The Religion Thing...
Ok, ya'll know who and what I am. But my friend Debbie does not. I don't know if it will come up in our week long slumber party, but she doesn't know it now. I'm not sure how to deal with the religion question on the hospital files, but if possible, I am just going to go with the flow and not create any waves.
So...if anyone happens to be in my room visiting, don't mention my religion. I know Debbie is pretty open about things, but I don't think she is ready to have it just least not yet.
Her brother John and I had a disagreement about it one time. We were talking and I sort of mentioned it in a round about way and he just about hit the roof and said something like, "You aren't one of those tree hugger, New Age idiots, are you?" or something like that.
That argument was a LONG time ago, probably 15 years ago. He might've changed his own mind in this length of time and after all, I was, at one time, the pianist in a Baptist Church, then I changed to Catholicism and almost became a nun, so I've come a long way Baby in my time too.
But, for my stay in the hospital, I should probably "lay low." I don't want to make these people mad at me since they are doing so much for me. I don't think they would get really MAD, mad and decide NOT to help me, but I just don't wanna make waves, you know what I mean?
So I just thought I would let ya'll know that just because Debbie and John have known me since the second grade, they don't know EVERYTHING.
Hopefully I won't babble something out in some goofy, drug-induced stupor....
I'm looking forward to that drug-induced stupor, by the way....
It usually takes a LOT to affect me, so I doubt it will even phase me, but you never know.

EVERYthing will work out just as it should. If you preregister at the hospital on Thursday, they will ask you about all that stuff then. But I think I remember hearing that the Chaplain at Shelby DOES come to pray with you before if you go along with that, she may JUST ASSUME that you are Christian ..... and it's up to you if you choose to tell her differently under the influence of a mood altering substance

I dont remember if that was asked, i think they asked if I had a preference and I cant remember what i told em but honestly I dont remember much of that day... My lips are sealed if I meet Debby. Tell John theres alot of us new age idiots running loose in the state...
Then again he kinda looks philosophical in his own way too.Kinda makes you think.