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Topic: RE: Just Curious & Wondering WHY?
Hey Lindy! Been missing you around here! and Dixie too (tell her to get her tail over here and play with us
I never really had any 'problems' per se with anyone particular on the BB.....I just never fit in there and felt ignored most any time that I would post. I've never really been one to be with the 'in crowd' and have always preferred smaller more intimate groups of friends......not to mention the fact that I embrace diversity and let's face it.....MOST of the 'major players' in the BB do NOT embrace people that they perceive to be different or have different ideas, ways of life than they do. Different strokes for different folks, ya know? I still read the BB and if I felt the need to respond, I guess I would.....but haven't felt that need thus far.....but hell, I read the sex boards, spouses of WLS boards, abuse boards, main board etc....yes, I'm a lurker in a lot of places
Love you honey and DONT be a STRANGER

Topic: Just wondering
I'm sitting here at 3:00 in the morning solving the worlds problems
and wondering what you all think about something.....let me give you a little background......
Recently, I ran into an aquaintance that I've known for 15 years or so. Throughout the time I've known her, her weight has always fluxuated (much like mine has). I had heard that she'd had WLS and had severe complications. Well, when I ran into her she proceded to tell me the story of her WLS.......She 'only' weighed 215 pounds in December of last year when she had her initial consultation and therefore did not qualify for surgery. By March, she had intentionally gained 40 pounds (keep in mind I heard this first it's not hearsay) went back to the Surgeon, got her approval and had surgery a few weeks later. She had severe pain the night after her surgery and when they did her leak test the next morning, found that she had over 7 liters of blood in her abdomen and was rushed to emergency surgery to repair the leak. She has had problems with her recovery, needless to say. She told me that she wishes she'd never had surgery and that she would not recommend it to anyone.'s what I'm wondering. In the past few months, it seems that I am hearing increasingly that people are intentionally gaining weight to qualify for WLS. Do you think it's wrong to intentionally gain weight to have WLS? I know that in the five years that I researched WLS, as my weight 'yoyo'd', at times I didn't qualify for surgery and was even denied once 2 years into the process. I did end up gaining weight (and many more health problems) but it was NOT intentional. Also, do you think that the segment of people that WOULD intentionally gain weight to qualify are somewhat responsible for the insurance companies becoming so much stricter on their guidelines for getting people qualified?
I think about my friend Janet's daughter who is 22 years old and weighs over 450 pounds. For 3 years, she's been denied for WLS. She was on her first Physician supervised diet at 4 years that's 18 years of 'doctor supervised diets' ....... yet she is still being denied by BC/BS. I think about all that Joni and so many other's went through to have this life saving procedure and it almost makes me feel guilty because I got approved so easily and I 'only weighed' 270 pounds.
I hope ya'll don't blast me.........I'm not judging anyone......just asking for your opinions.

Topic: RE: Just Curious & Wondering WHY?
Hey Lindy,
I am not ok with the way we were treated by SOME on the Bama Board. However I don't think that everyone there was the problem. There are some really nice people there too. I have been posting more there because I would like to find some support locally too. I don't have anyone really close to you and Dixie, Becky L and Renee, Joni and Jacquie....I love you all but you are all far away from me and I can't go meet you for lunch when I need to talk or cry on someone's shoulders. I know who to watch my back around...and if someone gets snappy with me...I'll snap right back. I just decided that I wasn't going to let a few dummies there keep me from posting if I want to. I hope that doesn't make anyone upset with me. I love you guys.
Beth G
Topic: RE: Need your prayers/good thoughts/ positive energy
Know that I love you and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm only a click or a call away if you need an ear...give Pam my love!

Topic: RE: Need your prayers/good thoughts/ positive energy
Hey Kim,
Your daughter's family...and YOU and Pam are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love ya,
Topic: RE: Need your prayers/good thoughts/ positive energy
Hi Kim,
I said a prayer for the family and will continue to lift them in prayer.
Topic: Need your prayers/good thoughts/ positive energy
Hey Ya'll. We've had a helluva weekend with Pam's daughter and her husband. I can't go into all the details now..... but please please keep Daphne (who is 12 weeks pregnant), Daniel (her husband), Evan (Daniel's 8 year old son), Morgan (Daniel's 6 year old daughter), Ashlyn (Daniel and Daphne's 2 year old daughter) in your thoughts and prayers. They are facing a terribly trying time right now and any positive energy sent their way can only help. Thanks in advance
Love you all,

Topic: RE: KIM
Good morning! Sorry I missed you last night......I'm trying to have an Arthritis flare up so I went to bed early last night (hot time Saturday night
).....damn I'm getting old!
We are off this morning to Mountain Top Flea Market but I'll catch up with you later. I hope you have a great day

Topic: RE: I'm going to the SEX board
Im so sorry, YES I got the email, I just havent had time to reply to my email or read much of it this past week. I probably wont be ordering anything for a few weeks because of this change in jobs. I am the only income in the household, right now, so Im watching my pennies closely as my grandma would say
Im just hoping gas does not go up any more until I can get the loan for the other car...anyway, will have you a order in a few weeks.