Just How Goofy????
The Verset that they give you in preop makes me feel VERY relaxed and a little groggy so you really don't care what is going on. NOTE: this is the drug that Pam ALWAYS TRIES to 'pick my brain' on!! If you are gonna spill the beans about anything......this will be the time you do it
hmmmm note to self, """"what secrets can I get Joni to spill"""""
When they take you from preop (at least with my MANY surgeries) they take you right into the OR.....put you on a HARD table.....put the cuff things on your legs and put something in your IV and then you wake up in recovery. Probably 5 minutes after they take you to the OR, you are put under anesthesia. Oh yeah......it's really COLD in the OR. If you wear a CPAP, make sure that it is going to recovery with you.
I am always a little 'panicked' when I wake up in recovery and tend to want to cry.....but I think that's just me. They will give you drugs as soon as you wake up good and then you will be back out......You may or may not remember being in recovery. Your first thoughts may be of your room or you may not even remember anything until the next day even. Just depends on how you respond to anesthesia!
love you,

Oh my, I can see it now. All the family secrets revealed. However, I usually tell everything all the time anyway, even to strangers, so that's not going to be too much a stretch for me.
Just make sure none of my ex-husbands come in the room.
And just so my mama doesn't show up! I always spill my guts all the time to everyone...until I'm talkin' to my mama and then I will lie like a professional.
I still don't know what to tell her about my surgery. Of course, I'm not tellin' her nuthin' until after the fact, but it will be kind of hard to explain a 215 lbs weight loss. But I won't have to do that just quite yet.
Thanks for the notice. Hopefully I won't be singing "I'm a Wiccan, yes, I am! I'm a Witch, oh watch me summon the cute little waiter and make him call me Senorita Witch."
Oh well, if I do, it will be worth the sacrifice so you will all have a story to tell at the Christmas party (Yule Party for me) and laugh.
I know that won't happen though because I do not, do not, do not, sing.
Joni, Senorita Witch, whom you are about to see less of...

I dont remember much of anything at all. I got my IV, in the surgery prep area, NEVER even remember going into the OR at all, next thing I knew, I woke up in the same spot. It was just like going to sleep and waking up which is what it is...LOL... but you know what I mean. Some surgeries Ive had I remember going into the OR and getting on the table but not this time. Im just guessing they pretty much stripped me nakkid in there and just did what they had to do, glad I have no memory of it at all.
Morpheine pump made me goofy, and sleepy so I slept in between talking like I had a mouth full of cotton...LOL at least I had NO PAIN whatsoever... woooooo hoooooooo!
Weight loss surgery? Don't remember a thing. The anesthesiologist said he was gonna put something in my IV to make me relax. Yeah, right, put me right to sleep. Don't remember anything after he inserted that needle. Did wake up in pain in the hospital room, but that was due to the gas they pumped in me. My mom helped me with that by hitting my morphine pump for me every 6 minutes so I would stay knocked out.
Hernia Surgery? They wheeled me into the surgery room still awake. Put the TED stockings on me pre-surgery. Then wheeled me into the OR. Talked to me as they put me on the new table and strapped me down. Made sure I was warm because it definitely was cold in there. When the surgeon called to say he was ready they told me what to expect, answered any questions I had and then told me they were knocking me out. I don't remember waking up that day at all. So I guess I wasn't hurting.
You will do fine. The drugs they give you are really good.
All my best wishes,