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Topic: True Story...
I found this on my machine at the office, and I had to share it with you! Some of you may remember this!
For those of you who have had bad days, read this... (True story it happened to me today- August 31, 2004! Gail)
Well everything started out normal thing morning, I got Dakota feed, made myself a scrambled egg and sat down to eat it when I noticed Dakota waving something in the air and laughing. Well I looked over to see what it was and low and behold it was a half eaten mouse. YIKES! I jumped up scrambled eggs when everywhere. (I guess you can guess that the cat was all over that!) I ran to Dakota and somehow managed to get this mouse out of his hands. (Of course I was gagging the whole time). Dakota didn't want to let go so it was not an easy struggle. I finally managed to get him to let it go and it hit the floor. I ran to the kitchen sink and washed him off and stripped him down and then sat him in his walker- butt naked of course and went after this dead mouse. YUCK! Somehow I got that thing off the floor and went out side and disposed of it. (Of course still gagging the whole time!) Okay step one down. I went to check on Dakota because I left him in the walker and he was cold and proceeded to tinkle in the walker. Okay step two...another bath for Dakota. I scrubbed him from head to toe. Step three...vacuum the living room four times. Steps four...clean off the ottoman where I think the cat left this darn mouse. Steps five...vacuum the living room again. Steps six...clean the ottoman again. Step seven...not real sure if I cleaned Dakota well enough so I get baby wipes and wipe him down again. Finally starting to settle down a bit so I decide to take my liquid vitamin. No real good on an empty stomach. And remember this is all before 7 am. I took a shower and proceeded to get ready for work when Sally shows up. No harm, no foul, stuff happens, right? I am trying to laugh my way through this. Well I get to work at 9 am to find out the secretary quit and I really needed her today because it is my Fiscal year end at the office and I am going to be locked in my office all day running reports and boxing old stuff up. What a way to start the day. I feel gross still after handling this mouse even after the shower and now I don't have a secretary. Tell me this is all a dream. I am laughing though, trying to be a good sport about it. The cat is now MIA and I definitely want to string her up by her teeth but I guess I will get over that too. Of well sorry for the long post but I needed to vent. .
"Mental postive attitude, mental postive attitude!"
Topic: RE: Blood Clots?
Sorry, I know nothing about bloodclots.
I do hope the pains go away.
Love ya!
Topic: Blood Clots?
I gotta question bout blood clots. I know the first 3 months they are most likely to occur. I came home last night with the most intense, incredible pain in my left calf, left knee reigon. I elevated my leg, took some Ultram and still it didnt stop the pain. I slept off and on and it is hard to even get up off the , hard to walk, kinda feels like a popping sensation in the knee. I havent done anything to injure myself I am aware of. There is no swelling, no tightness, no redness, no edema in my feet or ankles, just pain in the back of the knee area, where blood clots tend to form and in the calf.
My dad had a history of DVT's (blood clots) I have never had one but now this worries me. If it continues I am going to leave work and go to the ER. Im just wondering if a person could have a blood clot and NOT have the edema, swelling, tightness I have seen associated with them?
Topic: RE: Hey everyone
Hope you feel better soon Beth. I had something similar happen to me last year. My blood pressure went sky high, I had gotton upset at work by a coworker, long story. I went to the ER with shortness of breath, and major mid sternum chest pain, left arm pain, nausea, the whole 9 yards. I just knew I was having a heart attack. It wasn't. The doctor said it work related stress that brought on an anxiety attack. He took me off work for a week and put me on muscle relaxers, around the clock and gave me Lortab 10 for my migranes. It was the best thing he ever did for me. I was relaxed and well rested, my blood pressure was so high he was even afraid to let me go home, so he kept me in the ER for almost 5 hours, and medicated me until it went down. I got the records and used this as part of my comorbidities , to BCBS too. Unstable BP not relieved by BP meds I think played the biggest part in getting my approval. Enough rambling, get well soon sweetie!
Topic: Hey everyone
Hey's everyone. I haven't been doing to well. I told Joni about it the other night. I've been having some troubles with my daughter. I thought I was having a heart attack Saturday and ended up in the E.R., they said it wasn't my heart though. I go back to the Dr. tomorrow so hopefully I'll know more of what is causing this pressure and shortness of breath. I hate that I missed chat last night. I did catch up with Joni late last night and we had a good talk. I hope she is being careful out driving to those Dr. appts. today. Let me know when we are having a chat again. I always miss the fun stuff.
on 6/8/05 3:36 am - Master of my Own Life
on 6/8/05 3:36 am - Master of my Own Life
Topic: RE: IP/"ID Tag" Super-Cools!
Not only do we know you've been VISITING porn sites -- we know you OWN a porn site!!!
Ok -- lemme 'splain IP's (Internet Protocols) -- an IP address is a "static" address assigned to each specific computer (sort of like your home mailbox) - it is your computer's "address" and is assigned/granted through your internet carrier. If you change carriers ("move"), your IP address changes. Otherwise, you retain the same "address" as long as you stay with a stable carrier. The purpose of the IP address is routing information (getting your email to you or tracking your activity while on a website).
Each computer linked to the internet has its own unique IP address. So, if you are like me and log in from home AND work (or school), that info is still tagged through a "cookie" assigned to each computer. That cookie tracks your activities (some websites do this for future site improvement) and stores that site information (password/user info so you do not have to login each time you visit an associated page/link). When OH assigns a "cookie" - it assigns an "ID Tag" which is then logged with the user's activity. The funny thing about OH - when it assigns that "ID Tag" - it does not assign it to a member profile - it assigns it to the user's "IP Address" -- so if they log in from home, they have one ID Tag -- and if they log in from Work, they have a different ID Tag. (I figured this out by some of my posts having one ID Tag and other posts having a different ID Tag and looking at the times! Then I went back to posts still showing from my deleted account -- same ID Tags [for home/work]). It took me 3 days to figure this out -- but the numbers are appearing the same for each home-based post and each work-based post - regardless of the account). Since my "cookie" changed when I logged in with this account, I can only assume the ID Tag is not a "cookie" tag and is IP associated.
Now -- back to the case at hand - OH! OH "masks" (overrides) IP addresses when posting to the message board, profiles, surgery pages, or sending emails through the system (although it leaves behind an assigned ID Tag with posts and it's own IP through email). If any of you post a reply to any of my message threads, OH has a number that appears at the header of the post when "tweeking" the system. It also stores that same number in the user's profile, posts made to surgery pages, etc. So - it IS possible to track other users activity!
I'm not positive that it's fool proof -- but it appears that the ID Tags are IP related and not cookie related (as I said, I changed accounts - it should have given me a new ID Tag with the new cookie and it didn't -- and each and every one of us has a different ID Tag that is showing up the same on each persons post, profile, search page, etc. that we make -- so that ID Tag is following us!)
Anyway -- let me get my butt back to work! I'll post in the "secure" message thread later how to tweek the system yourselves -- love to you all!
Topic: RE: IP/"ID Tag" Super-Cools!
So you can find out I've been visiting ***** sites???
All that IP lingo is wayyyyyyy over my head sistah
But I have 2 big sisters, I can use another one LOLOLOL
Good work, Sherlock, good work!
on 6/8/05 1:58 am - Master of my Own Life
on 6/8/05 1:58 am - Master of my Own Life
Topic: RE: Hi
And no -- I am NOT an idiot -- I did see where you are considering doing this "on [your] own" -- I started out with the same thinking -- only I caved! Just saying if you need a shoulder/friend -- I'm here!