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Topic: RE: Girls night?
It depends on how fast you drive...seems like I can make it in an hour an a half easy...but I fly!
Topic: RE: Life is too short - the unexpected...
I am so sorry to hear about the death of your friend and also to hear about the sadness you have carried after the suicide of your friend. I am sorry to say, but at one time I made a very serious suicide attempt. I took a bunch (like 60) pills and I washed it down with wiskey. Only being found by a friend within minutes, saved me. I spent time in intensive care and I also had to spend six weeks in a psychiatric hospital. They kept me that long because I was angry I survived.
I know that in the moment I tried to kill myself, I was so focused on my pain that my thinking was not rational. It is a very self-centered act. I have many people that love me, both family and friends, but at that moment, I felt totally alone and did not even think of their pain.
There is nothing you could have done to prevent his suicide because it is such an irrational act. Scientist believe there is something chemical in the brain that causes the irrational behavior and since I don't get suicidal when I take the medicine, I agree.
I feel like I am rambling, but I wanted to let you know that there would have been nothing you could have said because at that moment in time, his thinking was faulty.
I do care and I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts.
Topic: Girls night?
Hey everybody!
I've been doing some thinking...which can be dangerous at times!
DH is heading out of town on business next week and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in getting together on Friday the 17th? I was thinking of an evening of fun...maybe fire up the grill, or do a pot luck. For that matter...even a slumber party There are two king size beds and I have a queen size air matress. Anyone who had to travel would be more than welcome to stay if they needed. Sometimes getting away or having a change of scenery is a wonderful thing...any thoughts, suggestions or takers?
Topic: RE: Life is too short - the unexpected...
I'm so sorry for your loss! Beating yourself up and wondering all the 'what if's" is all a part of the grief process. I hope you don't mind but I printed out your post and am going to put it on my bathroom mirror to read everyday as a reminder of just how precious life is. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, eloquent as always. May your God comfort you and protect you during your time of sadness. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help ease your load. I love you!
Topic: RE: Just curious!!
Oh Elspeth!!!(((((((((((((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))))))))))))))I'm so sorry for your pain!!!! I just want to bring you to the country and pamper you and take care of YOU!!! But it sounds like you are getting there on your own girl (and that makes it so much more worth it!!!)
Having volunteered for BAO (Bham AIDS Outreach) for years and being active in the gay and lesbian community, I've seen the devestation and destruction that this dreadful disease brings to victims and their loved ones. And you are correct: SEX IS SIMPLY NOT WORTH THE RISK!! I constantly tell my nieces/ little sister/ any single woman that will listen how important it is to protect themselves - not just against unwanted pregnancies but of diseases that can kill them.
I applaud you for your strength. And with every ounce that you lose, you are getting so much stronger!! You will never ever be ANYBODY's emotional punching bag again. Your kind spirit and good deeds will be greatly rewarded my Sister. You will be rewarded! I love you and I am always here if you need an ear (and come on out to the country girl, I'll pamper you like the Queen that you are!!)
Topic: RE: Life is too short - the unexpected...
No, it is not irrational at all. It is called learning life's lesson's. It is something I think each and everyone of us go through at some point in our lives.
Wisdom does come with age. The older I get, and begin to loose family and friends to death, I often wonder the very same things. If there could have been something I should have done, would it had changed the outcome? Ive learned, probably not. Everything happens for a reason and I truely feel we are destined to experience some of these things in our lives to learn and grow from them. There are just some things in life, we have no control over and this is one of them.
I live with regrets for not saying things to my mother before her death. her death was FAST, literally, here today and gone tomorrow. Liver cancer took her exactly 7 days from diagnosis. Life has a way of making you "see" things in a different perspective when you deal with these losses.
I was blessed to have been given time with my sister before her death. You have to understand, we NEVER got along growing up, we never got along once we were older, she ignored me, I ignored her. She didnt approve of my husband and she felt I could have done better which she was right in that area. We didnt speak for YEARS, until I got a letter from her asking me to come see her at Christmas, in her home, in Atlanta. All of my sister's were invited, it was then she told us she had terminal breast cancer that had metastisized. I couldnt handle this information too well, it was hard but we managed to be civil to each other and she asked me to go with her to the store which I did. When we were alone, she asked me to make her a promise that she would be able to die peacefully at her home and without pain. I promised her, I would see to it.
I could write a book on this experience, which I do plan to do one day. The story is long and complicated but the jest of it was that no matter how much we couldnt stand each other, in the end we learned to forgive, we learned to love and we learned that life is too short not to take full advantage of each and every minute of every day, and to say what you have on your mind to the ones who mean the most to you, while they are still with us.
I had enough hope and determination that she could beat this cancer and live. It was hard to watch her give up, no matter how positive I was she would live, when she died, and I held her in my arms & cried. I was so ANGRY at her for giving up the fight and not trying harder ( my perception), at God for not listening to my prayers and healing her and at everyone who tried to comfort me, when no one could. My determination that she WOULD live did not affect the outcome as I had planned for it too.
I will never forget the day her radiologist called me into his office and told us both there was nothing else they could do, we needed to go home and call hospice and spend time with each other. I was in denial, after all she was up walking and talking and taking care of herself, her cancer had not stricken her at that point to where she even looked like she had a terminal illness! How dare he say that! She was just 36 years old for crying out loud! On the way home, "Lean On Me" came on the radio, I just pulled off the road and we cried rivers of tears and just held each other. I hear "Lean on Me" on the radio almost on a regular basis since her death. I was never aware of it before as I am now and I always think of that day when I hear it. She IS helping me to carry on.
Looking back I do see the whole experience did make a difference, just not the outcome I had wanted, but in other ways. It allowed her to die at home with dignity she wanted, and without pain, she feared. It allowed us to talk about our feelings and how we wasted so many years arguing and fighting over nothing. It helped us to grow closer in the end, and it gave us the time to say what we wanted to say before she passed on. It was also a lesson in KNOWING that life does not end when we leave this world. I KNOW she is with me to this day. I KNOW she is aware of my life today and what has happened to me since she passed on.
It also made us realize just how similar we really were all along we were just too petty and self absorbed to see where we had made our mistakes but in the end we were given the opportunity to put everything into perspective. Had I not been given this chance, I really do not know where I would be today or if I could even function in my daily life as I am now able to do. I ended up, quitting my job, leaving my husband and children for 6 months to move to Atlanta to see her last wishes were carried out. I have no regrets whatsoever for doing that.
Im sorry for the loss of your friend, it is hard to be left here and wonder about all the "what if's", but in reality isn't anything we can do about our destiny, and we all have one, eventually.
Topic: RE: Life is too short - the unexpected...
Some years ago, I had a first cousin whose parents divorced when he was a child. He lived away with his mom and would come to visit his dad a few times a year. His dad, my uncle, lived right around the corner and so when Jon came to vist...we always spent time together. He was more like a friend than a cousin. As we grew up we'd run around together and hang out when he was in town.
Jon was in the navy when I was a senior in high school. He was a tall good looking blond beefcake. He was home on leave just after Christmas and he called to see if I wanted to go out to dinner and dance...which of course I did! I met my first husband at that bar that night...Jon and I didn't see each other much for several years. My hubby, who was a tanker in the military, and I moved to Europe and back, and there just wasn't opportunity to see Jon as there had been in the past.
There were a lot of problems in my marriage. When my husband came back from Desert Storm and looked at me the next day and said, you know, I don't love you anymore and I don't think I want you in my life anymore...I was crushed. There was someone else...someone that I knew. I came back home and saw Jon and told him what had happened. He drove with me back to Savannah to get my belongings and was a great deal of support at a difficult time in my life.
Things got busy as they do...Jon worked a lot and I was in school full time plus working 2 part time jobs, so there wasn't a lot of time to visit. I came home one afternoon from class and ran into Jon coming down the driveway. My place was right next to his dad's. I stopped and we talked for about 15 minutes. He seemed a little quieter than normal, but otherwise fine. We made plans for him to come by ovrer the weekend. I never saw him again...a few days later he shot himself.
I have often wondered why I didn't pick up on it...that there was something terribly wrong. I second guessed myself for days, and replayed that last conversation over and over in my head at least 50 times...trying to look for figure out how I could have not known. I wondered if perhaps he would have confided in me that weekend when we were to have met. I wondered if he would have talked to me there in the driveway, if I had only had more time...if I didn't have a huge assignment due the next day.
I know the regret that you speak of...for I found it within me. It's been almost 15 years since Jon's death, and I've come to a place of peace within myself. I now know that there is only so much that I can do when it comes to other people. I now realize that the best thing that I can do for anyone else is to give of myself. I wear my heart on my can always tell how I feel by my eyes...they are truly the window to my soul.
No, you are not are human...and as humans we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are not meant to be able to save or effect all...but the few who we can...we do. You have touched my life...and have been there for me...and I thank you for it. For you have given me encouragement, and I think that at the end of my life, I will have been a better person for having known you.
Thank you for being my "angel"!
Topic: RE: Just curious!!
I was heavy when I married, around 220, which for me did not make me look obese since I am so tall, I did look overweight but not as morbidly obese as I became. After 2 children, gaining 75 pounds or more with each pregnancy I just couldnt loose it all and ended up gaining more weight over the years.
My husband has never seen me thin, because Ive never been thin. We have been on the verge of divorce for several years, unrelated to any weight issues and I suspect eventually I will get my divorce. He has cheated on me several times over the years and that just destroyed any love I once had for him. Once you destroy the trust, there is no forgiving and forgetting, It haunts you for as long as you are with that person. I will absolutely not tolerate cheating, or dishonesty and I have not let him near me physically for years. There are just too many diseases out there now that can KILL you, if you are not cautious, and he still lies to me to this day over simple things like money, and says he will do one thing, and never does it. I do not trust him, Ive had items go missing from my home, only to find them in pawn shops. He LIES about everything, and will create another lie to cover one, then try to make me think I am paranoid and just dreaming this crap up.
I have a patient who now has full blown AIDS. Her husband brought it home to her. She was a nurse for over 30 years, when she learned he had cheated and gave her AIDS her entire life changed. She divorced him, and became addicted to crack to try to ease her pain and go on and kill herself and get it over with. She lost contact with her daughter and went from a successfull professional to a homeless drug addict, with a death wish. Her entire family has alienated her because of her disease and how her life has drastically changed. They dont understand the reasons behind her drug use, instead they blame HER for destroying her life, which she did do to a certain extent, but I can see how she could wake up and get this news one day and just give up on life as she once knew it too. I have no idea what I would do, if I was ever given this news. It had to be very devsastating. I have alot of compassion and empathy for this lady and her phlight! She didnt ask for it, just all happened because her husband decided to be a cheater and so careless he caught AIDS and brought it home to her and it destroyed her self esteem and her life. Her case has opened my eyes alot wider to be more aware and less careless if and when those sexual feelings ever return, for now they are just laying dormat. It really is going to take a very special person for me to feel loved and secure enough to have a close relationship again.
He never said if he was for or against me having surgery. All he has ever said when I lost weight before was that I "looked fine like I was and I didnt need to loose any weight". Once I lost a susbstanial amount of weight, years ago, I started getting attention from different men, his friends even made comments he didnt like and he would do his best to sabotage me by wanting to go out to eat, bringing home junk food, and things he knew I craved and had no control over. I ended up gaining more and more until I reached 300. he was happy as a clam with me being so heavy and I was so miserable & depressed.
Now, he realizes I will be successfull this time. He knows I will eventually divorce him, his attitude has changed completely. He says nothing about my weight, nothing about the loss so far, no encouragement whatsoever. He STILL asks me if I want to go out and eat every week and I politely turn him down. Last night he asked if I wanted fried shrimp, he knows I love fried shrimp and I was strong enough to tell him NO, and let him know things like this will make me SICK, does he want to make me SICK? Of course he said, no but deep down I do think he is still trying his old tricks. Im just MUCH stronger now and really at this point have no desire to go back to old eating habits, just yet.
BEFORE weight loss , he was always verbally abusive and beligerant and would tell me all the time I should be glad he married me because no one else would want me. He did his best to tear me town emotionally, and he has never been physically abusive. IF he had been, I would be emailing from Julia Tutwiler Prison.
We have been legally seperated for over 2 years. Last winter he lost his job, and got evicted and had no where to go so he played on our daughter's sympathy and managed to talk her into letting him come here 'temporarily" ( all this transpired while I was at work), he stays in the extra bedroom and he is not allowed near me or my room. He has found a decent job recently, bought his own trailer and now is working on getting it moved and set up. He thinks it is going to be his camphouse on the river but it is going to be his permanent home, he just doesnt know it yet. I have asked him to leave several times. I get ignored. He knows I cant stand to breathe the same air he does so he knows he better not even go there with anything remotely sexual or kissy kissy.
If he does not move into his trailer, I do plan to move out. I just rent this house, and my lease has been up for over a year now. My daughter will either move with me, or she will have to do the best she can but I do plan to have my divorce papers filed by the fall. Under no cir****tances will he be allowed to even know where I end up. My daughter is just going to have to learn that she can not keep us together because this is what she might want and she will have to learn that he is just playing the same guilt trip games, with her, that he has played with me for 25 years now.
So to answer your question, he is alot nicer NOW, but I think that is only because he doesn't want a divorce, he wants someone to take care of him, and he knows in a few years he will be retiring and he has no retirement saved up, he has never kept a job for a long period of time and he wants me to take care of him finacially forever and it just isnt going to happen. He is just going to have to live in his trailer, and live off his social security the best he can ( he is 49). He doesn't want a partner, he wants a caregiver in his old age, and someone to hand money to him, and Im not the one!
He is AFRAID of me getting healthy, he knows my self esteem and confidence will build and get stronger and he wants me to be dependant on him, which he has never been in a position for me to say, I can quit my job, stay home and be happy. We would have starved to death and been homeless if I had depended on him.
Right now, the only thing holding me here, in this town, is my daughter and grandchildren that live with me. She can not just up and move away because of custody issues with the kids dad, even tho she has full custody, still it is in the agreement she can not move away with the children without her ex's permission ( within a 60 mile radius), and so far I haven't been able to convince her to let's just pack up and leave town. Her current boyfriend has been talking marriage and if they marry then I will be one step closer to fullfilling my dreams.The day will come when she will be finacially stable and independant and not rely on me so much for help and then I can pack up my belongings and leave this town/state for good. Live my life, where I want too and how I want too and with whom I want too .
on 6/9/05 2:09 am - Master of my Own Life
on 6/9/05 2:09 am - Master of my Own Life
Topic: Life is too short - the unexpected...
Since WLS, I have met so many new people. Some I have gotten closer to than others, some I know just by name and casual greetings, some I do things with on a regular basis, some call at unexpected times to catch up -- but regardless of it all, I feel a "connection" with people that I didn't pre-op - I have allowed myself to be part of "life" - to experience new opportunities, to meet new people, to laugh, to cry, to "feel" again --
Yesterday, I got some unexpected news - I half-heartedly believed it and the other part of me hoped it was bad information or a mistake -- but I did research it this morning and it is true (unfortunately). An acquaintance of mine (a "regular" at the crackhouse, someone I spoke with on a daily basis when we saw each other, someone who would always come out to the local haunt when he knew I was out just to "hang-out" and talk, someone I dated very briefly [no real "sparks" either way], someone whom I shared many interests with [scuba, law, fast cars, etc.], someone I liked as a person but not someone I would call a true "friend") was in a car accident this past weekend which killed him and a passenger who was in the car with him.
Death is a "funny" thing - it affects people in so many different ways. For me, it saddens me - I know all too well it is "the end" and it fills me with "regrets" - regrets that I didn't tell someone something (like my father - I didn't get the opportunity to make "peace" with him before he passed away), that I wasn't as good of a friend as I should have been (another acquaintance whom I met 1.5 years ago - he shot himself 3 months after we met... I've always wondered if I would have been a better friend to him if he would have opened up and spoken with me about his problems/thoughts of suicide -- and have wondered if I would have been there for him if he would still be here today - and even a year later, I still wonder and think about him and regret that he felt so alone in this world that he would have done such a thing), and with remorse, I think of Brad - that he will never have another chance to laugh, to share "war" (work) stories, and to tell tall tales. My heart goes out to his family, his daughter, and his friends - because I know the "unexpected" will haunt them, that they will second-guess arguments they had with him, and that his gregarious spirit will no longer be a very "animated" part of their lives.
As I said, he was only an acquaintance to me - but he did affect my life, and with his death I wonder again -- if I would have been a better "friend," if I had been there to take his keys (because in my heart, I know he was drinking when he wrecked - I knew him), to have driven him home, to have done something -- if he would still be here today...
I know I am not "God" and that I am only a person - but there have been so many times in my life that I wished I could turn back time - to change a few things - to have been a better "friend" -- and I am the type of person who likes to live life not making future regrets... and I know I cannot be the "best friend" to everyone in the entire world -- but those people who do touch my life in such a way and who are no longer here -- I regret not having been there for them...
I know.... irrational... but me!