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on 8/8/05 5:00 pm - Killen, AL
Topic: RE: Letter From Aetna
Joni, You know how thrilled I am that you received approval. I am so very happy for you. Here's to a beautiful future. I am dancing for joy. Love you, sis.
Beth G.
on 8/8/05 3:42 pm - Pelham, AL
Topic: RE: Letter From Aetna
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW...I just got home and got my message on voicemail and read this post and I cried to my husband. I cried the whole time I was listening to your message. I am so happy for you. You deserve this and I can't wait to watch you become a loser. You have waited so long and been so discouraged. I am so glad that things are going in the right direction now. YOU DESERVE THIS!!!!!!!!!! Keep me posted and let me know the date. My kids are going back to school and I can come and be with you in the hospital and help you like I said I would. WOWZERS>>>>I am in awe. I am still just amazed. Love you girl Beth
Joni Just Joni
on 8/8/05 2:16 pm - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: Better Late than Never!
Paige! Are you still around? I sent you an email but it came back undeliverable. Are you still online? We miss you! Love, Joni
Joni Just Joni
on 8/8/05 2:04 pm - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: Dr. update part one
Seizures can be controlled. My sister is on medication for them and has been for about 10 years. Of course, this isn't saying that you will be on medication for years with it. She had more than one and it was definitely for sure seizures. I know it's scary. I have a cyst on my pituitary gland and was just sure I was going to die from a brain tumor, but I'm still here, so I guess I'm not. Science has advanced so much that they can fix most things these days. Of course, that doesn't help when it's YOUR thing that needs fixing. Like they say, the definition of major surgery versus minor surgery is if it's YOUR surgery. My fingers are crossed that it's negative too....and my toes are crossed as well...and that's a major feat for someone with arthritis! Love you, Joni
Becky L.
on 8/8/05 12:49 pm - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: Letter From Aetna
WOW!!! I don't know what to say...I'm just overwhelmed! I'm so happy for you! I know this means the world to you and that finally, you can be at peace about all of this. Congratulations Joni! Becky
on 8/8/05 12:44 pm - Springville, AL
Topic: Dr. update part one
I have several Dr's appointments this week so I'm sure this is the first update of the week AND I have VP's from Atlanta coming in on that makes my work life hell. Anyway, after seeing my PCP today and explaining the specifics that have been happening to me, he feels pretty sure that I had a seizure of some type with the 'episode' that I had last week. They took about a third of my blood (8 tubes) to check for (pardon the spellings) Encephilitis, Menangitis, West Nile, Lead poisoning, Lime disease......and a bunch more I can't remember. and I had an MRI on my brain and we will have those results by the end of the week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all the tests are negative. I'm dealing with it ok but had a good cry on my way home. Love ya'll Kim
on 8/8/05 12:26 pm - Springville, AL
Topic: RE: Letter From Aetna
:jum p: JONI!!!!! That is FANTASTIC!!!! Soon you will be a you are about to go on a wild ride. You better hang on girl I'm so happy for you an can't think of anyone who deserves this more than you!! I'm going to bed in a much happier mood just knowing that your life is FINALLY gonna be better Love you! Kim
Joni Just Joni
on 8/8/05 10:56 am - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: Hey Ya'll
Hi Sweetie! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. We love you and hopefully people will start posting more again. I'm determined to get it going and get people to post more. Everything has just been so crazy with so many things lately. I guess everyone else is busy too, but hey ya'll, let's all promise each other to post more often, okay? Besides, ya'll are going to have to keep me on an even keel now that I've been APPROVED! Kim, you are going to be just fine. I think it's just so hot that part of your brain is melting. So stay inside and prop your feet up and get Pam to wait on you hand and foot. Tell her I said so and then show her my photo and let her know I'm bigger than she is and will kick her butt if she doesn't take good care of you! Hang in there. Life is tough, but you're tougher! We love you! Joni
Joni Just Joni
on 8/8/05 10:43 am - Sheffield, AL
Topic: Letter From Aetna
I won't bore you with the whole letter, but will quote the important part: "BASED UPON OUR REVIEW OF THE AVAILABLE INFORMATION, WE ARE REVERSING OUR ORIGINAL DETERMINATION AND WILL NOW PROVIDE BENEFITS FOR THE PROSPECTIVE ROUX-EN-Y GASTRIC BYPASS." I read it over and over and over and had to call Jacquie and read it to her so I could understand that it really means what I thought it meant. I can't stop crying. I didn't think it would happen. I thought my life was so jinxed and screwed up that nothing good could ever happen to me. I am in shock at the moment. I honestly can't believe it. I even want to post it on the Bama Board, that's how much I want to tell the world about this. I think it's gotta sink in first though. And my period went away and my blood pressure is lower and it looks like all is right with the world today. I will write more when it sinks in more, but I cannot wait until morning so I can call Dr. Stahl and see HOW SOON CAN YOU DO THIS????? The gods are smiling on me today. I had been out with Jacquie and her sister Gina and had such a good afternoon and got home and got this letter. All my dreams are coming true! Which means I need to get off the computer because Antonio Banderas will be here momentarily, right? I can't believe I am saying this, but I LOVE AETNA! Love, The soon-to-be-thinner Joni
on 8/8/05 10:05 am - Partly Cloudy, FL
Topic: RE: Hey Ya'll
Kim, I'm on my way back to bed, so I'm not going to post about my weekend, yet. I'll try to do it tomorrow But did want to let you know that you and Pam are in my thoughts and prayers. I went through a rough time with my dh the last month or two and I know it can be discouraging. Email me if you need to. I'm always here...might be sleeping, but always here! BTW midnight shift sucks! Gisela
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