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Topic: RE: I'm going to the SEX board
Dear Melanie,
From what I understand about this situation, Joni has become quite the HOT ticket!! As glamorous and beautiful as YOU are, I am sad to be the one to deliver this bad news, You simply cannot hold a candle to our, as heartbroken as I know this piece of information leaves you, would you consider moving to the Southern US and putting on a pair of daisy dukes and becoming a farm girl
???? Just some food for thought....I want you to know that there are other options for you!! I will not hold you any longer as I know you have your hands full with your new duties.......just make sure that Joni gets plenty of Water and Protein and give her my best.
Best Regards,
Pouty Poochie

Topic: RE: I'm going to the SEX board
Well...I guess I'll go play at the prison on the hill. I work all weekend at Brookwood Hospital...LOL I need to get out of this house this coming up week and do something for me. I have been with my rag a muffin kids all week. Jessica has been sick...just went back to school after the last 2 days. Jeremy was out of school yesterday and had a funky toenail...LOL, Jacob is just Jacob...he's a cutie baby. But mom....she needs some me time. Yesterday I took Bill's truck and traded it for Jessica a car. She has been driving the F150 since she wrecked her Kia and it is just so darn expensive on gas. We bought my hubby a new Ford Ranger when Jessica wrecked her car and I didn't want another payment so I found a great deal for her. I got her a small Ford Focus coupe, all leather, all power, sport and traded even for Bills truck. It is a 2001, but's looks good and drives good. Good cool air, keyless entry, ect...very sharp. It has more miles on it than her Kia did. Her Kia was 2004 with 7000 miles on it when we bought it and still had less than 12000 miles on when she totaled it. My hubby didn't want another KIA so we traded for a used car. My hubby's friend at work has a same year model Focus, except hers is a wagon...and it has almost 200,000 miles on it. I hope Jessica's last that long. It has 80000 miles on it and was $7500. I checked blue book and that is pretty accurate. Anyone have experience with these cars? I figure it will do her for a few years....if she doesn't wreck it...I pray not. I didn't want to have another payment since we bought my hubby a truck with a payment to replace her RIO, plus I figured that it would be good for her car to be paid for. I still kept full coverage on it just in case.
Oh well, I didni't mean to ramble on.
Beth G

Topic: RE: Quote that I feel is fitting of the disaster of Katrina and the efforts to recover
Beth, I just love Jeremy! He's such a sweetheart. John and Debbie loved him too, especially John! Give him a hug for us!
Love you,
Topic: RE: I'm going to the SEX board
Dear Pouty Poochie,
Joni is too busy at the moment here in Figi with Antonio and I. I'm so afraid that he is going to fall in love with her....oh, who am I kidding? It has already happened. I can only come in the house on occasion to replenish the cheese dip (which she wants me to add protein powder to!) and make sure there are plenty of towels when they want to wash up and go for a swim in the beautiful blue waters here in Figi. I fear I am just the 5th wheel here, but every once in a while, they ask me to join them in their activities, and since Joni is weighing only 335 at the moment, she is definitely hot, hot, hot, so I can only give in and accept that I am now the 2nd wife in command. Speaking of command, Joni is yelling something about some water to sip on.... I must go.
Yours truly,
Topic: RE: I'm going to the SEX board
Hey Gail!! I've been missing you Girl. I'm sorry to hear you've got a sick baby. I will keep him in my prayers. It's so pitiful when the little ones are sick.
i really do have some clothes ........ I'm wearing mostly 8's now, so I have some 10's and 12's if you want them.
Love you honey

Topic: RE: I'm going to the SEX board
Gail! Thank you for the package! It made my day! (Well, other than the part about the postman waking me up to get it
I needed to get up anyway though.)
Need to get moving today too, but all I want to do is sit here and chill out.

Topic: RE: Quote that I feel is fitting of the disaster of Katrina and the efforts to recover
I can totally understand how the despair of it sneaks up on you. I think it hit me on Monday. I was sitting out by the pool....Pam discovered a great New Orleans Jazz/Zydeco music channel on the Satellite and we'd been blasting it all weekend (I'm sure the neighbors appreciated that
) I had gotten up and washed my car - feeling guilty for 'wasting water' essentially when there were people without drinking water for a week - and as I relaxed trying to read a book just hit me and I just started balling. Luckily Pam knows me well enough that she didn't even have to ask what the problem was. She just held me and went and got our wedding pictures (we were married in New Orleans)....brought me my journal and a beer and let me sit there and cry and write and get it all out. After a few hours, I don't know that I felt 'better'....but I had some peace of mind. I came into work the next day and discovered that our Biloxi office was gone and they asked me to start organizing a fund raiser for the families and employees who lost in some small way, I do get to make a difference, I guess. For that I am truly thankful and praising my God too.
Congratulations to you for raising such a tender hearted son. That is truly a blessing in itself and certainly says something about his MOM
Love you Honey and hope you have a great weekend

Topic: RE: I'm going to the SEX board
Clothes, did you say clothes?
Girl I have been so busy and Dakota has been at the office with me that past 2 days due to illness so I have been away from the boards alot. I will be better, I promise.
Now about those jeans...

Topic: RE: I'm going to the SEX board
Cause you are the only one that's been playing with me the last two days!!!! BTW, Pam lost a toenail a couple of years ago and the only thing that seemed to give her relief was to soak it in warm epsom sal****er.....I'm sure you know that b/c you are such a good nurse, but thought I would throw it out there! And it Took OVER a YEAR for the nail to completely grow back .... and it looked very FUNKY for a long time. I still tease her about her funky toes too
What you doing this weekend?