Gotta question for you, my sisters....
Several people have mentioned that they can't come see me while I'm in the hospital, but will be able to come up on the weekend. I may still be in the never know, but I'm assuming, if I do well, that I will be kicked out at about 11am on Saturday.
Some have asked me if they can visit me at the apartment I will be staying in. Since it's not my apartment or even my friend's appt. (it's her brother's,) I don't really feel comfortable asking if I can have friends over. However, Debbie might like to have some help with me, for all I know.
But, neither Debbie or John know any of you, they haven't been on this website and they are doing me a huge favor as it is.
If you were doing this for a friend...allowing me to stay in your apartment while you weren't there, would you want people in there that you didn't know?
I just thought I would ask your opinions before I broached the subject with Debbie....
I want to see everyone, but it's not my apartment.
Hopefully everyone who comes up on the weekend can come early on Saturday, but still, I would love to be able to see everyone who makes the effort to come that far to see me.
Let me know what ya'll think.
Hmmm, you're right about that. I am more than likely not going to be up to too much for a while. Since I have so much trouble getting up out of chairs, out of bed, to begin with, due to my arthritis and fibromyalgia, I am probably going to be screaming with the strain of trying to pull myself up with 6 holes in me. There are times even now when I will "holler" getting up and I am straining so much that I feel like things are tearing inside me. I sometimes wonder if the neighbors are going to hear me scream out and call the police. So I am not going to be too happy ANYTIME I have to get up. Since I won't be able to use my arms to pull myself up, I am going to be in trouble, trouble, trouble. Poor Debbie. She just doesn't know what she in in for.
Of course, if I had a bunch of people there, maybe we could hook me up to a pully and....
The physical therapist who showed me how I will to be getting out of bed, etc....was telling me how to do the log roll and then use the power of my legs to stand up. I explained to her that my legs don't work, and her response was "Well, they're going to HAVE to." Yep, that's what they earn the big bucks for.
I am so worried about being able to get up out of the bed and chairs. Here at home, when I wake up, I have to pee RIGHT THEN. And I have to hurry to make it to the bathroom. So when I need to get up after surgery, I am just terrified of not being able to make it to the bathroom. I am going to be MORTIFIED if I pee all over John's carpet or worse, his bed. I'm hoping they will keep me in the hospital an extra night for me to heal better, but they only have approval from the insurance for two nights, so I am going to have to get well enough to get out of there.
But...whatever. I'm having the surgery. Two years from now, it will be all worth it, no matter what goes on in the week after surgery.
Thanks for the advice Becky. I don't get much mileage of any sort these days.

Bless your heart, your analyzing this from every perspective. I wish I could do that with other stuff in my life! I will be working until I get the confirmation call, which I STILL havent gotton yet. You would think they were spinning my urine into gold threads and analyzing each and every cell it contains! I will call before I leave the house, if you have already left the hospital, I will plan to visit when you go back home. I will be having those 12 days off between jobs, remember. besides, you might need me worse on week 2, even tho I know it gets better and better everyday so week 2 we can enjoy each other's company over a protein shake
get out of the house and go walking at walmart
(thats how I started building stregth to walk alot...LOL) or sit on the balcony and cattle call cute guys. You decide.