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Topic: RE: Petty little things...
I'd tell him that you were going to do a care package for him and the kinds of things that you were going to put in it for his birthday, but since he decided to take them...oh well...HAPPY FRICKIN BIRTHDAY!
I is terribly petty...but it speaks what you have known in your mind for some time now, that he is using you. Definitely...get you and your stuff out as soon as you can, while you still have stuff! He's pissed cause his free lunch is coming to an end, and like most free loaders...he thinks he's being all subtle, when actually he's just passive aggressive.
Geez...I feel for you...want me to come down there with a baseball bat?
Sorry...I'm sick...and twisted....I know...

on 8/15/05 10:19 pm - Master of my Own Life
on 8/15/05 10:19 pm - Master of my Own Life
Topic: Petty little things...
This past month I literally haven't said more than a handful of sentences to my brother (who has his ass on his shoulders about my moving -- no more freebies for him!) But the clencher is that as I am packing, I'm finding out more and more about just how petty he is!
Just last night, I found a stash of disposable cups that he's stolen out of the bar. Since I've packed up my glassware, he's used a couple of glasses (which are his) and has left them in the sink as if it's my responsibility to clean up after him. I, on the other hand, went out and purchased a package of disposables so as not to have to do dishes. I had noticed that my stack of cups has diminished pretty quickly, now I know why -- he took them and hid them! How fricking petty?!
This morning, I go in to do my regular morning routine pee and low and behold, I am now on my last roll of toilet paper when just this weekend there were 7 rolls up in the cupboard! He's stolen my toilet paper of all damned things! And not just a roll or two -- but all but one single roll!!
I have noticed that my shower soaps have mysteriously diminished quickly -- as well as my shampoo/conditioner! What in the hell!?
The trash bags, the dish soap, the laundry detergent, the towels, you name it -- they're all "disappearing." I really need to get a storage unit this weekend and start moving my stuff now -- before everything else comes up missing! I had planned on leaving the little stuff to keep from having to pack and move it -- but now I'm going to have to go and buy more to even make it to the end of the month! This is just STUPID!
His birthday is on the 20th -- maybe I should give him a care package of cups, toilet paper, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc. -- all of that stuff that he's stealing from me now! But the other part of me says not to do anything -- if he's being that petty -- if he's stealing my stuff now -- just to let it go and not do a thing -- nothing!
Some people amaze me... I just never thought in a million years it would be my own family who amazed me the most! Go figure!
on 8/15/05 9:57 pm - Master of my Own Life
on 8/15/05 9:57 pm - Master of my Own Life
Topic: RE: I Have A Date!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I know you are excited! I wish you all the best honey -- let us know if there is anything we can do! Love you and thinking nothing but good thoughts for you!
Topic: RE: B-12 shots
I do the sublingual tabs and my levels are still high but they usually just give it monthly. My coworker has her own script for it, it costs around 3 bucks a vial and her mother is a nurse and gives it to her once a month. They dont hurt like some other injections do.
Topic: RE: Thinking About...
do what you feel better about you, this is the time to celebrate and rejoice and you know we really need an ignore feathure here. I dont think anyone would be ugly but you never know. If they do, ignore em.

Topic: RE: The Religion Thing...
I dont remember if that was asked, i think they asked if I had a preference and I cant remember what i told em but honestly I dont remember much of that day... My lips are sealed if I meet Debby. Tell John theres alot of us new age idiots running loose in the state...
Then again he kinda looks philosophical in his own way too.Kinda makes you think.

Topic: RE: Just How Goofy????
I dont remember much of anything at all. I got my IV, in the surgery prep area, NEVER even remember going into the OR at all, next thing I knew, I woke up in the same spot. It was just like going to sleep and waking up which is what it is...LOL... but you know what I mean. Some surgeries Ive had I remember going into the OR and getting on the table but not this time. Im just guessing they pretty much stripped me nakkid in there and just did what they had to do, glad I have no memory of it at all.
Morpheine pump made me goofy, and sleepy so I slept in between talking like I had a mouth full of cotton...LOL at least I had NO PAIN whatsoever... woooooo hoooooooo!