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Topic: RE: FYI
Heather I would never think you would do such a mean spirited thing for even one second! You have a kind soul, and warm heart.
Topic: RE: Is anyone up
Sorry I missed you, I just got in from work.. Have a good night's rest!
Topic: RE: Is anyone up
Sorry I missed you. I was watching a movie.
Love you and hope you get some good sleep.
Topic: RE: FYI
I don't know about that. You'll have to ask Gail since she's got the computer genius. I know no one here would think you did it. I have another couple of people in mind myself. I knew you would feel that way since it's in J-Ville. But there's been a couple of other people there who have been causing trouble, so I'm guessing it's them.
We love you Heather,
Topic: RE: Is anyone up
Sorry you have to work girl. I am having my boys birthday party tomorrow they are 12 and 8, born the 24th and 25th of May. The party is from 11 till 2 and then I work Saturday and Sunday night from 7 p.m. till 7 a.m. i won't be online much if any the next 2 days. I just wanted to say I love you guys, I didn't mean to be a bummer about everything going on but it's just depressing.
Love yall,
Topic: RE: FYI
See, this bothers me because I live in Jville. Now I feel like I need to post on the BB to make sure everyone knows it wasnt me. When was it sent so I can give my I have never used a computer at the University. I dont even know where the labs are. But, i am not the only one that lives in Jacksonville. I would never send anything like this out and I havent been on the other website either. Anyway, is there a way to figure out who was signed in to the computer when it was sent out?