Well, obviously I've been out of pocket this week...I've been working 12 and 13 hour days at the school the last few days and tonight is the first time I've been on the board this is about all I can say right now.
Because of mental and physical exhaustion I'll sum up my feelings briefly:
Traci, please give FB my love...let her know that I"m thinking of her.
Everyone else...I love you guys and appreciate you. I'm sorry that I've been MIA since school has started back...I'm just not into the groove yet. I've read through all the posts but have not responded to any simply because typing what I'm doing is taking all the energy that I have.
Mike leaves on Sunday morning for AZ. He'll be gone till Thurs. if anyone wants to get together on Sunday afternoon or for supper one night. I worked till after 8:00 last night so I wouldn't have to bring anything home over the weekend. I'm hoping to rest some this weekend.
I've decided to not start teaching piano and voice lessons until Oct. My next Time Mgt. workshop that I'm teaching is the 24th, and the next SLAH party is Oct 1. Once I get back into the routine at school I'll be okay, but right now...its kicking me HARD.
I love you...and miss you.