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Topic: Hey yall...
I'm going to take the weekend OFF these damn boards to recollect myself. I emailed Sandy the entire post, and yall can bug her for it LMAO j/k Sandy...
I love each of yall and I'm TRYING to trust people, but who can blame me I mean, who can blame any of us that have been burned by the fire and brimstone throwers?
I want yall to have a wonderful, relaxed weekend. I think I'm off to do a shot of tequila or two.....
I have family coming up to visit *oh joy* so I gotta run get the house "NEAT & TIDY"
Stupid B*TCH .......
Sorry, was referring to the "trash lady" statement...
Oops this post might be pulled too but anyhoo...feel free to email me and once I get home Monday I will DEFINITELY keep all of my friends updated. That is, if you wanna know the ugly about it....
I'm still shocked LOL
and to think, I was going to church Sunday......
Topic: RE: Revised hits of the 60's and 70's
ohhhhhhhh I can relate to alot of these. I listen to the oldies at work, now the newer versions will come to mind when i hear them again
Topic: RE: Revised hits of the 60's and 70's
Man, those lyrics fit me more than they did in the 60's and 70's!
I love it! I sent that to all my friends! (Except the ones here...I knew you would all read it here!)
Thanks for sharing!
Topic: RE: My knees are killing me
When my knees gave it, it all happened at once...sort of. I had had some pain and difficulty in getting up out of chairs, but that was it. However, within one month's time, I wasn't able to get up without a lot of difficulty.
I was the same way, thinking "I have to work. I have no choice." But the choice wasn't mine. I was PUT on disability by my workplace. I had no choice in the matter and I lost everything because of it.
My only hope is the WLS.
There are many people I talked to who had knee troubles that went away with the WLS. I imagine I will still have to have my knees replaced after WLS simply because I waited too long or was FORCED to wait too long because of the insurance. If I had been able to have the surgery last year, I don't think my knees would have gotten this bad, but since I have been WASTING TIME with this 6 months' diet, my knees have gone way downhill.
You need something more than Aleve or Motrin for those knees. Geez. I take Daypro, Skelaxin and Darvocet. And I need more than that. However, my doctors "don't prescribe pain pills in this practice." I know Darvocet is considered a pain pill, but it's not any more effective than aspirin, in my opinion. I need some REAL pain pills, but since I can't get them, I have to settle for what I can get.
Anyway, if I had to deal with my knees with just Motrin, I would be in a bad way.
It is depressing. It sucks. Losing everything in Florida sucked. It still sucks. But you can't help what your knees do. Hopefully the surgery will happen soon enough where you can get some relief and save your knees.
I have a friend who just had both her knees replaced at the same time. She's the one who was here yesterday when I went out and got sick. I just feel like throwing up when I think about having to have both my knees replaced. But first things first. I've gotta have WLS. That is going to be my salvation...if the insurance will stop being ******** about it. I consider them personally responsible for the damage that has been done to my knees while I am jumping through all their hoops.
We love you Beth and hope the insurance will stop being ******** for you too.