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Topic: Paige said Hi!
Hey everyone! I just called Paige and she said to tell everyone Hi!
I sent her the link so she can find us again, so hopefully she will be back with us soon!
Yippie! I found Paige!
I had to tell her the good news!
Topic: RE: Just How Goofy????
Oh my, I can see it now. All the family secrets revealed. However, I usually tell everything all the time anyway, even to strangers, so that's not going to be too much a stretch for me.
Just make sure none of my ex-husbands come in the room.
And just so my mama doesn't show up! I always spill my guts all the time to everyone...until I'm talkin' to my mama and then I will lie like a professional.
I still don't know what to tell her about my surgery. Of course, I'm not tellin' her nuthin' until after the fact, but it will be kind of hard to explain a 215 lbs weight loss. But I won't have to do that just quite yet.
Thanks for the notice. Hopefully I won't be singing "I'm a Wiccan, yes, I am! I'm a Witch, oh watch me summon the cute little waiter and make him call me Senorita Witch."
Oh well, if I do, it will be worth the sacrifice so you will all have a story to tell at the Christmas party (Yule Party for me) and laugh.
I know that won't happen though because I do not, do not, do not, sing.
Joni, Senorita Witch, whom you are about to see less of...

Topic: B-12 shots
Does anyone here do the B-12 shots? I am going to have to start taking them. What is it like and how often do you get the shot?
Well, the painters showed up bright and early at 7:00 am this morning. I was hoping they would bring a good size crew, but there were only two of them. They finished the kitchen, the dining area, and the living room. Tomorrow they will be back to do the Master BR & Bath, the Guest Room and Guest Bath, and the hall outside outside the guest bath.
They seemed to be very was almost 7:00 pm before they left, so of course I was READY for them to be gone. And to their credit...they cleaned up EVERYTHING after themselves and moved ALL the furniture back to where it went...even plugged the lamps back in!
The best thing about all of it is that I didn't have to do ANY of it!
I just walked around and bossed!
Hope everyone has had a great day!
Love you guys,

Topic: KIM and SANDY
Please email me your addresses. The Southern Living at HOME catalogs arrived but I don't know where to send them to!
Topic: RE: Just How Goofy????
The Verset that they give you in preop makes me feel VERY relaxed and a little groggy so you really don't care what is going on. NOTE: this is the drug that Pam ALWAYS TRIES to 'pick my brain' on!! If you are gonna spill the beans about anything......this will be the time you do it
hmmmm note to self, """"what secrets can I get Joni to spill"""""
When they take you from preop (at least with my MANY surgeries) they take you right into the OR.....put you on a HARD table.....put the cuff things on your legs and put something in your IV and then you wake up in recovery. Probably 5 minutes after they take you to the OR, you are put under anesthesia. Oh's really COLD in the OR. If you wear a CPAP, make sure that it is going to recovery with you.
I am always a little 'panicked' when I wake up in recovery and tend to want to cry.....but I think that's just me. They will give you drugs as soon as you wake up good and then you will be back out......You may or may not remember being in recovery. Your first thoughts may be of your room or you may not even remember anything until the next day even. Just depends on how you respond to anesthesia!
love you,

Topic: RE: Thinking About...
You're right! I will post there later on tonight. I'm thinking of going to get my magnesium citrate today, but it's so freaking hot, I don't know if I can stand to get out of the house or not.
However, I need to get my Rhinocort script refilled, so I really should get out, but dang, it's HOT.
Topic: RE: The Religion Thing...
EVERYthing will work out just as it should. If you preregister at the hospital on Thursday, they will ask you about all that stuff then. But I think I remember hearing that the Chaplain at Shelby DOES come to pray with you before if you go along with that, she may JUST ASSUME that you are Christian ..... and it's up to you if you choose to tell her differently under the influence of a mood altering substance

Topic: RE: Thinking About...
Do what you feel like YOU need to do Honey! And if anybody is mean to you, I will beat their A$$
There are a lot of good people there and I still read there everyday but since I never really "fit in" there, I know that I am not missed at all
You do what you want......hell go post on the WLS Regrets, sex board, addictions forum, Hawaii board, Gay board, Recipe board, if you want to cause GIRLFRIEND you deserve to scream it from the highest mountain ....... YOU ARE GONNA BE A LOSER
Love you honey,
I don't know WHEN I've been this excited for ANYBODY EVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE..........ok, maybe when the baby was born 2 years ago