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Topic: RE: I suck...
Hi Ya Nil!
Seems we all are trying to find a new life. I know my current one sucks big time! Sending positive thoughts your way, believe in yourself and you will get that job! Im on pins and needles myself, waiting to hear if I got the job in B'ham I applied for last week. Interview went well, and had to go sign a release of information today,so they can check out my rap sheet
I hate to disappoint them but Im afraid they wont find anything illegal on me. I have not acted on my frustrations, physically, just yet but if I dont get away from where I am right now, who knows what could happen.
I also want to go back to school, so that will be the next thing I look into once I know I have this job, which I hope is tomorrow. Im sooooooooooooooo ready to turn in my notice!!!
We should get together and have one big yard sale. I bet I have just as much junk as you do...
I hate to throw away. I am a pack rat and I got it from my grandmother, who NEVER threw anything away. I have a storage building in my backyard, filled to the rim with clutter! I am off this week so I started going through junk in the house, and hope to get to the storage building by the weekend. I try to convince myself, they are "memories". I know why I cant throw away, now I have to overcome that and just do it.
Best of luck on your move. I dont envy that at all, holding good thoughts you will get the interview and job!!! Pop in when ya can, we miss ya!

Topic: Been out of pocket...father in law is very ill
Hey yall,
Sorry I haven't posted...I worked over the weekend (of course), Sunday when I woke up my husband was really concerned about his dad. His dad broke his ankle on his bad leg a few weeks ago when he fell. Due to his heart condition and overall general health he was not a candidate for surgery. Well they casted it to let it set and heal. To make a long story short his ankle swelled inside the cast and cut off the circulation to his foot. My husband said his toes were black. I called them immediately(since I had not seen the foot) and told them to see if they could ease a finger between the cast and the foot...well they couldn't so i pretty much knew that this was trouble....not just dependent edema and discoloration. I told them he needed to go straight to the ER but he refused Sunday. I worked Sunday night so I could not go and actually look at the foot. Well yesterday he started with severe pain in his leg so he went to the ER. My husband and I were there till after midnight. They cut the cast and admitted him to the ER. His foot is black, his toes are black and his ankle is black and swollen. They consulted a surgeon and today told us that they will have to amputate. He is on blood thinners so I'm not sure what day. I missed the surgeon today but I hope to catch his to get the full scoop tomorrow. My mother in law is in denial and wanting to blame everyone for this happening. I feel really low and my husband is very down. Please keep us in your thoughts as our family goes through this very difficult time. Oh....Dr. Sherer(yes the Dr. Sherer that does RNY gastric bypass) is going to do my father in laws surgery.
Thanks in advance for all the thoughts and care,
on 8/9/05 12:01 pm - Master of my Own Life
on 8/9/05 12:01 pm - Master of my Own Life
Topic: I suck...
Hey guys -- I'm sorry I've been out of the loop here lately. Seems as if life and packing have taken over my time and I have little to spare for much else.
The last I checked in I was in a whiney mood and I hate when I get that way -- it's easier for me to just withdraw than to wallow in my self pity and bring everyone else down.
Not too much has changed -- I'm still moving, still not speaking with my older brother (whom I live with - although that will be changing very soon), still waiting to hear from Colorado about a job I applied for and am hopeful to get an opportunity to interview for, etc. I finally got everything squared away with school and am registered for classes next term (big worry off my shoulders!)
I've been giggling at some of the crap I've found as I've been packing -- **** I have no idea why in the hell I saved -- it's just junk!!! Old love letters from boyfriends long gone -- pictures that I thought have been tossed a long time ago -- clothes I had that I never wore (even when I was fat and they fit) -- just crap! I've put together several bags of stuff that I've donated to different charities (clothes to the local church, books and whatnots to the local Faith Rescue Mission, etc.) - now if I can only get myself to "downgrade" the rest of it (what the hell do I need with 6 different SETS of tableware?)
I've got boxes in damned near every room of the house! I saw a commercial on the television at Bill's house (I don'****ch TV) about moving pods ( and I'll be damned if they don't service this area -- which is a shame!! It looks like a great deal!
Keep your fingers crossed that Colorado calls before I get the truck loaded! I'd hate to rent a truck to move everything into storage for a week only to have to rent another truck to load it again to move across country! I'd rather move it ONCE and be done with it! Maybe I should just sale everything and start from scratch once I figure out where I'm going -- but then again -- I wouldn't get what my stuff is worth and I'd have to pay for new stuff over there -- can't win for losing huh?
If I run across anything fun and small enough to ship -- I'll let you guys know -- you all might giggle at some of this stuff I have around here!
Love you guys -- and ya'll let me know when one of you gets sick again -- damnit -- I didn't even have a clue ------ because I SUCK!

on 8/9/05 11:45 am - Master of my Own Life
on 8/9/05 11:45 am - Master of my Own Life
Topic: RE: I Am Alive!
Damn -- have I been out of the loop or what?!?! I didn't even know you were in the hospital until right this minute!!!
I hope you have a quick recovery honey -- and I'm so sorry I didn't drop a line (but obviously I couldn't have since I suck and don't check the boards like I used to). If I can do anything to help -- let me know!
Love you and hope this takes care of the problem!
Topic: RE: I Am Alive!
I have been wondering where you where. I am so glad you are doing alright. I did not realize you were having so much trouble. Glad you are back. I met Dr. Freeman and I loved him. He seems great.
Topic: RE: I Am Alive!
I am SO GLAD to hear from you!!! I've been wondering about you for a few days now. I'm glad that Dr. Freeman was able to get in there and take care of take care of yourself and get your rest!
We love you!
Topic: I Am Alive!
Sorry for not updating till now, but I am still not able to sit up straight. I am on Greg's laptop right now and Dixie lost the link to this board.
I am still very sore, aching, and swollen. But hopefully that will go away soon.
Dr.Freeman had more to fix that he first thought. He was able to do the surgery laproscopically, making 5 little incisions.
He repaired 3 bowel obstructions and wound up fixing an internal hernia without realizing it till he did it.
He first found lots of adhesions in the first part of the intestines and removed them. They were bulging to the point of forming their own "pocket" that would sometimes trap food and/ or actual intestine, causing the excrutiating pain.
He was very thorough and went over every inch of my insides looking for obstructions or problems. He found adhesions everywhere.
The second thing that he found hidden under the folds of intestines, a "space", (looks like a hole), he closed that with sutures so that nothing will be able to go into that space again. Intestines were going thru the
space causing them to be twisted.
He also found a place where the intestines had grown together and he cut them apart.
I don't remember waking up in the recovery room, but I do remember the feeling that my insides were going to explode and ribs were breaking. Morphine helped that though. I have bruises all over both arms & hands from the IV's. Four of them infiltrated. I had fluids and morphine going under the skin causing my hand and wrist to become huge. Ouch.
He stitched me inside and out, instead of using staples so that if I don't have any problems, I don't have to make the two hour trip for a follow- up visit. He did tell me that if I EVER have thoses kinds of pains again, to get to his office immediately, so he can see what's going on.
It's been a long year with the pain, but hopefully that is a thing of the past.
I'll update more later. Headed back to bed......
Love all of you!!
Grace & Peace,

Topic: RE: SEX
I am not quite sure how to answer this one. I have been married for 3 years now although we have lived together for about 7 years. I can't say I withhold sex if I am angry with Dale but I can't say that I use sex either to get what I want from him. I think I would not want sex if we were angry with one another but I have had sex with him at times I was angry just for the fun of it, too loosen things up a bit. It doens't hurt our relationship because we love each other and know when to go for it or not. Sex doesn't have to always be emotional. We are known to have a quickie just for the hell of it (fun intended). Meeting at home on your lunch break just for the sake of getting some. We go in spurts with our sex life. We can go 2 weeks without and then sometimes we want it everyday. It just depends on what is going on in our lives with work and personally. I guess when it comes to sex, it really depends on the other person. I hope I answered your question somewhat!

Topic: SEX
A little embarrassed to ask these questions. Was gonna post it on the sex board but decided it would be better to post it here because we are hidden
Besides, we are all adults here, right?
Ok ..... when you are going through tough times in your marriage, relationship, etc does the sex continue or does it get put on hold? As a woman, are you capable of having sex just for the sake of sex and physical pleasure or does it always have to be emotional? IF you do continue to have 'relations' during troubled times, do you think it helps or hurts the problems in the relationship? And last but not you ever use sex to get what you want from your spouse/ SO?
I'm not gonna embarrass myself any further by getting into the details of WHY I am asking all these questions...........but I need input.
Where is Renee.....I know that little freak will tell me the truth
OH BETH.......come out come out whereever you are!!
Joni ...... Did you fly to Aetna's home office to deliver a personal 'thank you'
Gail ....... you've been married for a while haven't you....tell me your secrets
love you all,