on 9/13/05 1:24 am - Master of my Own Life
on 9/13/05 1:24 am - Master of my Own Life
I know I have been MIA here lately -- but if any of you remember me at all...
... I have some bad news regarding "Mom" (Free Butterfly). Typically I will get several emails from her during the week, but last week I hadn't received any - so I called to check in on her over the weekend. She has been back in the hospital -- her gallbadder was removed as well as her entire colon (they discovered she has colon cancer). She will be recovering for about a month before she goes back to have a port inserted into her shoulder and will start chemotherapy following.
I know you guys don't know her that well (save for Renee) - but wanted to give you all an update since I know you've all had some interaction with her.
I hope all is well with everyone and I'm sorry I have not been around. I finally got moved last weekend -- started class this past weekend -- and have been trying to get my life organized and in order. Things are happening all over the place and I'm managing to keep it together. I'm safe, happy, and healthy -- so I cannot ask for more!
Love you guys --
Traci / "Perry"

I am so very sorry to hear this sad news but from the little exposure I've had to 'Mom' I've witnessed her beautiful spirit and I know that she is a fighter. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything that I can do for either of you, please let me know!
Love you