Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Added photos to my profile....
Nice photos Beth! My original hair color before it started going grey, was THAT color! in the summer, if I got out in the sun alot it would turn strawberry blonde. Now it is a copper red thanks to Loreal! I went drastic and DARK for a change, everyone else likes it, but Im not so sure I do
Just curious if you know anything about Llyod Noland Hospital's benefits? I guess I can go online and check them out. Llyod Noland has opened up a Long Term Care floor at our local hospital I am thinking of applying for a position with them. I will still be here in T town, just work for Llyod Noland. Birmingham pays so much more than here, my second option is applying at UAB West. If I can get a decent job in Birmingham, I am going to move out of this town and prolly move closer to Leeds and the Pell City area. Any advice on Birmingham hospitals?

Topic: RE: Hello Everyone!
I know my cooler is in good hand with you!
As far as the dinner, it will be Monday June 13th at the Olive Garden at 7 pm.
F.Y.I: The Olive Garden is in the same shopping center as the Altell shop you were at last Frifay!

Topic: RE: Paige?
Well, didn't find a babysitter. It's going to be okay though. I know that I can rise above any and all things that are weighing me down. I do need good thoughts/prayers sent my way though. I may be scare around these parts for a while. You all take care and remember that I love you all!
Topic: RE: Tomorrow....
Joni, I have a spare room AND a/c. you are more than welcome to come and stay with us.
Love you
Topic: RE: Tomorrow....
I am so sorry about your air. I can't breath without mine either. I hope they fix it soon. I hope to see you online tomorrow when you get situated with the air. I'm off to bed...I haven't been yet. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Topic: Added photos to my profile....
Hey everyone...I couldn't sleep so I've been up adding photo's to Yahoo. I included the link on my profile. I'm not finished yet, but if anyone wants to take a look...the link is.......
http: //
remove the space.
Topic: Quote of the Day
" We all get heavier as we get older because, there's a lot more information in our heads."
-from an email someone sent me
So THAT explains it! I'm just so smart, all my brains fell down to my stomach, thighs and hips, etc. Yeah, that's what happened!
So if I have WLS, am I going to lose some of my brains?
Too much to contemplate. As hot as this apartment is, I ought to melt away at least 50 lbs. tonight...sigh.
Love ya'll,
Topic: Tomorrow....
Hi everyone!
I might be out of pocket tomorrow is anyone needs me. My air conditioning is out and there's nothing that can be done until tomorrow since there's no maintenance at night here.
If I'm in a store or at someone's house and get too hot, even for a minute or two, I get deathly, deathly sick, so I know by morning I am going to be a mess. I am already soaked with sweat, my heart is racing and I can't get my breath. I took a cool shower, but it didn't help much, just made me more tired. Since the A/C isn't going, the bass from the neighbor's stereo isn't masked so I know I won't get any sleep tonight either so I am NOT going to be happy come morning. (I'm not happy now for that matter.) I am so hot-natured anyway and when I'm on my period (which I am now,) it's a million times worse. Hot flash hell. So anyway, I know I'm going to be sick tomorrow and maybe Wednesday too. I thought about going to a hotel, but I don't feel like packing up my crap to go and I don't want maintenance people in my apartment without my being here. And naturally the place is a wreck, so they may say something about the clutter, but I just can't help it.
I wish I had a back-up window air conditioner. I HATE central heat/air. Of course a window A/C can go out too, but at least it stays ON. Central heat/air just cuts on and off and you're comfy and then it's off and you're dying. It's supposed to KEEP it at a certain temp, but for me, I want some cold air blowing on me all the time.
Anyway, I won't go on and on. I've got three fans on me, but I'm still pouring sweat. I had two friends who were going to come help me tomorrow....maybe. I'll believe it when I see it, but still. If they do show up, we aren't going to be able to do a danged thing with this heat.
Ok, enough whimpering from the menopausal old geezer, but just wanted to let ya'll know if I seem to be absent tomorrow, I've either moved to Alaska or dealing with the maintenance people and once they get it fixed...please let them get it fixed!....I am going to be sleeping.
I would like to get through ONE SUMMER without the A/C going out. My A/C in my house in Florida went out right before I moved back here and I spent $798 to get it fixed. And then I moved. If I'd known then what I know now, I wouldn't have fixed it.
Anyway, enough of this. I may be on here. I may not. Just wanted to let ya'll know what was going on and that I will be back if I'm not on here tomorrow. I'm sure I will though. I can't seem to stay off of here, but if anyone's here in my apartment, I won't be on here.
They say that you freeze to death after WLS. Well, I need it TONIGHT!
Love ya'll,
Miss Sweaty
Topic: RE: Am I just a MOODY B*TCH??? Really long (sorry)
Anti depressants do help to a degree but mood stabilizers would help you even more. My case in point. My younger sister is very much the way you described, she can turn it off and on like water. When she hits a low she is as you described. After 25 years of living this way she was finally diagnosed as bi polar and with mood stabilizers is a completely different person. Our family has a history of bi polar disease, our older sister was diagnosed in the 70's and with the right medication she has led a good life without having to be hospitalized. It is just a thought, and something you may want to look into. I hope things turn around for you soon! I know we dont always want to take more medication but with this disease it is imperative to have the right medication prescribed, and to take it. It does mean a world of difference. Maybe it is time to adjust the meds you are taking since they do not seem to be helping at the moment. i dunno, Im not a doctor, I just play at work