Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Hey Yall
Yippie! You're here! Welcome!
So glad to see you!
Joni who has been trying to get off of this computer for a long, long time and is really going to get off of here now...I think....LOL

Topic: Hey Yall
I don't know what happened to my original post
but it disappeared on me...
Just wanted to tell everyone HELLO
and thanks for inviting me to your
SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm not telling 


Topic: ~tee hee hee~
Hey everybody
I found yall WOO HOO
Thanks, Joni...
is safe with me, honestly
How is everyone???

Topic: RE: Joni
But, the roster of members is for EACH board, not all of them.
My posts on here do not show up on the BB roster.
Love ya!
Topic: RE: Mini Meat Loaves
I hope you know you're making me hungry!
I used to make meat loaf with part lean ground beef and part tofu, adding some protein powder to the mix. It was really good.
Shredded monterey jack cheese sounds yummy!
Ok, now I'm hungry....

Topic: RE: Joni
I think she's talking about the sex board. I feel like if they knew, they wouldn't be able to keep it to themselves and would be posting some cutesy remark on the BB about it.
I keep trying to lay low and hope no one draws any attention to me, but I guess I was just UNFORGETTABLE on the BB.
It's sad in a way because I had a lot of people who loved me on that board and it's sad that a select few ran me off. And it's sad that I let them. But I want only love, peace and harmony in my life and I certainly couldn't have it on the BB. Wonder why I was such a threat to them that they couldn't bear my presense? Oh well, I'm done wondering about it.
I'm just glad you all are here with me. As long as they think I'm on the sex board, so be it. If they're lurking here, at least they aren't exposing us to all their bullchit.
I'm going to change my screen name back to Joni JustJoni since they know I've changed it. It would be easy enough to know that I've changed it because if they look back in the archives, there I am. And if they look at the roster of members, there I am.
I really do need to create another profile.
I'm not going to worry about it yet.

Topic: Joni
Check the BB...someone asked about you. Read what the reply was...I hope noone knows where we are.
Topic: Heading to work......
Hey everyone,
I am headed to work for the next 2 nights...12 on 12 off. I work Baylor. I probably won't post again until Monday...just depends. Have a good weekend everyone.