I am finally home. I arrived home at 9:00 p.m. Tuesday night (last night). I had my first real meal (egg and cheese) at the cracker barrell, but I had to blot my egg and cheese to rid it of excess fat (I first typed 'excess gas' -- shows you what has been going on with me).
As for surgery, I came out feeling great; however, it was discovered morphine makes me itch like crazy so I came off it. Then I had horrible pain in my left shoulder. If you remember, my arm was broken and, while Dr. Freeman really babied it during surgery, the pain later was awful.
In addition, my oxygen level has not been what it should be. Dr. Freeman had to call in a pulmonary doctor who put me on antibiotics and continual oxygen support. My oxygen level got down to 70%. It is now around 89% and I am on oxygen support at home. I am not, nor have I ever been, a smoker.
I was in the hospital seven days and am glad to be home. I am now at the time where I expect to feel a little better everyday. During it all, I never once doubted my decision to have the surgery.

I'm so glad to see you back and posting! I have been wondering about you. By the way, when you called the hospital to check on Joni the day of her surgery, I was the one wondering which hospital you were at!
My family is from Anniston and I was going to come visit you! I guess with the morphine, you didn't know who I was or maybe the name just didn't ring a bell. Oh well, I'm glad you're back home!