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Topic: Sandy!!!
Hey Sandy,
I couldn't remember if you said that you were going to be able to make it to the hospital for Joni's surgery or not. I have your packet ready and if you're coming to the hospital I'll bring it with me when I come. If you're not going to be able to be there, I'll put it in the mail tomorrow. Just let me know what I need to do.
Topic: RE: Update
You are in my thoughts and prayers!! You will be just fine. Keep us posted on how you are doing!!
Topic: RE: Update
How cool is that?!
I'm hoping Dr. Stahl will call me around 3am on Thursday and say, "Hey, you know what? I'm just sitting here and can't sleep. What say I come pick you up and take you to the hospital and let's just get this thing going?"
All I know is that I needed this surgery 20 years it can't happen quickly enough.
Geez, I've gotta get packed. I was hoping to do it today when that supposed "cold front" came in. I guess they were talking about Minnesota or somewhere....
I cannot wait!
Joni who wishes Jacquie a safe trip, easy surgery and lots of cool size 6's! Or whatever size you wanna get to.... I'm just shooting for a size 12 or 14, but then I'm tall, tall, tall.

Topic: RE: Love Fest
I am very fortunate to have all of you as my family.
I am glad that things are better for you on the home front.
Love ya!

Topic: My Friend GiGi
Hey ya'll. I have a friend ..... GiGi.....who had surgery a couple of weeks ago with - what I consider to be a very inexperienced and insensitive Doctor - he's nobody's doctor here........anyway, not naming him and not trying to bash him, but GiGi is the 2nd person I know who has had surgery with him and had complications and a very hard recovery. There is no clear plan with this Surgeon, no support requirements, no nutrition plan. Anyway, I am saying all of this - not to bash or judge - but to stress the importance of choosing a Surgeon that is QUALIFIED and EXPERIENCED in doing wls. For those of you thinking about surgery or considering surgery, DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
Love ya'll

Topic: Update
Dr. Freeman's office called and moved my surgery up. I must be at the hospital at 5 a.m. instead of at 7 a.m.
I know I have not been on the board a long time, but I value your thoughts and prayers.
Topic: RE: Family Matters
Hey Honey! I'm with Sandy on this may be time to show Mom some tough love and begin to put an end to her torturing you over your weight. At some point she HAS to let it go and accept that YOU have to do what YOU have to do. It may have to be as blunt as, "MOM, I had weight loss surgery. My Doctors advised me to do so in order to save my life. I've been on your diets for my whole life and NOW I don't have to do that anymore. I love you and I would like your support in this transition, but if you can not be supportive, I would rather you not talk to me about weight/diet/food at all." Just my opinion, of course, but you are going to worry yourself sick over this if you don't get it into perspective.

Topic: Love Fest
I'm feeling really Sappy today for some reason. I've had a GREAT weekend with Pam and FINALLY we've made some breakthroughs. We've both begun to realize our weaknesses and strengths and I feel like we are back on the right track. For the first time in a long while, I have a renewed sense of committment and love in my marriage
and man oh man, it is right on time! I was really scared that I, once again, was going to fail at this whole relationship thing. BUT, and I thank my lucky stars, the future is looking a little brighter. We've got some work to do, but we are BOTH comitted to getting past this and having a happy life.
I'm sitting here procrastinating about paying bills and was just thinking about all of you and how fortunate I am to have you all in my life. It seems like good things are happening for all of us and I'm so incredibly blessed to be able to share in all your happinesses and be able to share mine with you. I know that God, Buddha, Almighty high preistess or WHOEVER or WHATEVER is the Greater Being in this world - brought you all to me. After my Mom died 3 years ago, my blood family just kind of drifted apart. I can't say that I am particularly sad about this - that's a whole other story for ANOTHER day - but I found all of you, my SISTERS, my SUPPORTERS, at times - MY LIFELINE and I am so very fortunate. I've always wanted to have 'Girlfriends'........and as an obese person, I wouldn't let anybody close enough to hurt me. Sure, I have a couple of close friends......but mostly, just Pam and her family. Now, I have all of 2nd family
I love you all and I am so thankful to have you in my life!
(who is stepping down off of that sappy soapbox now

Topic: RE: Bad Habits...
Hey Honey! I'm having a reality check about the old habits myself. I've been stuck for 12 weeks now and can't seem to make the scales budge below 143 for anything! Then yesterday, I layed in the pool ate doritos and drank a six pack (wonder why I gained 2 pounds
). But sometimes, I have to give myself permission to fall off the wagon and be a 'bad girl'.....after all I'm not perfect !!
Pick yourself and start over today Girl. YOU are a success. You KNOW what to do......just do it.