Beth G. U ROCK GIRL!!!
Patient advocacy is your calling!! You would do well working in that setting. You remind me of myself in alot of ways and Im so glad I had the chance to meet you today!!! Its 11pm, I just spoke with Joni, and she is exhausted but she got her dose of Lortab
and is going to try to get some rest. I hope you get some rest too and I will be in touch.
Love Ya!

Thank you so much Sandy for the compliment, it really means a lot to me. I went by to see Joni this afternoon and introduced her to my hubby. Joni looks great and feels better today. She is going to be leaving the hospital today and will be staying at the apt. in Hoover with her friend Debbie. Debbie has been amazing, she is so lucky to have her. Anyway, I am going to lie down and get some rest before I have to go in to work this evening. I hope we can get together soon again, I really enjoyed meeting you.
Love Ya too,