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Topic: RE: Quote that I feel is fitting of the disaster of Katrina and the efforts to recover
Hey Kim,
You are very welcome. My son was really upset yesterday. Kids get affected by things sometimes and we don't really realize it. Jeremy heard a song on the radio that had been played on t.v. He started crying. He said that was the song that played when it showed the hurricane and people talking of having to let the hands go of loved ones to save themselves. Jeremy has always been very tender hearted. We sat in the are and cried for I know 15 or 20 minutes. I have been trying to help me son understand "Why" things like this happen. I have even been in touch with my more spiritual side. I hope I don't offend anyone here but it's made me think about my life and my religion. I'm glad you liked the quote. I really liked it to.
How are you doing???????
Beth G
Topic: I'm going to the SEX board
and changing my name to Pouty Poochie if ya'll don't come out and play with me dammit!!!
Where are you all hiding???
I need to talk
Happy Friday!!!
Joni - how are you feeling? (Did Antonio and Melanie kidnap you and cover you in cheese dip and take you to Figi to be their personal love slave???
Becky - I've never seen you this quiet
(girl you know I love you more than my luggage
Gail - How tall are you?? I have some jeans that might fit you (the promise of new clothes usually gets them to come out!!)
Renee - Are you out shopping for more Hoochie clothes for me to steal from you???
Sandy - Did you float away on that pontoon boat??? We need to hear about your new job (get your butt in here and give us the scoop
And the rest of you too............did you all move and leave me behind again???

Topic: RE: Quote that I feel is fitting of the disaster of Katrina and the efforts to recover
How completely appropriate Beth! I may even borrow this quote as I start organizing my companie's fund raising efforts. We lost our branch in Biloxi and several of the employees there lost everything. As bad as I THINK my petty life problems are, I have certainly been reminded in the past week that I REALLY have NO problems compared to those affected by this tragedy.
I'm going to be thankful today for my life and it's blessings. Thanks for sharing these beautiful words with us this morning

Topic: Quote that I feel is fitting of the disaster of Katrina and the efforts to recover
"Whenever evil befalls us, we ought to ask ourselves, after the first suffering, how we can turn it into good. So shall we take occasion, from one bitter root, to raise perhaps many flowers."
Leigh Hunt (1784 - 1859)
When I read this I think about the horrible disaster and I also think of all of our brothers and sisters out here that want to unite to help one another. Let US be seeds and help all become flowers.
Beth G
Topic: RE: Joni's surgery pictures link
No need to be embarrassed Becky, you were just demonstrating the facial expressions for the roosters. I LOVED those things! They were just too funny.
Looks like I slept through the whole incident.

Hey Kim,
I am feeling sinuses are still screwy but my head is bursting like it was. Jeremy got antibiotics for his toe, it is ingrown as I suspected, where it has been trying to grow back after falling off. We are going to see if it comes on out. It looks funky...i call him my funky toe boy...LOL
Sorry to hear about your Baby's toe Beth. That sounds painful
Are you feeling better?

I am off to take Jeremy to the Dr. to have his toenail looked at. The original nail came off back at the end of May and the toenail has slowly began to come back. The problem is that the nail has grown about halfway, is really thick and now the side has become red and has some's time to go see the doc. We have soaked it and kept it clean and it has been doing this for several days. I will be home later.
Love yall,
That's what _I_ wanna know! Where is everyone!
I need you all too.
I've got an appt. today but will be home before noon probably, so hopefully we can all get together and chat soon.
I'm just struggling trying to get protein and water in.....sigh. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I didn't think getting WATER in was going to be difficult.
Ok, I'm off to take a shower.
Love you guys,