Recent Posts
Topic: Clarifying this Board purpose
This board was originally designed as a special interest board. I realize that because of things that happened on the Alabama board many of you moved to this board because it was not active. In light of the problems, this board was placed as hidden/private to allow members that felt secluded a place to come for support. However as I had explained this would never be completely private. Anyone can access this board at any time. What I had told all of you in the beginning is any posts that are bashing would be removed in accordance with the TOS. The rules apply to any portion of this site. It's come to my attention that other posts were made that are inappropriate and simply overlooked. I'm very sorry that any posts stayed on this board that were inappropriate and are now being handled. We only wanted to provide a place you can come to and have the support you also deserve.
If there are posts that you feel are inappropriate that I may have overlooked you can email me a link and it be reviewed.
[email protected]
Topic: RE: What ya'll doin this weekend??
Well Kimmers...... How did the haircut turn out? Im off shortly to go get mine cut. I have no idea what I will go with. My stylist has moved to Georgia. I do not let just anyone cut my hair so now I have to go find someone else to take over. I think I will go shopping after the bill paying ritual. Might take in a movie tonight, have no plans other than the usual housecleaning and laundry chores. I might rent movies, and catch up on all the ones Ive wanted to see in the last few months and missed. I dunno, Im off to shower, dress and get started. Will check in later. Dont forget, a new do, means new pics!

Topic: RE: "Mom"
So sorry to hear this! I will have her in my good wishes and prayers for sure. I dont know her well but she always has been a bright light whenever she would post here. Take it easy and pop in when you can. You are missed!

Topic: RE: Update on my BCBS of Alabama predetermination
Beth I am so glad to know this. You have been on my mind all week. I recieved my insurance packets ( I got to choose between BCBS and another company) I went straight for the exclusions. This BCBS plan will pay for one WLS per lifetime if deemed medical necessary. Im sure your plan says the same thing. I know if you were at Bryce or with the state in another facility, they would approve it without question. Im sticking with BCBS, I may have to pay out of pocket for my next visit but my yearly checkup will be covered under my new plan. I just can not afford almost $700.00 for COBRA. My insurance is good until October and my new plan starts Nov. 1, so I can manage a few weeks but your defintely in my thoughts and good wishes. Hang in there!

Topic: RE: I apologize
Morning all! Well, now that I've had some sleep and am feeling a bit more human
I wanted to comment briefly:
I personally have never been persecuted anywhere on any OH board, nor have I done so. I didn't even know it exhisted until chatting with a friend from Baltimore who is having WLS done. I had thought about it on and off for some time, but never went any farther. She told me about the OH site and sent me the URL.
When I first came to OH it was right after the Bash apparently. I thought "bash" was an appropriate word, because I was hearing and seeing a lot of it. To the point, if I remember, I asked that for my sake and for the sakes of others like me, to please remember that newbies need some support...and if I didn't find it here, I didn't know where else I could go.
I was not there, it was before my time so to speak. So I can't comment on what happened, I can't say anyone was right or wrong, and I WILL NOT pick sides.
I have made a number of friends here at OH. Most are on the IG board, because I have felt a true sense of support here. I purposefully try to stay out of this particular conflict...because its not any of my business...and there are a lot of strong feelings involved. When high emotions become involved, people tend to be less rational and honestly...I didn't care anything about being hammered with who did what. Too, sometimes people are going to believe what they believe and not me or anyone else is going to change their why even get into it?
I have wanted to try and build a support system for myself and for others like me in the Huntsville area. When I post to the BB, very few reply to my posts. Now, is it necessary that I have mounds of replies to my posts? course not, its almost like there are a few that always reply to certain people, but the general population seems to float along with a bit here and there.
I'm the kind of person, that if I see someone post from my area and they're new and looking...I will send them a private email to introduce myself, say hello, and to tell them that some of us do try and get together for dinner etc, from time to time and to please join us if they are able. Sometimes I even post to them on the board...quite frequently I never hear anything back from them. Who knows, maybe its just a lack of common courtesy.
Its disheartening to see the rift that is here in this area. People are not always going to agree...but I think we can learn to disagree peacefully...or at least try to. Its always difficult for anyone who is new and trying to get into a social matter what you do, you are still an outsider and it takes time for people to get to know you and for you to know them. I think for depends on how hard I have to work to get to know someone. If I really have to WORK just to get to know someone, then that tells me that they're really not that interested if I'm the only one who seems to be making an effort.
If someone posts about something and I feel particularly strong about it, I will post...sometimes I guess its not what they are expecting to hear...but it is always done from a heart of caring. I try to help people look at things from a different angle and to give them other perspectives. Do I have all the answers? Nah...but I try to give thoughtful responses.
Anyway...Brenda, I don't know if we've ever met or not. I went to the picnic in Anniston that Saturday, but I was late getting there and I don't remember if we were introduced or not. I do hope to meet a number of you that I have not met yet. My didn't turn out to be a brief post after all!
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Topic: I apologize
This morning I came to this board to check it out. I have been told by several that Glenn and I have been bad mouthed something awful so I wanted to see for myself. Wow, right from the beginning I am yelled at for being here. Ok, you win. I apologize for not coming to this board sooner. My Bible says that if you think someone has something against you go to them. I didn't know that Linda hated me. The last time we talked I was her friend and thought she was mine. So Linda, right here in front of God and your friends, I'm sorry I did something to make you hate me. I wish you had come to me personally. I need to apologize to Dixie and Linda for asking them to get together with us last winter in Opelika for dinner. Glenn and I thought they liked us at the time. I'm not sure exactly the proper way to make the apologies I need to make so bear with me. Dixie I was shocked to hear from the nice lady camped next to us at Oak Mountain the the t-shirts had been donated for the bash. Glenn and I almost argued with her telling her that we had sent our money to you. Of course, you know how silly I felt when I saw the on the back of the shirts. Boy that was a dead give away for that donation rumor. I remember asking about that and being told it was because they wanted their name on the shirts. Well, duh, sponsors almost always want their name on what they are paying for. So now I am apologizing to you for allowing this story to be pasted on. All the hard work that Linda and Dixie did for the Bash was appreciated. I felt it was awful that no one would help them. There was so many that offered and turned away. I didn't offer. After all I am older and somewhat senile according to some reports. Besides I felt I was more useful caring for children of ladies who were far more important and didn't have husbands who were interested in caring for their children. Linda I apologize for not making sure your children ate at the Bash. I did feel terrible when I found out they had note eaten.
Now for the apology most of you have been waiting to hear. I truly am sorry that you feel threatened by me that you would need to shout ugly remarks. A loving, caring, and supporting board????????? I see a few angry, unhappy, insecure people who blame the world for whatever is wrong in their lives. I also saw some beautiful people with a sense of humor and welcoming spirit. To you, I say thank you. For those of you who have a personal agenda concerning me, please send me an email and let's work it out. I haven't had WLS but I have a weight problem for a lifetime so I understand many of the things you have suffered before WLS. I will leave your "private" board alone unless you continue to slander my name.
God be with you.
Brenda A.
Topic: Wow...
Well, obviously I've been out of pocket this week...I've been working 12 and 13 hour days at the school the last few days and tonight is the first time I've been on the board this is about all I can say right now.
Because of mental and physical exhaustion I'll sum up my feelings briefly:
Traci, please give FB my love...let her know that I"m thinking of her.
Everyone else...I love you guys and appreciate you. I'm sorry that I've been MIA since school has started back...I'm just not into the groove yet. I've read through all the posts but have not responded to any simply because typing what I'm doing is taking all the energy that I have.
Mike leaves on Sunday morning for AZ. He'll be gone till Thurs. if anyone wants to get together on Sunday afternoon or for supper one night. I worked till after 8:00 last night so I wouldn't have to bring anything home over the weekend. I'm hoping to rest some this weekend.
I've decided to not start teaching piano and voice lessons until Oct. My next Time Mgt. workshop that I'm teaching is the 24th, and the next SLAH party is Oct 1. Once I get back into the routine at school I'll be okay, but right now...its kicking me HARD.
I love you...and miss you.