How can it be?
I hope ya'll don't think that I am bragging.....really, I'm not (ok, maybe in some backhanded way I am
)......But can anyone explain to me HOW IN THE WORLD can I have on size 8 jeans today and feel like a big fat cow? I DO have PMS but I feel SO FAT
My logical mind tells me that I'm not fat anymore......but I FEEL FAT.
Love ya'll

Its the body image thing, in my mind I still see the 302 pound woman Ive always been. My loss is noticeable and Ive gone down several sizes so I KNOW I dont look the same but in my mind, I STILL see myself as the same. It takes time to adjust to the new body image, sometimes years. I know this is why you have to undergo so much psych testing to start with. Sometimes people have a hard time seeing themselves as a thinner person, I know I was told to contact the psych when I had body image adjustment problems. I think I can treat myself, I havent stayed at Bryce for 17 years NOT to use that knowledge in some way
Seriously tho if it looks like it might be a problem adjusting to the new you, do give whoever did your psych testing a call. A little therapy never hurt anyone except those who do not seek it, when they need it. You do not strike me as a person who needs therapy, so dont get me wrong on this one
Its just useful information anyone can use that might have these issues. I do have anxiety attacks although less frequent since my surgery but if the self body image thing starts to give me problems and raises my anxiety then ubetcha Im calling mine in a heartbeat.
Its probably PMS. I think that will always makes us fat days regardless of what size we wear or how much we weigh. Its a hormone thing, we are born with, you are just going to have FAT DAYS during this time, no matter what. I think THAT is a given until you hit menopause and I can not wait for that myself. I would have hoped to have been there, and done that by this age tho. It gets on my nerves, the older I get and it doesn't happen...
NOW, who is the
Love Ya and I can only wish one of these days I can get in a size 8 but that isnt realistic, I will be happy in a 14 or 16 myself, anything else will be icing on the cake!

Well, Sandy, you might be right on the mark.....with all that is going on in my life these days, some good ol' therapy is PROBABLY in order
.....but i'm in denial
And you know in some weird way, I am not looking forward to menopause. I 'LIKE' my womanness and can't imagine being without my monthly friend. Even though i have no intentions of reproducing, I LOVE my ovaries ...... tell me now, I know I need to come check in to Bryce
Love you girl,