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on 8/9/05 10:06 pm - Master of my Own Life
Topic: RE: I suck...
My baby brother and sister-in-law are about to "inherit" a bunch of stuff! I spoke with Steph about some of the extras I have around here and what she needs -- so needless to say, some of it is "spoken" for. I've been collecting Christmas ornaments for the past 7 years (which is really funny since I haven't put up a tree since 1990) and have convinced her to let me pawn that stuff off on her since she does go all out during the holidays. I do have a collection of Swarovski crystal ornaments (2 of each year from 1995 til the present) which is worth over $3K. She's excited about getting her hands on those and the Lenox ornaments that will decorate an expensively pretty tree! I didn't make it to the Montgomery dinner last night -- even if I had wanted to, my boss kept me at wor****il 9:40 last night finishing up some loan closing documents for some clients that are flying back out to Phoenix this morning. I would have really been kicking and screaming had you been able to make it down! Raising a toast to you at clearing out "junk" -- wishing you the best of luck on that endeavor since you can quit anytime you get sick of weeding! Love ya woman -- and thanks for the IM yesterday. I really need to get "in touch" with my roots here! I posted on Sunday (my 2 year anniversary) on the new WLS Grads board - but with the "Nil Carborundum" name change -- no one knows me! Let me know when you're going to a function -- I would love to meet you! T.
on 8/9/05 9:54 pm - Master of my Own Life
Topic: RE: I suck...
Girl -- I have so much "clutter" it's not even funny! I got rid of a bunch of stuff when I moved here over 3 years ago -- and I still have stuff in boxes that I never unpacked in the storage room in the guest house. Since the roof leaks out there, I really need to repack boxes and put together another toss it pile from my old crap! I'm hemming/hawing about selling my darkroom and equipment -- I don't use it anymore, but loved it when I did. Seems as if digital is so much easier to fool with and instant gratification with an immediate image. Although nothing beats the quality of a great black/white glossy! Maybe I should give that to my old boss - she's into photography (black/white to boot). It's expensive, but I'd never get what I've got into it back out. If I run into some size 12's in my continued closet thinning -- I'll set them aside for you! I wish I would have thought about it before I donated all of those clothes - the transistion is going to be quick and it would have saved you lots of $$! I'm thrilled with your news -- keep us up to date on how things progress from here! If you need anything, I'm here for you honey! Much love ~
Becky L.
on 8/9/05 9:54 pm - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: I suck...
Hey Traci, Love, that's what we've been trying to do! LOL...but it does require you checking the board occasionally... I'm just teasing you hon! We do love you! Talking about too much stuff...right after school got out this year, I decided that it was time to start weeding out some of the stuff here. When Mike and I moved in together 4 1/2 years ago, we both had places of our own so we put two households worth of "stuff" together. A LOT of my stuff I let go when I sold my trailer...I sold it partially furnished...and then threw a lot of stuff away before moving. You never realize really just how much stuff you have until you move. Because of the work that we're getting ready to have done here at the house, there's too much stuff and part of it needs to go. So I've been working on trying to simplify our lives. It started in the kitchen where I took out every plastic bowl and lid that I have...matched them up...and threw out all the extras, plus all the little decorator tins that I was keeping for "just in case" things at Christmas. I had used most of them last year when I baked goodies for family. THe process has moved through the kitchen cabinets, junk drawers, and as I've mentioned before now its in the computer room...I think I'm about to start in my closet is out of control and I probably wear about 20 things in it regularly. a rambling mood...hope everyone has a great day! I'm going to paint some samples on my walls where I can make a decision about color...I'm leaning toward Urban Putty from Sherwin Williams with an extra white trim. Love, Becky
on 8/9/05 9:32 pm - Master of my Own Life
Topic: RE: I suck...
If you really want to have a collective yard sale -- I'll call the colliseum today just so there'll be enough space! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to get that job! I can certainly relate to wanting out of a situation so bad since I scratch my head in wonder every day I walk into work how I got myself into such a situation! I really hate my current job and my micromanaging boss! I'm again wishing my life away -- hoping the courts will call soon (the deadline for submission is the 19th - so hopefully I'll hear something soon after that). As I said -- it'll be nice to only have to pack a truck ONCE! I just hope I'm the most qualified applicant (or at least one of the top 3 to grant me an interview). Let us know if you get the job -- and let me know when you want to have that yard sale! Love ya girl!
Joni Just Joni
on 8/9/05 3:21 pm - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: SEX
I think it all depends on the person. I have continued sex with men I was having problems with...if I wanted to. I have also stopped having sex if I felt the situation merited it. I stopped having sex with my second husband for several months before I left him because he was so repulsive and he didn't give a flip about my needs in the bedroom anyway, so I couldn't stand for him to touch me. I have used sex in situations where we were having troubles and I thought it would help. Sometimes sex can help a situation. I have a friend who was in a very bad marriage, but their sex life was great, so it helped for them to have sex. It didn't save the marriage though, but it helped it while it was on. When I sold sex toys, I was called a "personal sex consultant" so have counselled a lot of people in the area, but it all boils down to what you want to do. If you don't want to have sex...don't. If you do want to have sex...go for it. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. And don't have sex because you feel obligated to. On the other hand, if you don't want to have sex, and you start having it, you sometimes decide you really want to and then you're glad you did. The only advice I would truly stress is...if someone is treating you with disrespect, they don't deserve your lovin'. If someone is going to treat me with disrespect, they can danged well leave a $100 bill by the door when they go. Disrespect is okay if you are completely in tune with the person and you want to role-play and be disrespectful, but if they are treating you badly out of the bedroom, they don't deserve you in the bedroom. That's just my own personal opinion, which may or may not be worth much. All I know is if Pam ever treats you badly, we are all coming to your house and kicking her a$$. Love you, Joni
Joni Just Joni
on 8/9/05 3:07 pm - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: I Am Alive!
So glad you were able to get taken care of so thoroughly. I've been sending good thoughts even though I haven't been posting much lately. It seems like a lot of WLS patients end up with intestinal problems. Is there any way to avoid it? It doesn't sound like something I want to go through. Hopefully, you won't have any more problems. I misread your post at first. I thought you said you had trouble sitting up straight and then said you were on Greg's lap. Then I read it again and realized you were on Greg's laptop, which could still have meant the same thing, but it's funny how you can read something one way and see it wrong. I read something else wrong not long ago and it was so funny and I was going to try to remember it, but it's apparently lost forever. Take care of yourself and use Greg's lap any chance you get. Love you, Joni
Joni Just Joni
on 8/9/05 3:00 pm - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: I suck...
I've seen those pods. They do seem like a dream come true! I think we are all dealing with the "too much stuff syndrome." I am trying to clear out stuff all the time, and I don't often get any new stuff, but it still seems to accumulate. I am so excited about getting approved for WLS. I am hoping it will improve my health enough where I can really and truly get busy with this clearing out of stuff. I love to study feng shui and one of the main things is GET RID OF CLUTTER. I'm trying. It's always nice to add good clutter though. Beth G sent me some awesome shells and beautiful polished stones this week and it just thrilled me to no end. (Thanks Beth!) I always think shells and stones contribute to good chi. I think a whole new wardrobe in size 12 would contribute to good chi around here too. It won't be long now. Every time I move, I say I'm going to throw everything away and buy new stuff when I get there, but I always seem to schlep everything around with me. Although I did leave a lot of stuff in my house in Florida. Since most of my stuff comes from yard sales and thrift stores, if I sold all my stuff for $100 and then took $100 and bought new stuff, I might actually come out ahead. Enjoy your clearing out of stuff. There is such a RELEASE in giving things away. By the way, we don't think you suck. We think you're awesome! Love you, Joni
on 8/9/05 2:53 pm - Sweet Home, AL
Topic: RE: Been out of pocket...father in law is very ill
ohhhhhh Beth! Sounds like you have your hands full sweetie. I was thinking about you earlier today when I was driving into B'ham to go sign my relase forms for UABW. Ive interviewed and have a good chance at the job. Just waiting on clearance and confirmation then I can go put in my notice So sorry this has happened to your father in law. It is no one fault as you well know. You cant force anyone to do anything they dont want to do. I will keep you all in my prayers. It is going to be a rough ride, for sure and I am sure he will do well. I do remember it wasnt that long ago, he had his heart surgery. You guys have had a rough year, bless your hearts. If you need an ear or a shoulder or anything, Im just a email away. Please take care and let us know how he is doing, when you have a minute. Love, Sandy
Joni Just Joni
on 8/9/05 2:49 pm - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: Been out of pocket...father in law is very ill
Man, what a mess! Dealing with elderly parents is so stressful, especially when they won't do what you suggest. I am sending all good thoughts your way. It's gonna be a rough road for all involved. I am so sorry this happened and even sorrier that he didn't go to the ER immediately when you told him to. I love you, Joni
on 8/9/05 2:44 pm - Sweet Home, AL
Topic: RE: I Am Alive!
Welcome Back Lindy! Gee I do hope you have a swift recovery from this, sounds like they put you through the mill. Good to know you did so well and are back home, recovering! Hoping it gets better everyday Love, Sandy
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