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What about a B&B in the mountains...Chattanooga has some interesting looking things:
Hope this helps...if it sounds good but you don't see anything you like...let me know, I'll look through some things and we'll see if we can't find you something! can stay for free at L'Hotel du Becky...I know the manager and she makes a killer omelette on Saturday mornings! For that could hang out with us on Friday and then head up to Chattanooga on Saturday! Just an idea...
At least in Biloxi you are only an hours drive away from NEW ORLEANS! We usually get a room in Biloxi, because they are cheaper and drive to New Orleans and hit the French Quarter, stroll along Burbon Street, hit the museums, take a carriage ride, go through the french market, have a nice dinner and drive back to watch the sunset on the beach. Maybe spend a day at the beach, the route is long enough you can find enough beach without being around the casino's. The scenic route drive along the beach from Biloxi to New Orleans is always fun too, we stop at little out of the way shacks that have the BEST seafood and Po Boys. It doesnt look like much but like Rachael Ray says "ask the locals" for the cheapest places to eat and things to do. You can even go to the Food Network and search that site that reccommends restaurants and out of the way places when visiting an area, I forget the name of the show, but it is worth looking into.
Have FUN and BE SAFE!
Love Ya!
Topic: RE: Effexor
Not yet. I haven't heard a word from the one application I sent in online. Now, my daughter is defintely moving out at the end of the month and I hope they decide to go on and get married first, so if they do, once I get her married off and moved out , I can have my life back to go to Birmingham and do some serious looking!
Love Ya!
Topic: RE: Girls night still on Friday...RSVPs needed!
Okay...crazy question I know, but I'm asking 'cause I don't know...who is Dixie? And we will do it again!
Love to you too,
Hey all! I've decided to take next Monday and Tuesday off from work and take a weekend trip because I am extremely tired and quickly becoming burnt out and on my DR's orders, I am taking a break (and even cosidering leaving the Blackberry at home )
Any ideas where we should go??? I thought about Tunica (rooms are only $49 per night......but Pam hates gambling)......The beach (cheapest hotel rate I can find in Panama City/Destin/Ft. Walton/Gulf Shores is $179 per night.....and I really don't want to spend that much)......Biloxi (rooms are $69 - $79 per night which is reasonable but Pam hates gambling....but there is a lot to do there.....sunset cruise, dinner cruise, etc) Any other ideas???
Topic: RE: Girls night still on Friday...RSVPs needed!
Dixie & I won't be able to be there this time.
We are sorry. PLEASE, do this again! We really want to meet everyone!!
Love ya lots,