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Becky L.
on 8/18/05 9:57 am - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: Need Prayers
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers...just believe that things will work out the way that they're supposed to. Rest in that...sometimes what we want and what we need are different...but no matter what...each day you're closer to where you are supposed to be! I'm hoping everything works out like you want it to! Love, Becky
on 8/18/05 9:53 am - Partly Cloudy, FL
Topic: Need Prayers
Hi Everyone, Wow, I don't know what to say or how to ask for prayers for this new endeavor I'm about to embark on. Saturday morning at 7:30am, I'll begin my testing with the Florida Highway Patrol. I have a written test at that time (which takes appx. 3 hours) and then I have a physical abilities test. I'm really nervous. I've been preparing for the physical test hard for the past month; running everyday and working out with weights. I'm probably more than prepared for it, but am scared ****less. I am having no peace right now. See, I've wanted to be a state trooper since I was in high school. Applied back in '93 and was turned down, mostly because of my weight. This has been a dream for over 15 years and it is finally coming to reality and I'm scared I'll fail. Prayers never hurt. God has brought me to this and I'm sure he'll bring me through it. But I need extra help. I need extra doses of determination, heart, stamina, agility, grace and speed. Need some confidence, too. I have six minutes to complete this course. I can walk a 1/2 mile in six minutes, so I'm feeling a little good about that, but then again, maybe not. I can jog a 1/2 mile in 4.5 minutes. Sprints are killing me. No matter how I stretch and warm up, I do a sprint and my thigh muscles feel like they are gonna rip in half. This is the test layout: 2-225 yd. runs, 2-50 yd. sprints, completing an obstacle course and dragging a 150lb dummy 100 ft. These two tests are just the beginning of the journey. If I pass Saturday, I still have to pass about 5 more tests (psych, medical, background, eye, credit check). And of course if I get accepted, pass the academy. So, if ya'll have nothing better to do, at least think kindly of me Saturday. Love, Gisela
Becky L.
on 8/18/05 9:53 am - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: I have some wonderful news!!!!!
OH LINDA>>>THAT"S FANTASTIC!!! I know you're thrilled! We can have a SLAH Housewarming! lol Becky
Linda H.
on 8/18/05 9:18 am - Madison, AL
Topic: I have some wonderful news!!!!!
I am so happy ya'll!! Today they started laying the foundation for my new house!!!!! Madison has only allowed them to that. Hopefully by the time they are ready for the next step Madison will have giveni them a permit to finish. I am so excited. WE just might be in our new house by Christmas. That would be so wonderful!! I am praying!! Love ya, Linda
Linda H.
on 8/18/05 9:14 am - Madison, AL
Hi Staci, my friend!!! I miss you soooo much!! When are we going to get together again???? Call me soon ok!! Love ya, Linda
Linda H.
on 8/18/05 9:08 am - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: I just heard.........
I am so happy for you!! If you come to Huntsville let me know. There are several of us in this area. I would love to meet you. Linda
Linda H.
on 8/18/05 9:05 am - Madison, AL
Oh, Becky, I am here for you!! I understand completely what you mean. They can come see you just as easily as you can go see them. I would love to go to dinner, but I have my kids and they have homework, chores, and then bedtime is at 8pm and then Frank gets home around 9:30 and he will go straight to bed cause he has to be at work at 6am in the morning. I hope we can do it again though. I really enjoyed lunch yesterday. You are a very beautiful and nice lady. I love your hair!! I love short hair. My husband doesn't really like it, but he picked out my hair style I have now, so he is ok with it. Anyway, feel free to come over here anytime. I am home most evenings. I do have to close one night a week at Mcdonald's and hopefully soon that will change. I hope you are feeling better!!!! Love ya, Linda
Becky L.
on 8/18/05 1:52 am - Madison, AL
Hey guys...I have become completely overwhelmed with things. There is so much that needs to be done and not enough time to do it in. I was going down to Anniston today to see my neice who just got back from Ireland before she goes back to school on Saturday. Too, I've missed being able to see my family...and wanted to go down and see them. I had a talk with my mom a bit ago and told her...I just can't keep being the one that does all the going. I want to see them, but the road runs both ways. She understands completely...and she said that unfortunately most just expect me to come down because I've always done it. My mom and dad come up usually a couple of times a year, but the other brothers and sisters maybe make it once every year or two. Its like I told mom, even though I don't have kids, my time is every bit as valuable as theirs is. She agrees completely. She and I were talking about the fact that when they lived in Huntsville in the 50s, that no one ever came up to see them...probably because they always made the trip about once a month. I'm frustrated a bit because the whole summer went by and neither my sister or sister in law made an effort to come see me...and it wasn't because I didn't invite them, because I did. My next oldest brother has only crossed my threshhold once since I've been here and that was when we had the whole family for the 4th of July. I'm in a griping mood I know. I'm getting a lot better now about learning how to say NO. I've decided that I'm going to start telling people in advance when we're going to be in town and where we will be and if they want to see us they can come there. I think if I drive 2 hours...they can drive 10 minutes...and I don't think its unreasonable. Too...there's a part of me that wonders...if I didn't go down for about 6 months if they would get the idea. I think the best way to handle it is to just start telling them that I really want to see them, but I can't be the only one making the effort. And I guess if it means not seeing them but a couple of times a year...then that's what it means...I just can't run my legs off anymore. If they don't understand...then they don't understand...but I'm not going to kill myself anymore. Now...this is where I was going....I decided to stay in town and have some down time and work on getting the house back together after the painters. I'm going to give myself a break and work today on one room at a time...getting it back together...before going to another room. Mike is still gone and will not be bac****il tomorrow. Would anyone like to get together tonight for Dinner? I'm not offering to cook...its more than I can bite off right now. I was thinking going out to dinner...I could REALLY use some social time without having to do a lot of work to get it....ANYBODY INTERESTED??? Becky, the stressed out...needing to be social before I get mean, one.
Becky L.
on 8/18/05 1:22 am - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: I just heard.........
WOW!! That's AWESOME!! Congratulations Sandy...I'm so happy for you!
on 8/18/05 12:29 am - Springville, AL
Topic: RE: I just heard.........
FANTASTIC Sandy!!! I'm so excited for you Good things are happening all around us.......see what happens when positive energy gets to flowing????? Love you girl! Kim
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