One More Week!
I can't believe it's this close!
I went to Birmingham today for my pre-op stuff, then Debbie, her husband and I went to dinner. I had such a good time! I haven't seen Debbie in over a year. We email all the time, but I haven't seen her. We can go years without seeing each other and then when we get together it's just like we're still in grammar school.
They were asking me who was going to be with me and I told them, pointing at her. They asked me if she was my sister or my friend. I told them, "Both!" I said, "We're sisters; we just have different parents."
Anyway, it was fun and we were giggling just like we were kids and the girl was laughing at us. It was fun.
I have been smiling so much lately! It's a weird feeling, but it's so nice. I could get used to this.
Love you all,
Joni, who is going to bed now because she is tard! (Tard is more wiped out than tired.)