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Topic: Just How Goofy????
Ok, you post ops, just how goofy does the drugs make you?
Just wondering...
I've never had surgery before.
Also, once they wheel you back away from your friends, how long do you have to wait before they knock you out?
Topic: The Religion Thing...
Ok, ya'll know who and what I am. But my friend Debbie does not. I don't know if it will come up in our week long slumber party, but she doesn't know it now. I'm not sure how to deal with the religion question on the hospital files, but if possible, I am just going to go with the flow and not create any waves.
So...if anyone happens to be in my room visiting, don't mention my religion. I know Debbie is pretty open about things, but I don't think she is ready to have it just least not yet.
Her brother John and I had a disagreement about it one time. We were talking and I sort of mentioned it in a round about way and he just about hit the roof and said something like, "You aren't one of those tree hugger, New Age idiots, are you?" or something like that.
That argument was a LONG time ago, probably 15 years ago. He might've changed his own mind in this length of time and after all, I was, at one time, the pianist in a Baptist Church, then I changed to Catholicism and almost became a nun, so I've come a long way Baby in my time too.
But, for my stay in the hospital, I should probably "lay low." I don't want to make these people mad at me since they are doing so much for me. I don't think they would get really MAD, mad and decide NOT to help me, but I just don't wanna make waves, you know what I mean?
So I just thought I would let ya'll know that just because Debbie and John have known me since the second grade, they don't know EVERYTHING.
Hopefully I won't babble something out in some goofy, drug-induced stupor....
I'm looking forward to that drug-induced stupor, by the way....
It usually takes a LOT to affect me, so I doubt it will even phase me, but you never know.

Topic: Thinking About...
Since I changed my date, I need to update a million of my friends. A lot of those friends are on the BB. Since my approval and previous date have already been posted there, I am thinking about making ONE post on there, thanking all the people who have emailed me, signed my surgery page, etc.
Basically, I have WAY more friends on that board than not. And if the ones who are not post something ugly to me....well, it will just go to show that that's the way they are.
Since I have gotten SO many emails from a lot of these people, I feel like I should at least respond to the kind ones. It's nice that all those people even remember me! I know that there is at least one person *****members me and will fume about it if I post. But hey, she's not my problem.
What do you think?
Anyway, I just wanted to let ya'll know in case you see my one post on there and think "I thought she said she would never post on that board again as long as she lived."
Well, sometimes things change. I have been away from there for a long time. There are some people that I DO miss. So...if there are any repercussions to my posting, I can just stay away from it from here on out.
The way I look at it, when I email everyone that I have changed the date, someone will post it on there anyway and it may as well be me.
But I wanted to tell ya'll first.
Joni who is learning not to say "Never again!" too much
Man, I wish you had bookmarked that profile. If you find it again, let me know. I can't imagine losing that much that quic****ep thinking it will take me two years to lose the 215 lbs. But if I lose it in one, I'm perfectly okay with that.
Wow! From 382 to 135 in 9 months! I could deal with that. I'll be deliriously happy if I can get to 160 even. Dang, I dread all that loose skin, but at least I can HIDE IT.
You're right...I may not even remember if you are there the first day.
However, if I have my surgery on Thursday, I may be leaving the hospital on Saturday morning, if I do like others have done. But I'm going to be in the area for the week after surgery, so we can still get together. You will have to come to me though!
We can all firm things up as time gets closer.

Oh Joni, Im so glad you get the date changed!!! I wont be able to come up until the weekend tho, because I will be working but that is okay, I say grab the first available date and get it over with. Maybe you wont be so high, you think you dreamed I was there
I say the sooner the better too. It may not take such a long time to loose, it all depends on you. Everyone loses differently. I wish I had bookmarked the profile I read the other night. This woman lost 129 pounds in 2 months! I think she started at 382 and by her 9th month she had made goal and was down to 135 and had lost over 200 pounds! She is 4 years out and still maintaining her goal weight. You never know by this time next year you could be at goal too.

Topic: RE: Arbys
I ALWAYS worked evenings when prime time television was on so I never watch TV, unless Im off from work.
That reminds me of my WLS co worker. She went to cold stone creamery on our lunch break and thought she was getting a sf ff version of their ice cream. I only had a few bites and did okay, she ate the small cup and sicker than a dog. She blames them for putting in the full fat version instead, but I can tolerate sugar alcohols and unfortunately sugar up to 12 grams and she can't. Who knows it could be that but one thing is for sure, she never wants ice cream again.
FANTASTIC!!!! So are we gonna go see that hot little waiter that called you Senorita??? We could do one last cheese dip date on Thursday????
Let me know if you wanna.
Yes! Yes! Yes! You remember I had a choice of having my surgery on August 18th or the 25th, but I choose September 1st because of the foreclosure hearing????? Well, since the hearing is in Tampa and there ain't no way I can get to Tampa, I am going to have my surgery on the 25th of August now!
I will be going for my preliminary testing THIS THURSDAY and will be meeting with Debbie too to make OUR preliminary plans. Then...drum roll please....I will be having my surgery on the 25th!
I have just waited so danged long for this...there is no point waiting any longer!
Besides, it's gonna take a long, long time, even with WLS to lose 215 lbs., so the sooner the better, right????
This way I can reach the century club one week sooner!
Oh man, though...I'm in the September group message board. I guess this will put me in the AUGUST group. about that????
Topic: RE: River Daze
How EXCITING! I love the water too. We went out on the boat with Pam's brother on Lay Lake a few weeks ago and it was simply DIVINE! I'm so happy to hear that things are going so good for you. There is absolutely NOTHING like country living. I commute 50 miles one way everyday but wouldn't give anything for the peaceful country life that I go home to every night.
(who is secretly longing to be lounging on that Pontoon boat too

Topic: RE: Food Questions...
RELAX and take DEEP BREATHS......I bet you didn't breathe the whole time you were writing that!!!! Don't worry about the food and Water. Just let me know what BRAND of water you want and I will take care of that. I've already started working on your protein samples and cream of everything soups
Have you met with the Nutrionist and received your aftercare instructions? They should give you a menu......but this is what I lived off of for the first couple of weeks:
Mashed Potatoes (very runny)
Cream of everything Soups
crackers (I would soak a few in my soups to get kind of soggy and eat it)
That's all I can think of right now.......but keep in mind that your tastes could very likely CHANGE after surgery so you don't need to buy a lot of stuff......but I am getting all this stuff together for you anyway, ..... there, problems averted again!!! NO STRESS
Don't worry be happy.