Happy Friday!
Morning everyone! Renee and I went down to Birmingham Wed. night, had dinner with Kim and her family (had a great time!!!) and were able to join Kim, Beth G. and Joni's friend, Debbie at the hospital for Joni's surgery. I should have posted yesterday when we got back, but I was sooo tired...not just tired, but sleepy the last 45 minutes of the drive...I had to work to stay awake.
We had a good trip though. Joni was doing very well though and telling great stories about KMart, of which I had to completely take to another side splitting sick sick level!
Entertainment in the room included my mouth and latex, rubber chickens, and hiding things in the shower.
I haven't talked to or heard from anyone this morning. I was able to talk to Sandy yesterday at the hospital...and that was a treat! Sandy, I left a package for you with Debby...she also has a catalog to give to Dixie for Lindy.
Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend...I'm going to clean house a bit today, run some errands, and get ready for a time mgt. workshop I'm doing tomorrow afternoon. My SLAH Launch is Monday, so any of you that have catalogs and want to order something...let me know...if Monday is too early, let Linda know by Sept 10th, and she can add it to her party order...or you can visit either website, just contact us for details.
Love you!

I just tried to call Joni, the line is busy right now. Im so glad all of you were able to be there with her. I cant wait to hear the Kmart story! Im off to get dressed and hit the road. Thanks for leaving me the magazines. Catch up when I get back later this evening. It was nice, talking to you too