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on 8/16/05 2:12 am - Sweet Home, AL
on 8/16/05 2:11 am - Sweet Home, AL
Topic: RE: B*tching Again
BIG HUGZ! I dont have any words of wisdom to offer. I dont tolerate disrespect and I do not like tension, argueing and all that other stuff that goes with it. I guess thats why I tolerate my husband. He is a quiet man, hardly ever gets upset and absolutely knows better than to push my buttons or raise his voice to me. Ive left him more than once, and he knows after 25 years, he is on his last leg of our journey together. If you want it to work then you have to communicate and you very well may need counseling together. Id bet anything, Pam is already afraid you might leave . You may very well benefit from some space, to evaluate where the relationship is and where you seeing it going. ALL relationships take work, and you have to communicate with each other, in a positive way, to make it work. Nothing is solved with screaming, yelling and anger and I just think its best not to confront anyone when you feel this way. I cant say I have always done it, I can loose my cool and get off my chest, right then and there, what I need too and if I raise my voice, "oh well". Fortunately, we haven't had a arguement or disagreement in well over a year. Ive learned if I see him doing something to irritate me, I call him on it, and let him know Im not so dumb. I have him pegged, and he generally stops it right then and there. Tomorrow, today may not seem so bad. Hang in there, kiddo! Sandy
on 8/16/05 1:55 am - Sweet Home, AL
Topic: RE: Petty little things...
Let it go, once and for all and be done with it. It serves no purpose, other than upsetting you to be reminded of it. It is time for him to have some tough love and he will either, grow up and accept his responsibilities or sink and wait around for someone else to pull him back up. I had to do this with my older sister, when our mother died. She was used to mother paying all her bills, although she did work. her son was my parents first granchild and I know they took care of her because of him, all these years. After mother died she had the audacity to think we ( the sisters) would carry on, what our parents had always done, pay her bills for her. She got a rude awakening and realized she was on her own and had no one to take care of her but herself. If my nephew was in need, we would absolutely step in and help her out with things like Christmas for him, and school supplies and fees, clothes but she was on her own with her other bills. It worked, she stepped up to the plate and really has come alot farther than I ever imagined she would. It took her a few years but she even managed to save and buy herself a new car. My son was heading the same way, he took a wife, they had a baby and he tried to lay guilt trips on me, because of the baby, that he couldnt take care of himself or them. He got tired of hearing me say you should never have married if you cant even take care of yourself. He too, finally came around. They live away from me but they are doing great and standing on their own two feet, working and doing very well. I had to get it in his head, not to depend on me. I needed to see for myself, that he could make it without me. Vent, rant and rave. It does the spirit good to release all this negative energy. Sandy
on 8/16/05 1:49 am - Master of my Own Life
Topic: RE: B*tching Again
You've got more grit than I do!! If I'm arguing with my SO for more than a month -- I walk! Plain and simple! If things haven't improved, then they aren't going to improve! And I've always found that after leaving if we try things again once our "emotions" have had a chance to cool -- things are never the same and it's much quicker to walk the second time at the first sign of trouble! If you want things to work out -- hang tough. Because the first time you walk, it might be tough -- but it gets easier and easier to do -- and eventually there's nothing left to hold on to. You may feel the need for some private/personal time - a chance to escape - to get away - to be your own person -- and that's fine and great and you should be encouraged to do so! If you have family you can visit -- take a short "vacation" and spend a couple of days away from each other. If she suggests counseling -- go with her and show her you are in it for the long-haul -- that you aren't ready to give up -- that you really are willing to do what it takes to make things work. You can do nothing about her insecurities -- you can only change the way YOU "fight" to take her off the defensive (or from the sound of it offensive). It's a learning process - and you both have choices. Maybe you need to sit down with her and ask her if she is willing to work these problems out or if she is wanting to throw in the towel -- let her know you love her and don't want it to go that way - but you want to be considerate of her feelings. Establish boundaries (easier said than done -- I KNOW!) and be reasonable and realistic. I admire your dedication -- as I said before -- I'm one of those people who would have walked (and I've walked so many times that I find it difficult to put up with anyone at times!) I wish you the best ~
on 8/16/05 1:34 am - Springville, AL
Topic: email change
Hey ya'll. I've got to change my email and will have to start using my home [email protected]. I will not have my beloved blackberry (aka CRACKBERRY ) after the 26th so, I'm trying to change all my stuff now. Love ya'll Kim
on 8/16/05 1:06 am - Master of my Own Life
Topic: RE: Petty little things...
Girl - you have no idea how much of this kind of stuff I've put up with for 3 years! At first, it was because of the dog -- then it became a matter of not wanting to sign a lease due to my grandmother's health failing (she died last year). Since then, I've been looking for jobs out of this state -- I just haven't been successful -- so again, I didn't want to sign a lease! Well, during that time -- if I bought groceries and brought them into the house (granted, they would have lasted me from one paycheck to the next) - he'd gobble them down in 2-3 days ($200 worth of food mind you). When payday rolled around, I'd be broke and foodless -- but he'd go and get himself something, but nothing for me after he'd eaten all my food! If I went out of the house, he'd call me on the cell phone and ask if I would stop off at Wal-Mart on my way home to pick him up something. I'd tell him I wouldn't be home for several hours, that he might as well go and get it himself. He wouldn't -- and sure enough, the very next day he'd call me again if I left the house to ask me to pick up the very same thing! The whole point -- he didn't want to pay for what it was he wanted but EXPECTED me to fork out the $$ for his crap!!! Since I've been there, he's not once paid for toilet paper, shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, laundry soap, DOG FOOD (at first he was feeding his dog my dog's food -- but since then, he'll feed that **** in-the-house oversized rodent my groceries!), or any other household "necessity." He's used my good pots to put mineral spirits in, as oil pans, or to rinse greasy boat parts. He's taken over my tools, my electrical cords (and has destroyed 3 of the outdoor 50-ft. cords by running them over in the driveway), used my mop or towels to clean up oil spills in the shop, my fricking toothbrush as a parts scrubber, and the list goes on! He has CONSTANTLY stepped all over my boundaries and putting up with his "bully" attitude if I say something about it just hasn't been worth it - so I started putting stuff away after having asked several times for him not to destroy my stuff (I even went so far as to make him a stack of "old" towels that I didn't care if he used in the shop -- but he still went straight for the good/new ones first -- so I packed them away or put them in a drawer in my room to keep them off the shop floor!) And get this -- I left HIS towels out for him, but he would go into my room and get the towels I had drying (I use them for a week and wash them on the weekend) to dry himself off on!! I'd get out of the shower and have a WET TOWEL to dry off on because he came into MY room and took MINE (and they'd been used before!!!) When I'd wash towels, he'd go and snatch mine before I'd have a chance to use it - so I'd go into the bathroom, take my towel and rewash the damned thing!! He used my toothbrush one morning to brush his teeth -- so I went out and bought TWO more toothbrushes -- one for me, and one for him so he wouldn't do it again (that's just NASTY!) And I hate this -- I'd go to use my deodorant only to find long pit hairs on it from where he'd gotten into it so I bought him his own to keep him out of mine -- and when he'd run out -- he'd be back to the same **** again so I started leaving mine in my room and he went in there and used it anyway!!!!! The whole "using" situation has been going on for YEARS! Every time I thought about leaving before, something would get turned off at the house and he claimed to be broke -- or I'd feel sorry for him since "no one gave [him] anything for [his] (birthday or Christmas)." Maybe he should get a clue that the whole world doesn't owe him anything! I guess he will soon find that one out when I move and he loses his cellular phone too -- after all, that is on my plan and I pay for it! The whole kicker of this is -- the house payment is 2.5 months behind, he knows I'm leaving, he knows I'm not going to give him any more $$ -- but just last Monday he was on eBay bidding on a new color graph/fish finder for his boat -- and there's absolutely nothing wrong with the one he has now!!! I know he's going to go begging my younger brother for $$ when I leave claiming that he's broke because he doesn't have the additional $$ from me -- but I'm telling you -- he's worse than a drug addict when it comes to that fishing crap!! I hate to say it (or see it) - but he's going under FAST!! He's on "credit counseling consolidation" due to non-payment of his credit card bills, has 3 outstanding loans out against that damned boat (the boat itself, a "second mortgage" when he upgraded to the current one, and a loan for the motor). He owes over $8K in credit card debt (on ONE card), his house payment is behind -- so are his utilities. He's so IRRESPONSIBLE that it's not even funny!! And I'm just SICK of him being in my pocket only to come home with more CRAP for that boat! Okay -- I've ranted enough -- and you have no idea the extent of this madness -- this is only the TIP of the ICEBERG with me! I think the one thing that pissed me off with him more than anything was when Granma died. I loved her more than anyone else who has walked the face of this earth. I stayed here for 4 years because I wouldn't leave her while she was sick. I visited her every other weekend once she moved to Roanoke, Alabama (80+ miles from me one-way), never let a trip to the hospital go unvisited, etc. My brother went to see her once a year - the only time he spoke with her on the phone is when I called and handed him the phone -- then on the night that she died -- he screws this piece of $h!+ liar for the first time -- and the second time was the night we burried my grandmother! Then at Christmas, he had the NERVE to come up to me telling me how much he missed her and how Christmas just wasn't the same without her (truth be told, he was morning the loss of his piece of a$$ that left him for another fella but was still lying and stringing him along!) The insanity goes on and on -- I'm done with him! I've re-done my Will and completely cut him out -- he's gotten enough and will never get anything more. Ok -- I'll quit my rant! It's doing me no good to rehash this -- it's only ******g me off more when I think of all the crap he's pulled! Sorry to dump this on you -- but damn it felt good to get it out!
Becky L.
on 8/16/05 12:51 am - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: B*tching Again
(((((((((((Hugs Kim)))))))))))) Positive thoughts are most certainly going your way. I know you are both frustrated and I'm sorry that things are the way they are right now. Perhaps counseling for the two of you would be a good idea. You are both dealing with things that you need to address, and without communication its like a powder keg waiting to go off. Too, talking to a professional who could act as a mediator while you clear the air and express your feelings might help you regain some of the ground that you've lost. As much as we all hate to admit it we go through changes in our lives, some of those changes are great and some are not so good. I know that you don't regret one second that you had WLS, nor should you! Maybe both of your perceptions of things have changed and talking about things might help you understand how the other person is feeling. Now, is it possible that she is being unreasonable and jealous? Of course...and if that's the case and you don't forsee things getting any better...then at that point you examine things and make a decision about where you feel you need to go with your life at that point. Don't give up hon...I know things are tough right now, but maybe you can work things out. At the very least, you can re establish your communication. If you can go in open minded, without being on the defense, you may be able to accomplish great things! Any counselor worth their salt will have you discuss how things are making you feel rather than focusing in on you did this or you did that. Just as an aside, I've been trained in and have done mediation before. I feel sure that I could be an objective third party...if I can be of any help...just let me know. Love you, Becky
Becky L.
on 8/16/05 12:27 am - Madison, AL
Kim, I know just what you mean. Our computer room/home office has become a catch all as well. Once the painters are done and gone and I can move the stuff back into the rest of the house where it goes, I am going to continue the weeding out of stuff. We had them paint every room but that one...I'll do that one myself...or maybe see if I can entice my dad to come help me! My colors are Urban Putty and Snowball from Sherwin WIlliams. The Urban Putty is a khaki and its on the walls and the trim is Snowball...a softer white. The backsplash and tile that will go in the kitchen is khaki and some muted browns...and then we'll have these little deco tiles to go in the backspla****hink it will have a little Tuscan Villa feel to it...or at least that's what I'm hoping! Hope you are having a great day...I'll do my best to get your catalog in the mail to you tomorrow! Love ya, Becky
on 8/15/05 11:59 pm - Springville, AL
Topic: B*tching Again
Sorry Ladies.....ANOTHER *****fest is about to begin. If you wanna skip it, feel free.....mostly I just need to rant. Ok, so Pam had a business dinner and didn't get home until 8:30 last night. I was in the shower but had put my 15 year old Dalmatian out on the deck (with the gate closed) because she'd been under my feet all night. I forgot to bring her back inside before I got in the shower (just totally forgot....BUT she'd been out there for only maybe 15 minutes tops). Next thing I know, Pam throws open the bathroom door and YELLS at me, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??" I'm like, #1, who are you talking to and #2, what is the problem?? She says, "YOU LEFT CLEO ON THE DECK AND SHE WAS STUCK UNDER THE TABLE. HOW DAMN LONG HAS SHE BEEN LIKE THAT??" Ok, I'm in such a state of shock because I am NOT accustomed to being talked to like that......especially not by her. She has always been respectful to me.........until the past few months. So, I get out of the shower dried and changed.....apologize for leaving Cleo outside and make sure MY dog is ok (she's fine).....and the mudslinging starts. It ends up with me refusing to talk to her, taking my sleeping pill and going to bed. I got up at 3:30 this morning and went on about my business. She gets up gets dressed and leaves, "Bye". "bye". I am so absolutely sick of the **** Everytime we argue it gets worse and worse now. She hates that I've changed. I hate that she is jealous. She wants the 'old Kim that she fell in love with' back. I LOVE the new me and wish that she would give the 'new Kim' a shot. I don't know why, but we've lost so much respect for one another. We say the MOST hurtful things to one another now and it's almost like we WANT to hurt each other. But at the same time, I LOVE HER. She wants to go to counseling.....I just want to go to the Holiday Inn and take a break (alone). Honestly, I really don't know what is going to happen with this......but I feel like it's make it or break it time. Every relationship goes through hard times, I know......but this is the first time that I've EVER wanted to walk away from my marriage. If you've stayed with me this long, thanks for listening. If you would, please send us some good thoughts. I'm so scared of losing her......and so scared of losing me. So much of my life is focused on my marriage and my family - that I feel so fortunate to have found, but I just don't know how much more I can take. I think people look to divorce and separation way too easily these days and it takes a lot of work to make a committed relationship last and I meant it when I said, "until death do us part".....but AT THAT TIME, I never thought I would be at this point. Thanks for listening ya'll.
on 8/15/05 11:31 pm - Springville, AL
WOW! Maybe I should hire someone to paint this one tiny little room that I've been trying to paint now for two years......the problem is that it is a catch-all room. Anything that I dont want out in the house I throw in there.......well two years later, I'm still going through CRAP. Glad everything is going good. I know you are excited! What are your colors?
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