Just Curious & Wondering WHY?
Hey Lindy,
I am not ok with the way we were treated by SOME on the Bama Board. However I don't think that everyone there was the problem. There are some really nice people there too. I have been posting more there because I would like to find some support locally too. I don't have anyone really close to me..like you and Dixie, Becky L and Renee, Joni and Jacquie....I love you all but you are all far away from me and I can't go meet you for lunch when I need to talk or cry on someone's shoulders. I know who to watch my back around...and if someone gets snappy with me...I'll snap right back. I just decided that I wasn't going to let a few dummies there keep me from posting if I want to. I hope that doesn't make anyone upset with me. I love you guys.
Beth G

I'm with the rest of the posts. There were some people on the BB that I truly loved. When I had my surgery, I got so many terrific emails that I decided to go post again. Not that much, but on occasion. I won't ever forget what some of the people said to me, but there are some really good people there too.
I thought you were okay with them as well. I saw you posting to there and not on here, so I thought you were okay with them too. We've been missing you around here!
I may regret posting on the BB. The powers that be might start beating me up again, but when I need support and I post here and no one comes out to play, I need to find someone who will answer me. Especially now that I am so newly post-op. I am still feeling like hell and am not exactly sure why, so it helps to read all the boards.
But again, there are some truly good people on the BB...more than the bad ones. It's just that the bad ones were more vocal. So far no one has yelled at me about anything though, so maybe the ones who hated me are going to leave me alone and if they don't....oh well.
Well, speaking of feeling like hell, I am off to go lie down again. I have to go to Decatur tomorrow so hopefully I will feel like driving.
Love ya'll,
Hello Linda. I haven't been on any board very much because this summer has been so busy. You have a great deal to offer on any board. It is good to see all you ladies, Renee, Beth, Jacee, Joni, I hope I didn't miss anyone. The Bama Board is for the Alabama family. Just as in any family we are all different yet we all have something in common.
I wish you happiness and joy.
Brenda A.