It could be worse
I'm feeling really selfish today. We've been without power and telephone service since 11:00 Monday night and it doesn't look like they will be back on anytime soon. I was not able to get in to work yesterday due to down trees. Luckily, we did not have any real damage, just trees and debris everywhere. So essentially, I've been out of touch with the media until this morning when I got to work. I am in a state of absolute shock over the devestation from the Hurricane. My company has a branch in Biloxi that is gone. All of the employees from that office have lost nearly everything. And here I was b*tching about being hot because I don't have air conditioning. After seeing all of the pictures on the internet that I can handle looking at, I'm so very very thankful today and promise to not cuss out Alabama Power anymore. my inconvenience is NOTHING compared to what so many people are facing today and in the days to come.
I hope everyone is doing ok. I will check in with you all as I can.

Hi Kim,
Any of your fellow employees around the panhandle of FL area? We are thinking of opening our home to some of the evacuees. My husband is scared of getting robbed, but we have two extra bedrooms that are only used 4 days a month (stepkids). It's just been heavy on my heart and I don't really know how else to help. Short on cash, if you know what I mean? Man, I just went to the orthodontist today and got bad and worse news. To start my treatment to alleviate my TMJ it's gonna cost almost $5000, but I got an approved medical loan at 9.9% for 48 months. The worse? He said if the conservative treatment didn't work, I was looking at going to Atlanta for reconstructive surgery. Yikes! And he said I could possibly be losing my hearing day by day due to the acuteness of my TMJ. Oh dang and double dang. Anyway, if you know of anyone that's trustworthy and in need of a place to stay, email me.