Need Prayers
Hi Everyone,
Wow, I don't know what to say or how to ask for prayers for this new endeavor I'm about to embark on.
Saturday morning at 7:30am, I'll begin my testing with the Florida Highway Patrol. I have a written test at that time (which takes appx. 3 hours) and then I have a physical abilities test.
I'm really nervous. I've been preparing for the physical test hard for the past month; running everyday and working out with weights. I'm probably more than prepared for it, but am scared ****less. I am having no peace right now.
See, I've wanted to be a state trooper since I was in high school. Applied back in '93 and was turned down, mostly because of my weight. This has been a dream for over 15 years and it is finally coming to reality and I'm scared I'll fail.
Prayers never hurt. God has brought me to this and I'm sure he'll bring me through it. But I need extra help. I need extra doses of determination, heart, stamina, agility, grace and speed. Need some confidence, too.
I have six minutes to complete this course. I can walk a 1/2 mile in six minutes, so I'm feeling a little good about that, but then again, maybe not. I can jog a 1/2 mile in 4.5 minutes. Sprints are killing me. No matter how I stretch and warm up, I do a sprint and my thigh muscles feel like they are gonna rip in half. This is the test layout: 2-225 yd. runs, 2-50 yd. sprints, completing an obstacle course and dragging a 150lb dummy 100 ft. These two tests are just the beginning of the journey. If I pass Saturday, I still have to pass about 5 more tests (psych, medical, background, eye, credit check). And of course if I get accepted, pass the academy.
So, if ya'll have nothing better to do, at least think kindly of me Saturday.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers...just believe that things will work out the way that they're supposed to. Rest in that...sometimes what we want and what we need are different...but no matter what...each day you're closer to where you are supposed to be! I'm hoping everything works out like you want it to!
Your reply put a big smile on my face! I wish I could be there for you while you are having surgery and recuperating. What a miracle for you. I've been praying for it all along. Maybe with the blessings that are being bestowed, my dream will become a REALITY!
Thanks for always being in my corner,
PS-love you too!

Take a DEEP breath, breathe out S L O W L Y. repeat as necessary, Stay positive, dream it, live it, be it. Whatever you want with your heart, you CAN achieve. I know prayers never hurt, I say them often so rest assured you have mine. Most importantly, remain calm and give it 110%. I know you can do this and I know you will pass.