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on 5/23/05 2:45 pm - Sweet Home, AL
Topic: RE: Thank you so much!!
Sometimes these technicians "see" something on these preliminary x rays but can not tell you if they do or not because they are not liscensed to do only the Radioloigist can do that. It could go wither way, she may see an enlarged gall bladder, she may see stones or what she percieves as stones but cant say because she isnt liscensed to tell you, then again she may truely be just concerned for your pain and offered advice. I would take her advice, if the pain gets unbearable, go to the ER, tell em you had the ultrasound you just dont have a report, no sense in laying around in pain, just waiting besides IF it is your gall bladder you do not want it to rupture. Feel better soon! Love, Sandy
on 5/23/05 2:35 pm - Sweet Home, AL
Topic: RE: SANDY!!!
Gail that sounds just like her recipe. I do remember it called for 4 chicken breasts but I use canned whenever possible, they were sooooooooooooooo GOOD! Thanks for posting this! Love,Sandy
Joni Just Joni
on 5/23/05 2:20 pm - Sheffield, AL
Topic: Paige?
Were you able to find a babysitter? Was the first night okay? We were just wondering...or I was wondering and I'm assuming everyone else is too... Love you, Joni
Dakota Mom
on 5/23/05 11:20 am - Montgomery, AL
Topic: RE: Am I just a MOODY B*TCH??? Really long (sorry)
Kim, Snap out of it girl! Too many people love you to watch you do this to yourself. You May have a serious disorder and you most likely need medication for it. Why do you not want medication to help with your problem? Why are you afraid of telling your doctor you have a problem? The stigma? Girl, I come from a family of bipolar people. My grandmother, father, uncle, and older sister are all bipolar. If they don't take their meds, I kick their ass because I am sick of their excuses. Go to the doctor Kim, get some help and don't push those that love you away from you. Just because they love you don't mean you can't run them away. I am not trying to sound unloving or unsupportive here but you have a problem. Obviously you realize it or you would not have posted here. I only want the best for you so please do what is necessary to get yourself healthy. Just because you are thinner now does not mean you are healthy. Being healthy is a total body experience and that includes your mind and soul. Please go to your doctor for you, your health, and your relationship. I really hope you don't think I was being mean here, ok maybe I was a little but I wanted to get your attention. Now that I got it, Gail
Joni Just Joni
on 5/23/05 10:37 am - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: Thank you so much!!
We love you Linda! We're still sending good thoughts and prayers. The lady probably said that to make you feel better and to ensure that you follow up if you get in too much pain. If there is a problem or they suspect there is a problem that needs immediate attention, they will be doing those tests quickly anyway. But if you do get to hurting worse, please call the doctor. I have a friend who has a friend who is in really bad shape right now because her appendix burst and she's a tough ol' bird and tried to "stand it," and by the time she went to the doctor, she just about had gangrene and almost died. So please take every precaution, even if you don't feel like it's important enough and get to the ER if you need to or call the doctor again ASAP. We need you around here, okay? Best of luck with McDonald's. My first husband was a manager at McDonald's and would bring home left-over food every night and that's how I got fat originally. But dang I love those quarter pounders with cheese! Wish I had one now....pout....but I divorced the ******* 24 years ago so he can't bring me cheeseburgers anymore. He doesn't work there anyway, but that's beside the point. Well, speaking of cheeseburgers, I'm hungry and am off to fix some supper, something I should have done hours ago, but was too tired to stand on my feet and fix something. I'm still too tired, but I'm hungry enough now that it's gotta be done. Then I'm going back to bed and listen to my fat cells expand....sigh. Keep us informed. We love you, Joni
Joni Just Joni
on 5/23/05 10:23 am - Sheffield, AL
Topic: RE: Am I just a MOODY B*TCH??? Really long (sorry)
Well, Kim, my precious friend, you might not want to be on drugs for depression AGAIN and this may only happen a few times a year. That said... I lived in Florida, owned my own home, had a job that I loved, had a home business that I loved, was healthy, enjoyed my life, had FREEDOM from the past in that I was away from all the bad memories in Alabama and was so happy that I had finally escaped Alabama FOR GOOD. I wasn't particularly taking my meds and I got involved with a man who was very bad for me, a man I wouldn't have even looked at twice if I had been in my so-called right mind, and I let him take me for every dime I had and could borrow. He hurt me so bad that I just lost my mind. I was put on disability because I could no longer function at work. Instead of working 60-80 hours a week, I wasn't able to do my basic 40 competently and I started losing everything. I tried to refinance my house to try to save things. Then that achiness in my legs started getting worse and I went from being healthy to being crippled, I lost my house, I had to move back to this hellhole and now I am facing bankruptcy, foreclosure, my health is gone, I am living right back where I swore I would never live again as long as I lived. Florida is gone. Everything is gone. And this financial mess is so overwhelming that I don't know if I will ever get out of it. I am in pain all the time, mentally and physically. If I had been taking my medicines correctly or if I had gotten help THE VERY SECOND IT STARTED GOING DOWNHILL, I would not have gotten involved with that man, would not have put myself in financial jeopardy for him, would not have lost my house or Florida. If I had not refinanced my house, my mortgage payment would have been low enough that I could have survived when I went on disability. You don't have to bring this up to your PCP or your surgeon. If you have to have a referral to a psychologist, then just tell your PCP you're having some depression and would like to see a psychologist. You will also need to see a psychiatrist too so you can get on some meds. Be sure and tell them you have had WLS so they will know what kind of meds to prescribe for you. You will need both a psychiatrist AND a psychologist so you can get meds and talk things out as well. This is your choice, of course. You don't have to do anything. You can jus****ch it all fall apart and lose everything you have. But I love you and I hope with everything in me that you are smarter than I was, that you forget the embarrassment or shame about mental problems. There is nothing to be ashamed of. If you have any other ailment, you go to a doctor. This is a medical condition that can be controlled. When I think of all I have lost because I didn't take care of my mental health enough, I get sick to my stomach. Even if I have WLS, I will never be able to regain what I have lost...never. My health has gone downhill enough that I will never be able to work again and even if I could, my credit will be shot for at least 10 years because of the upcoming bankruptcy and foreclosure so buying another house will never be an option for me again. You have a chance to stop this before it goes any further. If I could go back to the point where I could have stopped what happened to me...oh my god, you know I would do it. I could have saved everything if I had just realized how important it was to take good care of myself, mentally as well as physically. Admitting you are having some problems will not disappoint anyone. To hell with anyone else. YOU are the one who has to take care of YOU. Trust me...when you lose everything in your life and you need help, there will not be one soul who will come to your aid. I have called charities trying to get help with my basic household chores. You have no clue how many people have said they would come and help me. They never show up. If you saw the clutter in this apartment that I cannot do anything about because I cannot stand on my feet... I'm rambling on too, but this is so important. Please Kim, please do not do what I did. Please take care of yourself. You care about me, don't you? If you could go back in time, even though you didn't know me then, but if you knew that you could go back in time and tell me to get help when I needed it....would you? Would you think I was disappointing people? Would you think any less of me? Would you have helped me SAVE MY LIFE? That's what I am feeling right now. I want to BEG you to not do what I did. You have so much going for you. Please get the help you need. There is nothing to be ashamed of. This is a medical problem that needs addressing and CAN BE FIXED. I love you, Joni
Dixie Dawn
on 5/23/05 10:06 am - Opelika, AL
Topic: RE: Home From Work
Beth, glad you are getting some rest. Those 12 hour shifts can be a booger!!!! Chat later Dixie
Dixie Dawn
on 5/23/05 10:04 am - Opelika, AL
Topic: RE: What a Weekend!!!!
OMG I posted the words to Butterfly Kisses and just reading it I cried like a baby again!!!!! Like you said, a good cry.... Picturing in my mind my beautiful niece & my brother standing at the end of the church ready to walk in with that song playing and watching both of them wiping tears away. OMG! It really was a beautiful wedding.
Dixie Dawn
on 5/23/05 10:02 am - Opelika, AL
Topic: RE: What a Weekend!!!!
Maybe you didn't get mentioned out loud but you can guarantee that you are definitely in my thoughts & prayers. How'd it go today? Dixie
on 5/23/05 10:00 am - Madison, AL
Topic: RE: The Not So Secret Pal...
Joni Here is my information for you Teresa Alexander 10292 Long Meadow Rd Madison, Al 35756 wedding date 07/03/91 wls date 08/17/2004 Favorite thing winnie the pooh kitchen sunflowers panda bear and I guess I am not really pick something the will bring a smile to my face and something that show a friend was think of me Teresa
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