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Topic: What Do Yall Think????
Starting your OWN forum on OH
Original Post by Eric Klein at 6:52 PM CST on 06/13/2005
Mission Viejo, CA
Hello everyone.
I'd appreciate your input on an important project underway.
We're going through some final plans on feature updates and I'd love to hear your input on what features you'd like us to include.
In particular, when we start allowing individuals to create and own their own forums on OH, what functionality would you like to see with that? For reference, I'm sure that several of you are familiar with yahoo groups, msn groups, etc. What features do you most like and least like regarding these or similar groups?
Next, once people are able to create their own groups, what protocols would you recommend we implement/enforce regarding using our state forums as means of promotion. Ex: what, specifically, would vs. wouldn't constitute harassment, say, of people being too overzealous in pestering people with how excited they are about the new group they just created and want everyone to join?
At OH, we're all about YOU.
Sooooo....... please share your input.
We're interested.
Topic: RE: Lindy...
Hey girl...I hope I didn't offend you or anyone for posting on the BB. There are some people I don't mind talking to there. You guys know I love you a lot and wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone.
Topic: RE: Lindy...
I second that!
We left the BB because of the craziness and we should stay away from the BB because of the craziness. Our leaving didn't make them any better people than they were when we were there. That's why we left them there to stew in their own hatred.
I wish they wouldn't continue to attack us, but if we stay off their board and block their emails if they continue to harass us by email, they can't continue to mess with us.
Lindy, I think you should forward any hateful emails to OH letting them know what is going on.
Beth is right. We love you and need you, so please hang in there.
Topic: RE: OT--need some info...
Once you know the name of the community college near you, you can go online and find out what you need to know. Most college's and community college's now, do have websites. It makes it easier to register and learn more on the specific programs.
Im sorry I dont know of any in Madison. I do know our local community college's cosmetology program is one year, and you take state boards for liscensure after you graduate. Im not sure how often the state cosmetology board gives the state exam. It used to be twice per year for nurse's but I think that has changed now.
IF i can get myself together by August I am starting my prerequesites for the RN program in August. Im just taking one class to start (MATH113, I think) but at least it is a start!..Math is my WORST subject so I want it out of the way FIRST! Our cosmetology program also requires math and english and maybe some other electives BEFORE applying to the program, yours might not, but check on it as soon as you can. Good Luck!
Topic: OT--need some info...
I am interested in taking some cosmetology classes. I live in Madison. Does anyone know of any good cosmetology schools around here and how much it cost? Also how long does it take to get your license? Thanks a bunch..
Topic: Mother Theresa's Prayer
People are often unreasonable,
illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind,
people may accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful,
you will win
some false friends
and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got
You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
It was never between
you and them
"We can do no great things -
Only small things
With Great Love."
-Mother Teresa
May you all be BLESSED and find inner peace that comes from looking within and centering yourself in nothing but positivity. I love each and everyone of you guys and for me to heal myself spiritually as well physically I must surround myself with positive thoughts, positive feelings and nothing but positivity all the way around. My inner demons have alot to do with not taking the time for myself, to meditate, and work on ME more than letting myself go and get caught up in other things that are not so important. The end result is I suffer physically by allowing this to happen. I will not let it happen anymore.
Im not leaving OH or IG. Im just saying something I feel I need to share about me, personally. It is time to let go of all negativity, otherwise it will grow like a cancer and spread until it causes self destruction. It eats at you and destroys you little by little until you can no longer see yourself for who you really are.
Mother Theresa's Prayer is a favorite prayer of mine. I love and respect the woman trendously. Our faith's may be different but the message she sent to the world is universal! Im just taking a sabbatical away from things that have nothing to do with anything or anyone, my eyes are just opened wider and I find I need to work on ME, and I need to find my inner peace and strength once again.
I often read "I am blessed" or ", or "Blessings" or "Bless You", but what does that actually mean? The definition is simply this... "To bless is to remove any negative energy around a person, animal, place, or thing and instill them with positive energy. To bless another is to EMPOWER them." I BLESS YOU ALL!
Topic: RE: Joni Dear
Listen to me!
YOUR BMI is MUC higher than this woman's!
YOUR health overall I am sure is MUCH worse than this woman's!
I can understand them not approving her with a BMI of 38 that fluctuates down to 35, but your case is different. I do feel they will approve you so stay POSITIVE and keep that in mind! In case they do not, which I REFUSE to believe, just know you have options, and bigger fish to fry to get approval!
Topic: Lindy...
Hey girl...
I just wanted you to know that WE LOVE YOU. I am sorry about all this mess that is happening right now but it will pass. If you need anything...I'm just an email away. Remember...WE LOVE YOU here and we need you.
Topic: RE: Echo tomorrow..please remember me in your thoughts.
Hey Joni....
I miss you too. I worked the weekend. I promise to let everyone know the results as soon as I know. I ran in to Lindy last night when I got online at work. I'm glad I did cause bless her heart she needed her friends right then. There was another post that got out of hand today but it has since been pulled (on the BB). I don't know why people can't just get over all this. I wonder if anyone ever thought of the fact that even though they may think one person is stirring stuff up that it could be another person impersonating someone just to get rid of the person they don't want around. It's sad guys and people are getting hurt that shouldn't. I love Lindy...and I love you Joni and everyone else..but honestly some of the folks on OH need to grow up.
Topic: RE: Echo tomorrow..please remember me in your thoughts.
Thank you Kim...your support means a lot to me.