fine. Once you sub a few times and do a good job, word spreads fast and you might be able to focus on 1 or 2 schools and be able to work 4 or 5 days a week. You didn't mention what kind of salary that you would need...temp jobs are another great idea...I saw that Joni had already mentioned that. Waiting tables can mean good money, but its hard work...any kind of food service is. Something that you may not have thought about is being a consultant for something like Pampered Chef, or Southern Living at Home. You can set your own hours and even though there is an initial investment, it pays for itself in time. I'm looking into the Southern Living at Home myself right now. If you're interested, I can fill you in what I'm finding out. You can schedule as many parties as you like, but normally no more than 2 a week...from what I understand its really what you make of it. Some people only do 1 or 2 parties a month, some do 6-8. For the time being, you could even look into retail sales. You might enjoy it more than what you're doing now and you always get that employee discount! I'll keep my eyes and ears open and let you know if I hear of anything! Oh, by the way, do you have a resume done? If not, you need to...I'll be happy to help you put one together...just let me know what you need! Love ya! Becky
Linda H.
on 8/7/05 5:13 am - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: OT: Need some advice
Thanks so much!!! I knew I could count on my family here. You all have given some great advice. I love you all!! Linda
on 8/7/05 4:03 am - Sweet Home, AL
Topic: RE: What's Up with this Board?
working...............trying to land a new job, which Im just waiting on confirmation from the head nurse and the HR department, THEN I can turn in my notice I am lighting candles and staying positive this can and will happen tomorrow! I wont be around as much. This job is farther than my current job, so I have a little distance and will have to leave earlier and if I get in school for the winter quarter I may just be sticking my head in every chance I get. I hate it, but I have to improve my finances and this sure beats working 2 jobs. I cant get overtime where I am at currently and should get all I want at the new job. Less work, no more 7 day stretches and more $$$$$$$.. I dont know why I waited so long to look!.. Congrats on the mortorcycle, ya'll just be careful. I know all too well how dangerous they are from OTHER drivers not paying attention, but they can be enjoyable too. My husband is an enthusiast and is getting ready for a bike rally that is coming soon somewhere...LOL... I heard him talking about it, I used to go all the time but with my current job I havent been able to go to a bike rally, in a long time. THAT will change too with this new job! Stay safe! Sandy
Joni Just Joni
on 8/7/05 1:36 am - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: What's Up with this Board?
Gisela! I don't know where everyone is either. Glad your baby is home and you are enjoying your new baby. I just fly around on my broom. I haven't heard from Lindy or Dixie, but Lindy's room number at the hospital is posted somewhere down the line here. They haven't posted much lately either. Hopefully, everyone will be back soon and tell us all where they've been, what they've been doing, and how they are doing. I haven't posted as much myself lately due to my health and the heat. This summer is killing me! Keep on posting and maybe it will entice others to post again! Love you, Joni How's the working out going?
on 8/6/05 10:36 pm - Partly Cloudy, FL
Topic: What's Up with this Board?
No one is posting..... Where are all of you guys? In the hospital with Linda? I hope everyone is doing well. My husband and I bought a new motorcycle Thursday and we are having a good time in between rain showers. Got my Jeep back from the shop Friday after almost of month of it being in a shop for work on it after my wreck. I'm so glad my baby is home. Has anyone heard from Linda? Or Dixie? Just wondering. Haven't seen any updates and can't get ahold of Dix thru email. Much love to all of you, Gisela
Joni Just Joni
on 8/6/05 6:14 am - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: Happy Anniversary Heather!
Yea Heather! Happy Anniversary! We love you! (And we really wish you would post something sometime! hint...hint...hint.....) Joni
Joni Just Joni
on 8/5/05 8:14 pm - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: OT: Need some advice
I always had good luck with Kelly Services. You can tell them what you are looking for and they will do their best to find something for you. They will even train you on computer stuff. They have temp work, but they also have jobs that can turn into permanent. That's how I got my job in Florida. I also got some good positions here in Florence before I moved to Florida with Kelly Services. Have you thought about selling stuff on Ebay? That can bring in some good money too. I wish I was physically able to carry boxes and trot to the post office every day and I would be doing that and telling the disability people to go straight to Hades. Social workers have to have a 4 year degree, I think, but there might be some related occupations that don't require that much. If I ever get well and am able to go back to work, I would probably try to see if I could survive on Ebay, but my second step would be to try Kelly Services. I know what you mean about wanting to do something meaningful, but needing a certain amount of money. My ideal job is working as a front desk clerk at hotels. I have enjoyed those jobs better than anything I ever did and have worked at several of them. But the money is just not there unless you get into management and I never stayed anywhere long enough to work into management due to my medical troubles. My nerves and panic attacks would kick in and I would quit my job before it got out of hand and anyone "noticed" that my nerves were screwy. My job in Florida is the only one I was able to stay at for over a few years without having to stop, although I did eventually have to stop with it too. Luckily, this time I had disability insurance, but that's always an "iffy" thing. I never know when they are going to cut me off and kick me to the curb. My doctors tell me not to worry about it because as long as they are verifying my medical problems, they cannot cut off my disability, but I don't trust anyone at this point. They always make you feel humiliated, no matter what. The best of luck to you. It's awful not being in fulfilling work. Love you, Joni
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