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Topic: What are you all doing?
This Weekend??? I think I've jumped up and down enough about Biloxi that EVERYBODY knows what I'm doing but let me jump some more
We aren't leaving until Sunday but I am just so excited that I don't have to come back to wor****il next Wednesday
I miss ya'll!!! Talk to me girls
Is everybody out enjoying the sunshine except me??
Topic: RE: Sleep study.
As you go along the process you will see that it does not go as quickly as you think, I was disappointed to see how slow the wheels turned. It took 3 more months after insurance approval to finish tests to just get a date!.
I had to have so many consultations and tests that others did not have to have like mammogram and GYN (family history of breast and other cancers), problems found but thank goodness no cancer, so had to have outpt surgery to take care of those, then had to have colonoscopy because my grandfather had colon cancer and yup, found a small polyp they removed which if not found could have turned into cancer. I have a cousin right now, slowly dying from colon cancer and he isnt much older than me. It just all depends on what your surgeon wants you to go through. My process took 5 months, my co workers took 3 but she used a different surgeon too.
This time right now is the hardest time of the process, once you just through all their hoops it seems like everything else happens overnight.
Topic: RE: OK, here are the photos...
I know the feeling! I am Sponge Bob'd to death around here, they watch it everyday and on top of it have every spongebob movie or DVD ever put out so far! Everything the kids own is SPONGE BOB and he used to get on my nerves but Im used to him now
Topic: RE: grace
As I posted on the YAHOO group, I do not understand WHY C~ feels the need to parent the whole freakin world???? Sorry, I just don't get it.
Topic: grace
Original Post by Carolyn ~ at 11:02 AM CST on 06/17/2005
Alabama, AL
Is is possible to require validation of e-mail accounts to those who have profiles on Obesity Help?
For example--Graceaga Alerteyes who is posting to this forum under a
false profile, has a false e-mail address listed in their profile.
In knowing who this individual is--or being almost 100% positive as to their identity, their agenda is clear. If the moderator's need a direction to look in order to identify this individual, please contact me and I will
point you in the right direction...
So--this individual comes here to post and then has a fake e-mail address so that no one can reply to them individually. E-mail is a much
better tool for replies in order to keep some of the confusion off the boards but when people are creating false personas and using false or
invalid e-mail addresses it removes this possiblity.
What possible agenda could one have if they are posting under a false email and profile, other than to try to cause problems and confusion without accepting responsibility for their actions?
Just curious about the possibility of validating e-mails when profiles are created.
Topic: RE: Sleep study.
I called the doctor's office. They are requesting I be give the first cancellation. Hope that works. Thanks for the idea, Kim!
Topic: RE: Girl's Night is tomorrow!!!
Y'all have a great time too! I'll take pictures if I can find the digital camera...and yes, we'll do another one soon!
Topic: RE: Girl's Night is tomorrow!!!
We'll definitely do this again...hopefully you can make it next time! I'll try to plan a little more in advance for the next one!
Topic: RE: Girl's Night is tomorrow!!!
Thanks Gail! Hope you have a great weekend! We'll plan some more of these later on...maybe you can make it another time!