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Topic: RE: Girls Night a sucess
Wish I could have been there. If I had not of had a prior engagement, I would have loved to come, and brought Joni with me. Instead I went to a dinner/fundraiser for a mission trip to Honduras (I had bought ticket earlier).
Experience and age have taught Joni and me one important lesson--GIRL FRIENDS ARE SO MUCH BETTER and a lot less painful than the men we have had in our lives. We would have loved Girls' Night Out.
Topic: RE: Still not feeling better...
Beth, I'm so sorry that you're not feeling any better yet. You said that when you went to the ER the last time you they didn't do everything they needed to. With you being a nurse, and knowing there are things that they're not doing that they should be...then PUSH THEM to do the things they need to. As far as the waiting till Monday...I wouldn't wait. I would go on and have it checked. You are your own best advocate...don't settle for less than what you need and DESERVE! I understand about your being between a rock and a hard place...I hope things get better soon!
Becky (who will b*tch until things are done right!)
Topic: Still not feeling better...
Hey everyone. I tried to call my doc on the way home from work and never got a return call. I took a muscle relaxer when I got home and I was out until around 1245. I called the doc office when i got up and the nurse said she wasn't there and she would recommend I go to the E.R. I was going to and didn't. I just went 2 weeks ago and they didn't do everything they should then. No chest xray...ect. If I did go I would go to a different E.R. than the one I went to. I am wheezing pretty badly and hurt in my hurts to breathe. My foot is still killing me no matter if I am lying sitting or standing. I prop it up and it still hurts. It is going to be murder walking on it the next 2 nights 12 hour shifts. I have to work, and noramally I love being a nurse, but the weight kills me enough without any additional problems. I don't know whether to go to the E.R. or just wait until Monday. I can't take off work unless I am hospitalized or it's unexcused. I can only have 4 unexcused days and I lose my baylor nurse position. I already have one from my last E.R. visit. I feel like I am between a rock and a hard place. I wish I would wake up and feel better and find a note from the insurance in my mailbox that my surgery was approved.
I am sorry for being so whiney but I am really hurting and need to talk to someone and you guys are my "family" so I need you'll. Please keep me in your thoughts. I just want to feel better. If I can just make it until my surgery is approved...I think after surgery that I will feel better with weight loss.
I have to go weigh in at weigh****chers in the morning and then I have to come home and rest so I can do the next 2 nights of 12's. I don't know that I will be online much but please, please just remember me in your thoughts. I love you all and I appreciate it.
Topic: Girls Night a sucess
Hey everybody! We had a great time tonight...there were only a couple of us, but we laughed and talked for hours! If you weren't able to come, make plans to be there next time. I'm a sleepy sleepy I'm off to bed! Good night friends...sweet dreams!
Topic: talk 2 me
since I have been sitting here just stareing at this screen (not surfing just stareing) and looseing what little bit of a mind I have, think I will sit and stare in the chatroom, come talk 2 me if you pop in.
Topic: RE: What are you all doing?
I'm so JEALOUS!! I want to meet JONI!! and go eat mexican with you two. I'm gonna have to find my way up there soon!!
I'm glad ya'll had a great time. Next time, maybe invite a sister or two????
Topic: RE: I Feel Loved!
You should feel loved!! Wow.....when do I get to be queen for a day
Love you girl
Topic: RE: I Feel Loved!
Im following you around. Im happy you have Jacquie so close to you to help you out, she sounds like a wonderful friend to have. I was wondering where you had run off today. I havent done a thing but bathe, dress, threw on some make up, drank coffee and been back n forth to this puter today. I am so bored it is unreal but dont feel like doing a thing either.
I currently have 3 four year olds, a 5 month old, and soon the 17 month old will be here, all in the living room with the mama's. Its my grandsons birthday party and I dont even feel up to it tonight. If it wasnt for that Id still be in pj's, more than likely.
I dunno what it is, I just have the blah's... probably because I have packed boxes lined up and down the hallway, covering the dining room table, Im finding half my stuff disappearing on its own but Im not saying a word, this just means in a few short weeks I will have the house to myself. YYYYYYYYYYIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!